VMware Fusion Pro 12 Mac VM虚拟机 v12.2.4(20071091)

摘 要

VMware Fusion Pro mac破解版易于安装,您可以快速启动并运行Windows。VMware Fusion Pro专为需要快速,简单和可靠的虚拟机替代方案的临时用户和专业人士而设计,而且VMware Fusion Pro Mac破解版可以让您在单独窗口中运行Windows,您也可以在仅显示Windows桌面的全屏视图中运行Windows。更重要的是,您还可以直接从Dock启动Windows应用程序,而无需Microsoft的环境。如果您需要一款Windows虚拟机,那么知您网分享的VMware Fusion Pro Pro Mac软件破解版是您的不错选择!

VMware Fusion Pro 12 Mac VM虚拟机
所属分类:精选  大小500M-1G  系统增强 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.15或更高版本 大小:610.54MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2022年07月23日


VMware Fusion Pro 12 mac破解软件是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款VM虚拟机。可以帮助用户在mac上安装windows、windows10、ubuntu、centos、深度Linux(Deepin)等一百多种操作系统,最重要的是无需重启电脑切换系统,可以和macOS系统同时运行,就类似于macOS安装了一个应用。对于家庭用户来说足够简单,对于IT专业人员,开发人员和企业来说很是强大。
VMware Fusion Pro 12 for Mac破解软件功能介绍
VMware Fusion提供了在Mac上运行Windows的最佳方法,以及用于构建可在任何平台上运行的应用程序的终极开发和测试工具

Fusion 12支持macOS 11.0 Big Sur,支持macOS 10.15 Catalina,并包括面向开发人员,IT管理员和日常用户的新功能。

Fusion 12 Pro和Fusion 12 Player现在都可以在Windows 10虚拟机上提供DirectX 11 3D加速图形,增加了对eGPU和USB 3.1设备的支持,提高了性能和安全性,还为本地Kubernetes群集和OCI容器提供了新的CLI支持。
VMware Fusion Pro 12 for Mac破解软件功能特色
为macOS Big Sur准备
在macOS 11大 Sur上几乎可以运行任何操作系统,而无需重新启动。现在融合增加了对完全不支持Big Sur上的内核扩展的支持,这使得 在继续在macOS 10.15 Catalina上执行的同时,它更加安全并为macOS的未来做好了准备。
使用新的CLI'vctl'运行OCI容器映像和本地Kubernetes副本。 开发人员可以在降低生产的本地环境中构建和测试现代应用程序,并且IT专业人士可以在不破坏银行或数据中心的情况下更熟悉新兴的云技术。
Fusion可以极大地驱动复杂的,GPU密集型应用程序和游戏 改进的3D图形引擎。Fusion现在提供硬件加速的DirectX 11Windows和Linux虚拟机具有OpenGL 现在,每个虚拟机最多可支持8GB的vrAM,并采用特殊的“沙盒”过程来渲染图形,融合在虚拟机图形性能,精确度和安全性性方面处于领先地位。
Fusion Pro和Fusion Player现在支持大型虚拟机,最大支持系统上的每个VM 32个CPU内核,128GB RAM,10TB虚拟磁盘和8GB vRAM 融合功能12还提供了与USB 3.1设备的额外兼容性,并支持vSphere 7进行本地部署和远程连接。
连接到ESXi或vCenter Server以驱动,控制和配置VM以及ESXi 与普通作为VMware虚拟机管理程序的基础,Fusion Pro可以轻松地通过通过操作来回传输虚拟机,或者在Mac的舒适环境下直接从公司数据中心控制虚拟机。仅在融合 Pro中可用。
Fusion Pro可以通过UI来管理虚拟网络配置新网络,修改子网设置,更改 MTU大小,配置NAT端口转发等。查看每个虚拟的流量通过使用标准的PCAP阅读器(例如Wireshark)使用内置的“ vmnet-sniffer”实用程序捕获网络。最后,Fusion甚至可以模拟数据包丢失,带宽限制和延迟之类的内容,以帮助测试应用程序或服务的弹性。
VMware Fusion 专为各类 Mac 用户而设计。IT 专业人员、开发人员和企业选择 VMware Fusion Pro,是因为它可提供广泛的操作系统支持、可靠的稳定性和高级功能,而上述这些功能特性在非虚拟化环境中根本无法获得。



VMware Fusion: Powerfully Simple Virtual Machines for Mac
VMware Fusion gives Mac users the power to run Windows on Mac along with hundreds of other operating systems side by side with Mac applications, without rebooting. Fusion is simple enough for home users and powerful enough for IT professionals, developers and businesses.
VMware Fusion: Powerfully Simple
Run Nearly Any Operating System on a Mac
Running Windows on Mac is only the beginning. VMware Fusion lets you choose from hundreds of supported operating systems, from lesser-known Linux distributions to the latest Windows 10 release, to run side by side with the latest macOS release.
Connect to VMware vSphere
Securely connect with vSphere, ESXi and Workstation servers to launch, control and manage both virtual machines (VMs) and physical hosts. Thanks to the common VMware platform, VMs can be easily transferred from the vSphere data center to the Mac desktop and then run in Fusion.
Develop and Test for Any Platform
Fusion makes it simple to test nearly any OS and app on a Mac. Build and test apps in a sandbox while securely sharing local source files and folders. Fusion Pro now includes a RESTful API to integrate with modern development tools like Docker, Vagrant, Ansible, Chef, and others to fit the power of VMware into today’s Agile and DevOps-oriented production pipelines.
Design and Demo Complex Solutions
With the ability to run an entire virtual cloud stack on a single Mac, solution architects can demonstrate their entire software solution in real time, with safe rollback points to return to known configurations. Fully express the story of your software journey by running all of its components on a single notebook to show the world.
Run Local Corporate Desktops
Isolate corporate desktops from BYO devices by disabling copy-and-paste, drag-and-drop, shared folders and access to USB devices. Run restricted VMs that are encrypted and password-protected, ensuring that only authorized users can interact with corporate data.
Make Windows Feel at Home on Mac
Fusion blends your Windows experience seamlessly with the Mac you love. You have the flexibility to keep the two worlds securely apart, or integrate them for one seamless experience. Install a fresh OS like Windows 10 or easily convert an older PC into a virtual one.
Ready for macOS Mojave
Launch virtual machines on Mac with macOS 10.14 Mojave, including APFS support, or safely test the latest macOS in a sandbox on your current Mac without disruption.  With an updated UI and customizable support for the latest Touch Bar enabled Macs, Fusion is better than ever. 
More Powerful Graphics
Fusion can drive complex, GPU intensive applications and games with an improved hardware accelerated 3D graphics engine leveraging Apple Metal graphics technology. By providing DirectX 10.1 and OpenGL 3.3 capabilities to Windows and Linux virtual machines and now allowing for up to 3GB of vRAM per-VM, Fusion leads the way in virtual machine graphics performance and accuracy.
Improved vSphere Connectivity
Connect to vCenter, ESXi or Workstation Pro servers to drive, control, and configure VMs or ESXi Hosts, with impoved visibility into Datacenter and Host topology. With the common underlying VMware hypervisor, Fusion makes it easy to transfer virtual machines back and forth with a simple drag-and-drop, or control VMs directly from the corporate data center from the comfort of your Mac. Available in Fusion Pro only.
Support for Windows 10 Fall 2018 Update
Stay on the cutting edge with full support for running the latest versions of Windows 10 as a virtual machine on your Mac.
Fusion Pro now provides a secure RESTful API service designed for automation and third-party software integration. Leveraging the Swagger.io framework the Fusion API uses standard HTTP/S and JSON to control over 25 different VM and Host and Network operations. Build custom deployment tools to deliver macOS-as-a-Service, or integrate Fusion into a modern, continuously iterative development pipeline with automated testing. Now available in all Fusion editions.
Unity View Mode
Fusion’s Unity View Mode hides the Windows desktop so you can run Windows apps just like Mac apps. Windows apps can launch directly from Dock, Spotlight or Launchpad and, once running, can be viewed in Exposé, Spaces and Mission Control just as if they were Mac apps.

Version 12.2.4:

  • This release contains bug fixes. Please see the Resolved Issues section below..


VMware Fusion Pro 12 Mac软件下载免费尽在知您网


Pro 12.0/12.1/12.1.1 最低需 macOS 10.15.6 系统,支持 macOS 11 Big Sur,但是不支持 m1!
Pro 12.2.0/12.2.1 支持 m1,最低需 macOS 11 系统支持安装 linux arm 系统但是不支持 运行 Windows 系统
Intel 处理器没啥限制,可以尽情享用!

"VMware Fusion Pro" Mac软件下载历史版本


文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.15或更高版本 大小:610.54MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1|2芯片、Monterey运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

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    • Riber Riber 2


      • wolves wolves 1


          • 知您 知您 9

            @wolves 您好!!您好,请尝试打开终端将命令输入:“sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/VMware\ Fusion.app”回车,出现Password,输入电脑开机密码,密码不显示,输入即可回车。

          • zhangshuyx zhangshuyx 1

            可以用,不错 :razz: