Adobe Experience Design CC (Adobe XD) 2020 Mac 交互原型设计工具 v33.1.12.4

摘 要

Adobe XD CC 2020 Mac中文破解版是用户最爱的UI界面设计软件,内置丰富的原型设计工具,主要用于WEB以及移动应用的原型设计操作。Adobe XD CC 2020简体中文版适用于UX/UI 设计人员、互设计人员、体验设计人员、产品设计人员、Web 设计人员等等,有需求的知友欢迎来下载使用!

Adobe Experience Design CC (Adobe XD) 2020 Mac 交互原型设计工具
所属分类:精选  大小100M-500M  平面设计 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.9及以上 大小:471.00MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2020年09月29日


Adobe Experience Design 2020 (Adobe XD 2020) mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款由Adobe打造的UI/UX设计工具,这款软件可以帮您设计各种产品原型,在下载安装Adobe XD之后,您将找到一组核心的功能,用于设计和原型设计网站和移动应用程序,包括XD的创新重复网格工具,用于加速设计元素的布局,以及可视化连接器,原型。
Adobe XD CC 2020 for Mac破解版功能介绍
Adobe XD CC可以帮助您将概念转化为原型,用于设计网站、移动应用程序等。凭借顺畅强大的性能,可以轻松在任何屏幕上预览,而且体验和感受都一样好。
Adobe XD CC 2020 for Mac破解版功能特色
Adobe XD的诞生是为了满足当今UX / UI设计人员的需求,使用最直接的工具来实现突破性表现和性能,使日常工作变得毫不费力。使用重复网格和灵活的画板,可以在几分钟内将低保真线框图转化为完整的交互式原型。
XD本身是为Mac和Windows设计的,并且是Creative Cloud的一部分,所以无论使用哪种平台,都可以获得与Photoshop和Illustrator等应用程序相同的精确度、速度和流畅度。
Adobe XD一直在不断根据客户和社区的反馈来改进产品。最新版本包括Design Specs(Beta),它允许你向开发者发送一个链接,其中包含自动生成的规范,如颜色、字体样式、度量和体验。此外,新的布局网格提供了一些列,帮助你在不同尺寸的屏幕上保持设计的一致。


Adobe XD CC (formerly known as Adobe Experience Design CC) aims to provide full support to UX designers that are trying to improve the way in which users interact with their product. The app allows you to develop both websites and mobile apps and helps you test the outcome and generate prototypes.
UX design tool that can help you develop projects for specific devices
Right off the bat, Adobe XD CC makes you decide if you want to develop projects for iPhone, iPad or web. In addition, you can opt for custom size boards. However, within the designer area, you can add artboards of various sizes.
The Adobe XD CC user interface is separated in two main tabs: one that allows you to deal with the design aspect of your project, and the other to help you configure the associated prototype.
Adobe XD CC permits you to test the outcome in a separate window, and you get to both interact with and record the activity and share the capture with your client or other team members.
Manage your design projects with intuitive drag and drop movements
Within the Adobe XD CC canvas area, you get to add new elements with the help of basic vector drawing tools, combine them any way you like, import images with simple drag and drop actions, create wireframes, and so on.
The same rules apply when adding interactions and animations to your project in the prototype area. Just establish connections between your artboards using the mouse, and employ the contextual menu to manage the animations.
Worth mentioning is that, since the Adobe XD CC project is still under heavy development, some of the editing functions one would expect are not yet included, but working with the application is quite intuitive.
Share your project’s prototype via the Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe XD CC allows you to export your project’s design to a PNG image file, or you can record your interaction with the prototype to an MOV video file.
Nevertheless, you can also use your Creative Cloud account to share the prototypes directly with your team. Just use the Share command to generate a public URL and preview the prototype in a web browser.


  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


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注意:若出现“闪退”的是因为没有登录“Creative Cloud”引起的,请点击程序坞(Dock栏)的启动台,找到【其他】分组打开,点击“Creative Cloud”运行,登录一下。


3、将“Adobe XD”软件拖入“激活工具”进行破解,提示“COMPLETED”,即表示破解已完成
4、重启“Adobe XD 2020”即可!

"Adobe XD CC 2020" Mac历史版本


文件下载 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.9及以上 大小:471.00MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解
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