Periscope Pro Mac版 实时视频监控软件 v3.5.3(35300)

摘 要

Periscope pro是一款快速,简便,集成的一键式视频监控软件。这款软件使您在任何地方都可以看到家、孩子和宠物的情况!只需插入您的摄像头,或者使用Mac内置摄像头进行监控。

Periscope Pro Mac版 实时视频监控软件
所属分类:小于50M  远程控制 系统:macOS 10.14.6或更高版本 大小:10.51MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年05月30日


Periscope Pro mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款Mac视频监控软件,能够为用户提供带有声音和视频监控录像,用户可以在空闲的时候查看存储的视频录像,也可以通过它自动上传,进行远程视频监控
Periscope Pro Mac软件下载功能介绍
您可以使用知您网官网软件提供的Periscope Pro Mac破解版监控和/或记录任何东西——您的办公桌、您的前门、孩子的游戏室、婴儿房、您的度假屋——任何东西。借助运动检测、视频/录音和剪辑上传等功能,您将永远不会错过任何一刻(或者您最终会发现谁在偷您桌上的零食!)凭借其精密的运动和声音检测系统,

您可以将其设置Periscope Pro Mac破解版为仅在有内容可看时才录制(这样可以减少要整理的剪辑,并减少使用的存储空间。)如果需要,您也可以连续录制。剪辑存储在您的Mac上以供查看,并且可以自动上传到 Dropbox,因此您可以随时随地使用任何设备查看发生的事情!
Periscope Pro Mac软件下载功能特色
使用知您网分享的Periscope Pro破解版,您可以:
• 在离开时监视家庭办公室
• 查看孩子、宠物或年迈父母的情况
• 监视位于另一个城市、国家/地区或大陆的办公室
• 查看保姆的表现
• 监视您的工作空间、办公桌、文件和 Mac
• 监视您的存储设备、船、摩托车或露营车
• 连接至公共网络摄像头,捕捉火山爆发、流星或鲸鱼背翻的场面
• 监视您的服务器室或其他任何业务区域
Periscope Pro Mac软件下载功能特征
• 使用方便,1 分钟之内即可完成设置
• 支持网络摄像头 – 自动或手动设置 – 设置窗口预览可以查看工作状况
• 隐蔽操作
- 应用可以对用户隐藏
- 可以在屏幕保护程序或屏幕关闭状态下操作
• 多种操作模式 – 运动检测、音频检测,两者同时或连续模式
• 运动检测 – 设置灵敏度等级 – 可以忽视或检测如风吹皱窗帘的微小运动
• 音频检测 – 设置灵敏度等级 – 可以忽视或检测如宠物行走的特别声音
• 实时交互式激活调整 – 使用屏幕监视器窗口中的分级监视器设置动作/音频激活灵敏度
• 查看您移动/说话时的等级变化
• 挑选您需要的触发点 – 无需试验,没有错误猜测
• 将片段自动发送至您的 Dropbox 帐户 – 可以在任何地方使用任何设备查看片段
• 在同一个窗口中设置每个摄像头的首选项 – 内置、外部或网络摄像头
• 多个每秒传输帧数选项 – 1、5、10、15、25
• 存储空间小/资源利用率高 – 与其他大多数应用相比,可以节省 30% 的存储空间
• 用户控制型片段存储 – 可以存储在任何设备上的任何文件夹中
• 可以使用密码保护
• 全天候支持,保证 1 小时以内响应用户需求

Version 3.5

  • Periscope Pro 已更新至 macOS Ventura!体验改进的兼容性和更优秀的用户体验。立即升级,尽享 Mac版 上的终极视频监控解决方案。


Watch your home, kids, and pets from anywhere! Simply plug in your camera, use the Mac’s built-in one, IP camera, or use your iOS device as IP camera and feature-rich Periscope Pro does the rest. Easy to use, OS X El Capitan ready, motion detection, clip uploading, and much more!
You wanted a simple-to-use, fully-featured video surveillance app for your Mac, and Periscope Pro delivers!
Periscope Pro is compatible with the Mac’s built-in camera, or countless other third-party / stand-alone IP cameras. You can monitor and/or record anything – your desk, your front door, the kid’s playroom, the baby’s room, your vacation house – anything. With features like motion detection, video/sound recording, and clip uploading, you’ll never miss a moment (or you’ll finally find out who is stealing your snacks from your desk!)
With its sophisticated motion and sound detection systems, you can set it to only record when there is something to see (this leaves fewer clips to sort through, and less storage used.) You can also record continuously if you wish. Clips are stored on your Mac版 for viewing and can be automatically uploaded to Dropbox so you can see what’s happening from anywhere, with any device!
By themselves, IP Cameras can be difficult to setup, but it’s fast and easy with Periscope Pro (in fact, it’s downright automatic!) Just input the camera’s address and model, and it does the rest. The setup screen preview window allows you see what’s happening as you set it up, so there’s no need to switch between screens (yes, we thought of everything!)
If you need to monitor covertly, using a USB or IP camera lets you separate the camera from your Mac版 (so there’s no telltale green light) and hide the camera anywhere. Sneaky, huh?
But all of this ease of use and feature set wouldn’t be worth much if you couldn’t find and view the clips you want, right? So Periscope Pro makes it fast and easy. The integrated, one-click Clip Library has a large, full-screen expandable viewing window, complete with clip thumbnails/details in a scrollable frame on the right.
With Periscope Pro you can:
• Monitor your home office when you are away
• Watch your kids, pets or aging parents
• Monitor an office in another city, country or continent
• Check on the babysitter or nanny
• Keep an eye on your workspace, desk, papers, and your Mac
• Monitor your storage unit, boat, motorcycle, or camper
• Catch a volcano erupting, a shooting star, or whales breeching by connecting to a public IP camera
• Keep an eye on your server room or any other business area

Features & Benefits:
• Easy-to-use, sets up in less than 1 minute
• IP Camera support
 - Auto or manual setup
 - Setup window preview to see how it’s working
• Covert Operation
- App can be hidden from users
- Operates with screensaver or even with screen-off
• Multiple operating modes – Motion Detection, Audio Detection, Both or Continuous
• Motion Detection
 - Set sensitivity level– ignore or detect small movements like the wind ruffling a curtain.
• Audio Detection
 - Set sensitivity level – ignore or detect quite sounds like a pet walking
• Real-time interactive activation adjustment – set motion/audio activation sensitivity using level monitors in the in-screen monitor window
• See levels change as you move/speak
• Pick exactly the trigger points you want – no trial and error guessing
• Auto-send clips to your Dropbox account – view clips from anywhere on any device
• Set preferences for any camera in the same window – built-in, external, or IP Camera
• Multiple frames/second options – 1, 5, 10, 15, 25
• Small footprint / Highly resource efficient – 30% more efficient than most others
• User-controlled clip storage – any folder, any device
• Can be password protected
• 24/7 support response in 1 hour or less, GUARANTEED

Version 3.5

  • Periscope Pro has been updated for macOS Ventura! Experience improved compatibility and an enhanced user experience. Upgrade now for the ultimate video surveillance solution on your Mac.”


Periscope Pro for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Periscope Pro for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Periscope Pro for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Periscope Pro for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Periscope Pro for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Periscope Pro for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网
版本 下载 密码
3.5(35001) 立即下载 agtm
3.4.1(34100) 立即下载 agtm
3.3.1(33100) 立即下载 agtm
3.2.1 立即下载 agtm
3.2 立即下载 agtm
3.1.1 立即下载 agtm
文件下载 系统:macOS 10.14.6或更高版本 大小:10.51MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Intel/M1/M2芯片、Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: