Super PhotoCut Pro Mac 超级抠图工具 v2.8.8

摘 要

需要一款方便使用的Mac抠图软件吗?知您网分享的Super PhotoCut Pro for Mac软件破解版能轻松的帮助您剪切图像对象,并删除背景。具有导入和标记、实时预览、真实的效果、照片图形等专业功能。

Super PhotoCut Pro Mac 超级抠图工具
所属分类:图像处理  小于50M 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.8或更高版本 大小:29.04MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年01月05日


Super PhotoCut Pro mac破解软件是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款专业的、非常易于使用的图片抠图工具。它能够准确地覆盖你想要去除的任何一个细节区域,抠出图片中你最想要的部分。不需要任何的技巧,你只需要在图片上勾画出需要保留的部分,然后程序会自动处理。
Super PhotoCut Pro for Mac破解软件功能介绍
Super PhotoCut善于以最小的难度去除复杂的背景,一分钟抠图不是神话。热爱拍照但又不精通Photoshop修图的您,是时候跟繁琐的专业图形编辑器套索和魔术棒工具说拜拜了。有最好技术就可以这么任性。
Super PhotoCut Pro for Mac破解软件功能特色
1、支持两种抠图方式:快速抠图和精致抠图. 快速精准地去除图片中的背景。
2、支持几乎所有的图片格式 : JPG,BMP,PNG,GIF,pdf... ...
5、支持透明区域处理 。导出透明PNG图片。

Version 2.8.8:

  • 修复软件在最新系统上的问题。


Super PhotoCut Pro professionally focuses on wedding dresses and transparent object masking. It instantly cut out wedding dresses from complex image backgrounds without any loss of image quality in seconds-to-minutes instead of minutes-to-hours. Removing image background from wedding veil and transparent object is a complex and difficult matting task even on the premise that you are proficient in Photoshop. Now it could be easily done by Super PhotoCut Pro, which professionally focuses on veil and transparency masking. With proprietary best-in-class masking algorithm, Super PhotoCut Pro instantly changes complex image background and get the dramatic stand-out images done in seconds-to-minutes instead of minutes-to-hours.

  • Instantly change image background from veil and transparent objects, such as glass, water, wedding veil
  • Smart algorithm: Cuts object out with critical precision; it enables extremely fast operation with great results on any image, minimizing the amount of work you need to put in
  • Supports almost all image formats: JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, RAW
  • Separate foreground from complex image background easily; live preview the final effect
  • Create isolated images with colored or transparent backgrounds
  • Supports 64-bits
  • 20 kinds of background transition effects are for your choices: disc blur, gaussian blur, box blur, motion blur, zoom blur, color controls, exposure adjust, gamma adjust, hue adjust, vibrance, color invert, color posterize, chrome, fade, instant, mono, process, transfer, sepia tone, vignette, vignette effect
  • Zooming to any level necessary allows you to inspect details while quickly navigating your image
  • Undo / Redo: never fear that a mistake will ruin your work
  • Configurable auto-brush-size: The mark size adapts dynamically to your zoom level so that you can easily zoom in to make detailed edits


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文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.8或更高版本 大小:29.04MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Intel/M1/2芯片、Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: