原始金属Raw Metal Mac 地牢爬行游戏 v1.1.0直装版

摘 要

知您网分享的《原始金属》又名《粗金属》玩家将扮演Charybdis 星球的拾荒者,为了收集资源而潜入被腐败的企业巨头所控制的采矿设施Katabase 6, 玩家需要利用多种道具,巧妙地避开敌人的视野,他们的装备都远比你的装备精良,正面交锋需要很大的技巧和智慧,当然,风险与丰厚的报酬是并存的。

原始金属Raw Metal Mac 地牢爬行游戏
所属分类:大小500M-1G  动作冒险 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:917.34MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年07月10日
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Raw Metal mac游戏下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款科幻隐形动作地牢爬行游戏,这意味着玩家需要在地下迷宫中潜行、躲避敌人和解决谜题。
知您网游戏提供的Raw Metal for Mac破解游有着丰富地牢、策略性的隐形与爬行玩法,以及未来科技主题,为玩家呈现了一种刺激和紧张的游戏体验。如果您是喜欢科幻和动作游戏的玩家,这款游戏可能会给您带来乐趣和挑战。

Raw Metal Mac游戏下载设定

Raw Metal破解版是一款科幻隐形动作地牢爬行器,专注于流畅、时尚的游戏。
你是遥远贫瘠的系外行星Charybdis上唯一的食腐动物。为了寻找装备和补给,你潜入Katabase 6的深处,这是一个由一家名为Orpheus Tech的腐败大公司运营的大型采矿设施。在未被发现的情况下偷偷穿过矿井,巧妙地利用各种小工具和设备为你谋利,但要小心;如果你被抓住了,你需要依靠你的战斗技能来获得逃跑的机会。

Raw Metal Mac游戏下载亮点

• 自上而下的隐身和第三人称打击战的融合
• 自由式组合系统,奖励侵略性、即兴创作以及精确的时机和定位
• 50多个独特的齿轮件可供查找和升级
• 每个装备都有独特的视觉效果,可定制角色的外观
• 风险与回报提取系统,允许您选择兑现您的战利品,或深入设施
• 3场令人难忘且富有挑战性的老板大战,每一场都有自己的战斗风格、曲折和故事发展
• 9个手工制作的关卡可以渗透,每个关卡都有一些变体,每次都会混淆你的方法
• 环境危害和敌人的变种让你在游戏进行时保持警觉
• 5个可部署的小工具,可在隐身和战斗中发挥优势


Raw Metal Crack is a sci-fi stealth-action dungeon crawler with a focus on smooth, stylish gameplay.
You are a lone scavenger on the distant, barren exoplanet Charybdis. In search of gear and supplies, you infiltrate the depths of Katabase 6, a massive mining facility run by a corrupt megacorporation known as Orpheus Tech. Sneak through the mines undetected, cleverly utilizing various gadgets and equipment to your advantage, but beware; if you're caught, you'll need to rely on your combat skills for a fighting chance to escape.
High-Stakes Stealth 
Use taser darts, noisemakers, improvised concussion grenades, and more to slip past and isolate guards. The shadows are your domain; manipulate your environment and your enemies well enough and they'll never see you coming.
Breakneck Combat 
Combat in Raw Metal is fast and punishing. The guards stationed at Katabase 6 are stronger and more heavily armored than you, so fighting them head on will take skill, cunning, and a great degree of risk. However, mastering combos and using your environment will allow you to come out on top, and yield far greater rewards. Depending on whether it is initiated through a clever ambush or a stealth slip-up, combat can range from a calculated risk to a desperate fight for survival.
• Blend of top-down stealth and third-person beat 'em up combat
• Freeform combo system that rewards aggression, improvisation, and precise timing and positioning
• 50+ unique gear pieces to find and upgrade
• Distinct visuals for each gear piece to customize the look of your character
• Risk vs. reward extraction system that grants you the choice of cashing out your loot, or pushing deeper into the facility
• 3 memorable and challenging boss fights, each with their own fighting styles, twists, and story development
• 9 hand-crafted levels to infiltrate, with a few variants each to mix up your approach each time
• Environmental hazards and enemy variants to keep you on your toes as the game progresses
• 5 deployable gadgets to utilize to your advantage in stealth and combat alike

Whisk Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 下载 备用 密码
1.0.3 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
1.0.1 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:917.34MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: