旧世界Old World Mac破解版下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款史诗级的经营策略游戏。一回合就是一年的时间跨越,建立自己的文明王朝,不断的壮大自己的势力,升级科技,涵盖了各种战斗,养成,经营元素,玩起来十分的宏大!旧世界Old World破解游戏中每个国家都有四个贵族世家,每位统治者都必须证明自己配得上王座之尊。建设具有市中心和乡村的城市腹地,征服众多城市,连附形成领土。
旧世界Old World for Mac破解游戏设定
游戏采用经典的六角网格策略玩法,您将在游戏中体验到人类各个方面的进步历程,从制度到军事科技方面的发展,以及历史上著名的人物和事件都将会呈现在玩家面前,而AI智能的随机反应也会给游戏带来很大的不确定性,让游戏更有趣。这款史诗级历史战略游戏由《Civilization IV》和《Offworld Trading Company》的首席设计师Soren Johnson 打造。加入游戏,征服旧世界。一回合即一年,每位统治者皆为凡人之躯,终有一死,您塑造的王朝将是您永久传承的遗产。
旧世界Old World for Mac破解游戏特色
"指令"是一种资源,用来为你的国家施加命令。与其他 4X游戏 传统——每回合移动每个单位——不同,本作中,每个单位在一回合中的任意次数不限,直到玩家耗尽指令为止。其他消耗指令的地方还有很多,如战斗、建设、随机事件、外交等等。
每位统治者都必须证明自己配得上王座之尊。完成野心目标,成功兴建各种奇迹,作为"贤者"(The Wise)、"复仇者"(The Avenger)或"维和者"(The Peacemaker)获得名望,你的执政合法性就会上升,每年将会获得更多的指令,提升在臣民中的威信。
在知您网官网分享的Old World破解版游戏中,每一回合代表一年,统治者也是凡人之躯,并不能长生不老。他们必须结婚,并生下继承人,延续自己的血脉。当一位统治者死去时,坐上其王位的继承人将选择新的野心目标,开创他/她的全新霸业。
Old World Mac破解游戏拥有强大且高度动态化的随机事件系统,将根据你的决策、成就和角色,循序渐进地为你的王国生成剧情。本游戏含有逾1000种不同的随机事件,其中大多数都是根据当时真实历史事件创作而成。这些随机事件将赋予人物记忆、特性,塑造他们的人物关系,而这些要素又会触发之后的随机事件,请谨慎选择。
要取得胜利,你的王朝需要完成 10 个难度逐渐上升的野心目标。基于您游戏的随机事件和人物的愿望,野心目标会动态生成。不会有两局完全相同的游戏。一位贤明的统治者会知道何时应该调整方向。
《Old World》中包含许多不同资源,如食品、木材、石料和铁矿等。这些资源出产后成堆贮藏,可用来建设奇迹、进行改良或供军队消耗等。《Old World》还借鉴了《Offworld Trading Company》的部分算法,加入了动态市场。市场中的价格随供求情况变化而上下波动,玩家可以随时在这里购买或出售资源。
Old World Crack is a historical strategy game where you lead your empire through multiple generations, building a grand legacy to last beyond your own years. This is an era of great leaders, from the revered to the feared. Which will you be?
Marry for politics, raise your heirs, and manage your relationship with the families of your kingdom. In the fast and furious world of kings and queens, family matters.
- Each of the 7 kingdoms has four noble families that provide various benefits when put in charge of your cities.
- Manage family ties through events, actions, and marriages to keep them happy and reap additional benefits. Upset them, or make them too powerful, and you risk their ire.
- Maintain a strong family unit, or distract yourself with more illicit adventures.
The world is full of great characters with distinct personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Use them to forge your kingdom, defend your borders, and build ties with other leaders.
- Seek out and recruit famed warriors, philosophers, builders, and more. Have them tutor your children, lead your armies, and further your reign.
- Different personality archetypes allow your court members to perform different tasks in similar roles. Find the right combinations to take full advantage of governors, diplomats, spymasters, and even your spouse.
- Characters develop new personalities and traits over time, growing old, gaining experience, and finally falling ill and passing away, leaving room for the next generation.
Unsettled tribes, barbarian marauders, and remnants of previous cultures are all waiting in the vast unexplored wilderness.
- Discover artifacts and great heroes of the past at ruins scattered across the map.
- Experience over 3,000 unique events inspired by history and mythology.
- Contact with foreign dignitaries triggers event chains, stories, and courtroom drama.
- Pursue ambitions and legacies related to conquest, development, faith, and more.
- Historically inspired scenarios, weekly challenge games, and a choice between randomly generated and handcrafted maps to explore. Lead Carthage to victory as Hannibal in the Punic Wars, hold your own against Barbarian Hordes, or compete against other players in tackling fictional scenarios.
Why do things the way they’ve always been done? Old World brings a new take to key elements of the 4X strategy genre:
- Go beyond the traditional resources. Buildings are made of wood and stone, not “industry.” Population doesn’t grow off “food” alone.
- Orders are a resource shared across your realm. Instead of moving every unit once per turn, each unit can be moved multiple times until fatigued or Orders are depleted.
- Technological advancement is not predetermined. Randomization helps keep technology trees feeling fresh with each new playthrough.
- Quality of life improvements, such as the ability to undo mistaken commands and nested tooltips, ensure you’re always making informed decisions.
- Play with friends in countless multiplayer modes – from hotseat, to asynchronous, to cloud play.
- Mods further open up infinite options for new worlds, empires, and dynasties – inspired by our real world, and by works of fiction as well.
旧世界Old World Mac游戏下载历史版本
版本 | 下载 | 备用 | 密码 |
1.0.73566 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.73138 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.72907 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.72483 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.71309 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.71309 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.70751 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.70360 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.70052 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.68949 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.68068 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.65077 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.63201 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.62837 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
1.0.55852 | 立即下载 | 其它下载地址 | ssay |
注意:小编通过“M1芯片”电脑系统版本:11.6(Big Sur)和12.2(macOS Monterey),仅能打开游戏,却一直没有弹出以下“菜单选项”。
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2022年9月25日 下午10:24 0楼
实际测试M1 max 可以运行
2022年9月25日 下午11:54 1层
@ADzhang 您好!谢谢朋友的反馈!其它同类型的mac电脑朋友可以放心大胆的下载畅玩。
2022年2月17日 上午11:23 0楼
2022年2月17日 上午11:56 1层
@ddd 您好!很遗憾!目前没有汉化版,后续有“汉化”,我会及时分享。