InfoClick Mac 增强型电子邮件搜索工具 v1.2.8

摘 要

想要快速查找你所需要的电子邮件?InfoClick Mac破解版分享给知友们!InfoClick for Mac是一款增强型电子邮件搜索工具,不仅可以帮助用户浏览您的电子邮件以查看其中的信息,还可以使用Apple Mail中的帐户,邮箱和文件夹向下拉取,功能强大!还在等什么?有需要的朋友,千万不要错过!

InfoClick Mac 增强型电子邮件搜索工具
所属分类:小于50M  邮件处理 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.10或更高版本 大小:22.63MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2021年12月06日


InfoClick mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款增强型邮件搜索工具,InfoClick旨在与Apple的Mail应用程序一起使用,以浏览您的电子邮件,以查看其中的单词,联系人和信息。InfoClick准确地知道你用过的单词,所以没有猜测; 它提供了一系列简单选择逐步缩小比赛的指导过程。
InfoClick for Mac破解版功能特色
浏览您的电子邮件以查看其中的信息。InfoClick确切地知道 您的电子邮件中实际使用了哪些单词,所以没有猜测。这是一系列简单选择缩小比赛范围的指导过程。
在您优化搜索时,可排序匹配会 立即更新。
仅匹配带 附件的电子邮件或特定文件名。
使用Apple Mail中的帐户,邮箱和文件夹向下拉取
匹配 附件文件名或文件扩展名的特定部分
您可以搜索电子邮件中的 链接,包括所有网址组件
使用 否定排除您不想匹配的任何条款或标准


InfoClick is designed to be used with Apple’s Mail application to navigate through your emails to see the words, contacts, and information within. InfoClick knows precisely what words you’ve used, so there’s no guessing; it offers a guided process of progressively narrowing down the matches in a series of simple choices. That means you can’t ever produce a search with zero matches. For example, when you’re searching for all emails containing a particular word, InfoClick would show the completions “connection”, “connexion”, and (the misspelled) “connecsion”, if you’d actually used those words in your emails.
InfoClick offers additional features to make searching your emails easier. To see all emails received from educational organizations in the US, simply type .edu in the From field. With a single click, you can narrow-down your search to only those emails that had an attachment, and/or those received in a given date range, and/or those that contain specific words. You can choose, as alternatives, all displayed word spellings used in the emails, so you don’t miss an email because of spelling errors.
InfoClick also offers a note editor, allowing you to collect and organize links to emails, files, Web pages, and other URLs (notes are completely searchable).

Version 1.2.8:

  • Restored native support for Apple Silicon (M1).
  • Fixed: possible crash when indexing malformed emails at higher indexing speeds.
  • Changed: higher indexing speeds should use additional background resources.
  • Fixed: skipping draft emails should update the progress bar.
  • Fixed: don’t let users close the progress window.
  • Fixed: email counts in the progress window should be formatted using thousands separator.


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"InfoClick" Mac历史版本


文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.10或更高版本 大小:22.63MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1芯片运行
  • 知您微信公众号
  • 扫一扫,即刻“关注”
  • weinxin
  • 天天领红包
  • 小编得恩惠,麻烦友友了
  • weinxin


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