SessionRestore Mac 恢复Safari标签管理工具 v2.7.4

摘 要

知您网分享的SessionRestore Mac破解软件是在mac平台上Safari浏览器辅助应用工具,这款软件能够快速便捷的为您保存您的浏览会话,关闭所有窗口,然而当你需要时,恢复会话非常容易,需要的用户快来下载吧!

SessionRestore Mac 恢复Safari标签管理工具
所属分类:小于50M  插件下载 系统:macOS 10.14或更高版本 大小:7.16MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年01月05日


SessionRestore for Safari mac破解软件是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上的一款浏览器辅助工具。SessionRestore Mac版可以为您保存您的浏览会话,关闭所有窗口,然后开始一个新的会话。当您需要时,恢复会话非常容易。
SessionRestore for Safari Mac破解软件功能介绍
您是那种会打开许多 Safari标签并打算稍后阅读的人吗?

SessionRestore 可为您提供帮助。


只需按一下快速按钮即可轻松存储任意数量的会话。您可以命名会话、添加标签并提供自定义注释 - 这样您就不会忘记当初保存它的原因!

可以从保存的会话中删除不需要的选项卡或窗口。您甚至可以将选项卡和窗口添加到已保存的会话中。您可能还想合并会话。这在 SessionRestore 强大的专用会话编辑器中很容易。

您经常备份您的计算机,(嗯..您应该是)现在您可以使用 SessionRestore 轻松地对浏览器选项卡执行相同操作。谁需要笨拙的书签 - 更进一步,保存标签组以便随时即时检索。

SessionRestore 采用最新技术构建,并作为扩展直接集成到 Safari 中,可以帮助您简化管理和调用重要网站的方式。
SessionRestore for Safari Mac破解软件功能特色
Safari 浏览会话保存和恢复
轻量级和快速的原生 Safari 应用扩展
从已弃用的 Safari 扩展“SessionRestore”和“Sessions”导入会话


SessionRestore is an advanced Safari tab management App Extension.
Are you the kind of person who keeps numerous Safari tabs open, with the intent of reading them later?
SessionRestore is here to help. Save your browsing session, close all windows then start with a fresh session. It’s super easy to restore a session whenever you need it. Easily store any number of sessions with a quick button press. You can name sessions, and provide custom tags and notes – so you don’t forget why you saved it in the first place! It’s possible to remove unneeded tabs or windows from saved sessions. You may also want to combine sessions. This is easy in SessionRestore’s powerful dedicated session editor.
You backup your computer often, (well.. you should be) and now you can easily do the same with your browser tabs using SessionRestore. Who needs clumsy bookmarks – Go one step further, and save groups of tabs for instant retrieval anytime. Built with the latest technologies, and integrated right in to Safari as an Extension, SessionRestore can help streamline how you manage and recall important websites.

  • Safari browsing session save and restore
  • Fully configurable Autosave for peace of mind
  • Full session editing
  • Tags support for quick Session retrieval and grouping
  • Session metadata search (name/urls/tags/notes)
  • Session screenshots for easy identification
  • Lightweight and Quick native Safari App Extension
  • Minimal Intuitive UI
  • Import sessions from deprecated Safari Extensions “SessionRestore” and “Sessions”


Version 2.7.4:

  • updated copyright
  • changed Preferences… menu to Settings… to match macOS Ventura naming conventions


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"SessionRestore" Mac软件下载历史版本


文件下载 系统:macOS 10.14或更高版本 大小:7.16MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Intel/M1/2芯片、Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura运行
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