Steinberg Dorico Pro Mac版 乐谱编写软件 v5.1.40.2138

摘 要

Steinberg Dorico Pro for Mac破解软件是一款运行在MacOS上的专业乐谱制作工具。Steinberg Dorico Pro破解版拥有最高质量的工具和独特的设计,为你的音乐制作提供前所未有的灵活性,并从头开始进行您的音乐制作, Dorico Pro还与您现有的工作流程集成,可以导入和导出各种格式的文件。

Steinberg Dorico Pro Mac版 乐谱编写软件
所属分类:办公软件  大小500M-1G 适配:macOS 11.0或更高 大小:557.76MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年06月03日
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Steinberg Dorico Pro软件镜像包下载完了后,依次安装顺序是:Library Manager、Dorico 5、Dorico patch、MediaBay

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Steinberg Dorico Pro Mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款专业级的音乐制谱软件,它提供了全面而强大的功能,旨在满足作曲家、编曲家、出版商和乐谱制作人的需求。
Steinberg Dorico Pro破解版采用了先进的音乐制谱引擎,能够快速而准确地将音符、符号和音乐元素排版为专业水平的乐谱。它支持多种乐器和声部的编写,并且具备智能布局功能,能够自动处理复杂的音乐符号、横跨多页的谱面和分谱等情况,确保最终呈现出优美、易读的谱面。
Steinberg Dorico Pro Mac破解版还具备强大的分谱和配器功能,使用户能够轻松管理复杂的乐队、管弦乐团或合唱作品。通过直观的用户界面和交互工具,您可以快速进行乐器配器、乐谱部分编辑和实时演奏音乐的控制。
除此之外,Steinberg Dorico Pro破解版还支持MIDI输入、音频录制、VST音源和效果器的集成,以及导出各种格式的乐谱文件和音频文件。它与其他音乐制作软件的兼容性也较好,便于与其它工具进行协同工作。
总得来说,知您网分享的Steinberg Dorico Pro for Mac破解软件是一款功能强大且专业的音乐制谱软件,适用于需要高质量乐谱和音乐排版的作曲家、编曲家和乐谱制作人。

Steinberg Dorico Pro Mac软件下载功能介绍

使用 Dorico 可以更快、更高效地进行作曲、编曲或只是编写和打印音乐。由于其智能设计,它会在您书写时自动调整符号。由于包含近 1,500 种声音,编曲可以非常逼真地播放,并且不需要高级记谱法的变通方法,Dorico 可以比以前更快地产生出色的结果。
凭借其流线型、自然的用户界面,学生和乐谱经验较少的人可以直接在 Dorico 中作曲和编曲,从而更快、更直观地学习乐谱语言。编辑和进行更改(例如乐器、拍号或调号)非常简单,记谱法会立即正确地适应以包含它们,从而增强学习成果。对于教师来说,制作混合音乐和文本的教材和讲义很容易,而且为您的乐队、管弦乐队或其他学校合奏改编安排从未如此快捷。
Dorico 是音乐雕刻、出版和复制的完美工具。它自动布局平衡和美丽的页面,具有全面的防撞和高级算法,可以轻松处理几乎任何音乐上下文。使用 Dorico 制作的音乐具有最好的传统雕刻音乐的外观,并且该软件提供了调整工具以满足最苛刻的专业人士的需求。为销售或业绩制作高质量、清晰的分数从未如此快捷或容易。

Steinberg Dorico Pro Mac软件下载功能特色

• 任何软件的最佳自动雕刻
• 简单的音符输入
• 在您书写时智能调整符号
• 在单个项目中任意数量的乐章或乐曲
• 乐器部件的自动布局,包括独特的链接提示
• 令人惊叹的回放 — 包括近 1,500 种声音
• 支持 VST 3 个虚拟乐器和效果处理器(包括 30 个)
• 音序器风格的钢琴卷帘 MIDI 编辑器
• DTP 页面布局
• 复杂的和弦符号、无音高的打击乐和鼓组记谱法
• 无限制的音乐、跨小节线的连音、微音等。全部正确处理 - 没有解决方法
• 通过 MusicXML、MIDI、pdf 等与其他程序进行传输。


This program opens up a new level of orchestration and classical arrangement because of its innovative capabilities. In addition to the standard set of notes, the user can customize every nuance of performance in real time, accurately and quickly form complex rhythmic structures within a measure according to the meter, and distribute musical text on the page, as in a graphic editor.
What can you do with Dorico?
Composing, arranging - or simply writing and printing music - will become much faster and more efficient with Dorico. Thanks to its intelligent design, it automatically adjusts the music notation as you write. With nearly 1,500 included sounds, arrangements can be rendered with exceptional realism, and with no need for workarounds for advanced notation, Dorico delivers superior results much faster than previously possible.
With a streamlined, natural user interface, students and those with no experience in score creation can compose and arrange directly within Dorico, making learning the language of musical notation much faster and more intuitive. Editing and making changes - such as a tool, a temporary signature or a key - is very simple, and the notation instantly and correctly adapts to make them, enhancing the learning outcome. It's easy for teachers to create teaching materials and handouts that combine music and text, and it's never been easier to adapt arrangements for band, orchestra or other school ensemble.
Dorico is the ideal tool for engraving, publishing and copying music. It automatically produces pages that are balanced and beautiful, thanks to comprehensive collision avoidance and advanced algorithms that easily handle virtually any musical context. Music created with Dorico has the look of the finest traditional engravings, and the software provides customization tools to satisfy the most demanding professional. Creating high-quality, crystal-clear scores for sale or performance has never been faster or easier.
- Best automatic engraving among all programs
- Easy note input
- Intelligently adjusts notation as you write
- Any number of parts or works in one project
- Automatic arrangement of instrumental parts, including unique related cues
- Amazing playback - almost 1500 sounds included
- Supports VST 3 virtual instruments and effects processors (30 included)
- Sequencer style MIDI editor with piano roller
- DTP Page Layout
- Complex chord symbols, percussion and non-piano notation
- Music without strokes, tuples through strokes, microtonality, etc. processed correctly - no workarounds.
- Transfer to and from other programs via MusicXML, MIDI, PDF, etc.

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 11.0或更高 大小:557.76MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 芯片:✅ 支持Intel【需关闭SIP】、M1/M2/M3【需关闭SIP/勾选Rosetta】
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: