地下城争夺战War for the Overworld Mac 策略游戏 v2.1.0f4a(55097)

摘 要

对入侵地下城感到烦厌了吗?是时候建立你的了!知您网分享的地下城争夺战War for the Overworld Mac游戏下载是一个地下城管理游戏,包含了你最喜欢的RTS和神模式题材。塑造你的地下城并反攻地面世界吧!

地下城争夺战War for the Overworld Mac 策略游戏
所属分类:大小3G-6G  策略游戏 适配:macOS 10.10或更高 大小:3.25GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年01月29日
地下城争夺战War for the Overworld for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网地下城争夺战War for the Overworld for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网地下城争夺战War for the Overworld for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网地下城争夺战War for the Overworld for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网地下城争夺战War for the Overworld for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网地下城争夺战War for the Overworld for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网地下城争夺战War for the Overworld for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网地下城争夺战War for the Overworld for Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网


地下城争夺战 War for the Overworld mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款非常受玩家欢迎的冒险策略游戏,在地下城3 Mac破解版中玩家扮演的是一个邪恶的神般的地下领主,负责管理您自己的地下城。并且通过自己设计地下城及其中怪物的方式来挑战的勇者们。利用庞大的军队、狡诈的陷阱和恶毒的魔法折磨那些“荣耀”或“正义”的可怜勇士们。

War for the Overworld Mac游戏下载设定

在知您网游戏带来的地下城争夺战 War for the Overworld破解版游戏中,玩家将扮演一个邪恶的地下领主,并且通过自己设计地下城及其中怪物的方式来打到前来挑战的勇者们。玩家将会利用庞大的军队、狡诈的陷阱和恶毒的魔法来打败那些前来折磨那些守护“荣耀”或“正义”的可怜勇士们。
根据开发商Subterranean Games的说法,这部游戏从《地下城守护者》、《星际争霸》、《霸王》等游戏中吸取灵感,是一部集合他们诸多优点的新游戏,但主要的精神指导依然是牛蛙当年的神作《地下城守护者》。 

War for the Overworld Mac游戏下载特色

你是否觉得自己在大倒退呢? 觉得在永无止境的任务中,单调地重复将邪恶的家伙开膛破肚,不过都是为了黄金和一对不过好一点点的靴子?你开始想……当英雄是否真的是你的召命呢?那么欢迎来到地下城争夺战!
在地面世界之下,挖掘并建立你的地下城——这是现代地下城管理游戏的本质精髓。维护你的地下城,扇你的仆人巴掌,任由你建造充满机关的房间和邪恶的仆人的地下城堡垒。这些都将在你的导师——拥有最原始最邪恶的声音的地下城解说员Richard Ridings的亲自带领下进行!
用直观又强大的地图编辑器来建你自己的地图与战役,那可是有编码支持的功能,然后在Steam创意工坊里跟上千张自制地图比个高下。 另外提一点,我们有几十样改动器让你随意调整成你喜欢的游戏规则。做坏人从来没这么有创意吧!
《地下城争夺战》由一个充满狂热的开发者的独立游戏团队开发,我们的每一个成员都对地下城管理游戏怀着最真挚的情感。自从发布游戏以后,我们一直不断地更新游戏,包括发布补丁,调整游戏数值,提升画面质量以及更多的更新。我们的社区是我们成功的源泉,没有你们的支持,我们也不可能走到今天! 我们衷心感谢广大的玩家。


Tired of conquering dungeons? It's time to build your own!
Do you feel that interest in the monotonous dismemberment of villains and endless tasks and rewards - gold and shoes a little more decent than before - is beginning to fade? Are you starting to doubt your heroic calling? Then welcome to War for the Overworld Crack!
Reviving dungeon management simulators
The atmosphere of classic dungeon mastering games has never been more accurately recreated: you will be able to dig and arrange your own lair of the lord of evil directly below the overworld. Manage your dungeons, defeat minions, and build underground fortresses filled with dangerous rooms, traps, and nefarious minions. And all the while you will be mentored by the classic and best voice of evil: Richard Ridings!
Arm yourself with an arsenal of evil
Evil must have a choice, and there are plenty of options along the paths of evil! A rich selection of over sixty rooms, spells, potions, rituals, defenses and buildings throughout the game. Use all your insidious tricks against the worthy heroes of the upper world, so that you no longer dare to meddle beyond the borders.
Successfully master a variety of modes
You can defeat your enemies in any of the six available modes. Choose from Campaign, Skirmish, Scenario, Multiplayer, Survival, or My Pocket Dungeon (2 free levels included in the base game) and experience what it's like to be evil incarnate.
Customize, create and share... with your enemies
Create your own maps and campaigns using a powerful map editor with intuitive menus and scripting support, then share them in the Steam Workshop, where thousands of custom maps are already stored! Don't stop there: dozens of mutators will allow you to break any rule. Evil has never been so inventive!
Created by cultists (fanatics) for cultists (fanatics)
Dungeon Battle was developed by an independent game team full of passionate developers, and each of our members has the most sincere emotions towards the Dungeon Management game. Since the release of the game, we have been continuously updating it, including releasing patches, adjusting game values, improving graphics quality, and more updates. Our community is the source of our success, and without your support, we would not have been able to reach where we are today! We sincerely thank the vast number of players.

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.10或更高 大小:3.25GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: