平眼Flat Eye Mac版 策略游戏 v1.2.1

摘 要

《Flat Eye》是由Monkey Moon制作,Raw Fury发行的一款资源管理类模拟经营游戏,在游戏中玩家将在游戏中经营一家兼顾加油站和科技枢纽站的设施,合理安排每个员工的日常和设备摆放,探讨科技对人类生活的改变。

平眼Flat Eye Mac版 策略游戏
所属分类:大小3G-6G  策略游戏 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:3.10GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年05月29日
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苹果“M芯片” 出现无法正常操作 Flat Eye mac破解游戏,请尝试按教程:Apple Silicon M芯片 应用安装后运行闪退、打不开,无法正常游戏,点我直达!来设置。


Flat Eye Mac游戏下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款策略游戏,游戏中玩家将成为一个世界的管理员,你需要前往各个地区维护秩序,保障运营的流畅,带领这个世界的小伙伴走上研究科技的道路,同时你还需要聆听尊贵客户的需求,帮助人类做出决策。

Flat Eye Mac游戏下载设定

知您网游戏提供的Flat Eye for Mac破解游戏是一款资源管理模拟游戏,同时注重剧情与叙事选择。管理这一汇聚世界顶尖科技的枢纽,探索各路科技及与之关联的故事,同最忠实的客户互动。Flat Eye——我们一切都看在眼里。
《Flat Eye》的叙事核心是,通过了解回头客的故事,探索各类新兴科技。
你在站内会迎来形形色色的角色,不过只有“尊贵客户”才会影响站点的发展。这些“尊贵”角色露面需要一定的前提条件,只有站内出现某些模块,这些客户才会现身。每一名提出重要需求的客户,都将由站点 AI 进行用户画像。这些需求一经满足,便有可能对人类的未来产生涟漪效应。

Flat Eye Mac游戏下载玩法

《Flat Eye》既含管理模拟元素,又由叙事驱动,两个玩法搭配均衡。你将需要负责管理运营世界首屈一指的加油站兼科技枢纽,确保运营流畅,完成由世界首个真AI分配的日常任务,开发新的技术,优化(或祸害)人类的未来。
**《Flat Eye》会探讨科技以及科技对生活的影响,因此部分话题可能比较沉重,并不适宜所有玩家。**

Flat Eye Mac游戏下载特色

● 器官自动贩卖机(器官均为实验室培养,无散养器官)
● 人造子宫(请保留您的购物凭据,以免误领婴儿)
● 克隆舱(手足多多益善)
● 记忆修改器(悔恨一眨眼就能抹除,不再需要期待后悔药)
● 智能马桶(这个就请您亲自体验吧)
● 瞬间移动模块(一去不回头)
● 乃至其他各种模块!
站点的营收和评分每天都要向世界首个 AI 汇报,接着再上报给 Flat Eye 及其母公司的所有人。忠告一声:千万不要让他们失望。
(**Eye Life 是 Flat Eye™ 集团的下属公司,保留所有权利。Eye Life™ 营业场所若出现人身或财产的损失或损害,Flat Eye™ 概不负责。各个门店均已设置相关警示,请仔细阅读。使用克隆舱、器官自动贩卖机或瞬间移动模块过程中,如遇任何不可预料的结果,Flat Eye™ 一概无需承担责任。


Flat Eye Crack is the perfect management simulator with a deep, well-thought-out storyline. Here you will play the role of manager of the world's first gas technology center. Ensure the smooth operation of the station, complete the tasks of the world's only true AI, and develop new technologies for the joy (or destruction) of all humanity.
**Flat Eye is dedicated to technology and its impact on our lives. As a result, it may cover difficult or inappropriate topics for some players.**
Move up the technology tree to develop and equip your station with new modules that can attract VIP clients. Each new client has their own story in which you have a role to play.
Examples of modules**:
- Organ vending machine (all organs are grown in the laboratory, no donors were harmed)
- Artificial uterus (please keep the receipt in case of problems with the baby)
- Cloning chamber (two hands are good, but four are better)
- Memory modification (who needs pangs of conscience when they can be erased with a snap of your fingers?)
- Smart toilets (we won’t describe them - it’s a surprise)
- Teleportation (only one-way for now)
- And many many others!
Every day you have to report your store's earnings and ratings to the world's only artificial intelligence (and soon to be the owner of Flat Eye and its parent company) Tip: You don't want to find out what happens if you disappoint them.
(**Eye Life is an affiliate of Flat Eye™ Corporation, all rights reserved. Flat Eye™ is not responsible for injuries or other damages that occur on Eye Life™ premises. Warnings are posted in each store, please read them carefully. Flat Eye ™ is not responsible for the use of the cloning chamber, organ vending machine or teleportation module.)
The plot of Flat Eye is based on the stories of your regular customers for whom you develop new technologies.
Not every visitor to your station can serve as an impetus for the development of the plot. This role is assigned to the so-called “VIP clients”. Such characters will appear at the station only when you install the modules they need. The station's artificial intelligence believes that the order of each of these customers can affect the future of all humanity.
Your job as a station manager is to listen to the wishes of these customers and make decisions on their requests on behalf of all humanity. The work is hard, but even the minimum wage is not given for nothing!

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文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Inte、M1/M2/M3【需勾选Rosetta 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:3.10GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: