量子遗弃Quantum Derelict Mac版 宇宙生存游戏 v1.2.000

摘 要

知您网分享的Quantum Derelict for Mac破解游戏是一款充满悬疑和恐怖元素的生存恐怖游戏,以令人不寒而栗的洛夫克拉夫特式叙事为背景。游侠网分享量子遗弃下载,在未知的广阔空间中,玩家将面临邪恶的邪教VUGSHERYOG和潜伏的恐怖,必须努力保持理智,找到救援,克服一切困难以生存下去。这款游戏将让玩家在充满神秘和惊悚的氛围中度过难关,探索充满挑战的未知世界。

量子遗弃Quantum Derelict Mac版 宇宙生存游戏
所属分类:大小1G-3G  策略游戏 适配:macOS 11.0或更高 大小:1.21GB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年05月07日
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Quantum Derelict mac游戏下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款故事驱动的生存恐怖游戏,背景设定在一艘在太空中不可预测地移动的船上。在这场令人毛骨悚然的洛夫克拉夫特式噩梦中,你的任务是生存、收集资源来修理你的飞船,并找到可以帮助你返回地球的智能外星生命。

Quantum Derelict Mac游戏下载设定

知您网游戏提供的Quantum Derelict for Mac破解游戏是一款故事驱动的生存恐怖游戏,背景设定在一艘在太空中不可预测地移动的船上。在这场令人毛骨悚然的洛夫克拉夫特式噩梦中,你的任务是生存、收集资源来修理你的飞船,并找到可以帮助你返回地球的智能外星生命。
然而,随着邪恶的实体潜伏在星际黑暗中,跟踪和追捕你,情况变得越来越可怕。你的生存取决于你的聪明才智,以规避邪恶的 VUGSHERYOG 邪教以及随之而来的难以言喻的恐怖。游戏将带领你陷入疯狂,同时面对这些外星恐怖,努力保持理智。您的个人日记记录了所有事件,包括 Ada 从船上主计算机接收的数据,并作为您心理健康的生命线。如果旅程以灾难告终,它甚至可以证明你的考验。

Quantum Derelict Mac游戏下载设定

• 一个正在展开的恐怖故事! - 体验洛夫克拉夫特式的恐怖故事,发现自己被困在一艘废弃的宇宙飞船上,并试图找到回家的方法。
• 存活! - 管理飞船的系统和你的健康以寻求救赎。
• 矿! - 在太空的每个位置开采太空碎片并打捞废弃的船只,为您的无人机收集资源,这将修复各种船舶系统并为您提供所需的护理。
• 无人机! - 控制一支无人机舰队,帮助你生存并找到救赎。您的无人机机队是您的生命线。
• 保护自己! - 借助炮塔系统和可以摧毁任何敌方船只的量子脉冲,保护你的船只免受 WOOGSHEROG邪教的追捕。
• 动态太空恐怖! - 这些生物了解你。他们正在看着你。他们想毁掉你。奔跑、战斗、生存!
• 工艺! - 创建新的无人机来补充您的库存并为耗尽的电池充电。
• 解锁新能力! - 当资源出现在船上的计算机上时,为您的无人机创建和更新软件,赋予它们新的能力,帮助您生存!


Quantum Derelict Crack is a story-driven survival horror game set on a ship moving unpredictably through space. In this chilling Lovecraft-inspired nightmare, your mission is to survive, gather resources to repair your ship, and find intelligent extraterrestrial life that can help you return to Earth.
Finding yourself alone on a damaged spaceship, survival seems impossible. But you, as the ship's resourceful engineer, use the scientific drones on board, repurposing them as resource collectors to mine and salvage the materials around you in the vastness of space. These adaptable drones can also be recoded to perform critical missions such as weapons repair, life support and communications upgrades. The artificial intelligence of the ship, Ada, will become your companion and guide on this difficult journey through the seemingly endless expanses of space in the hope of finding a savior.
However, the situation becomes increasingly dire as sinister entities lurk in the interstellar darkness, tracking and hunting you. Your survival depends on your ingenuity to circumvent the sinister cult of VUGSHERYOG and the unspeakable horrors that follow in its wake. The game follows you as you descend into madness while trying to maintain your sanity in the face of these alien horrors. Your personal diary records all events, including data received by Ada from the ship's main computer, and serves as a lifeline to your mental well-being. It can even testify to your trials if the journey ends in disaster.
In Quantum Derelict, you mine resources, repair your ship, and try to maintain your sanity. Avoid the lurking horrors, find your way home, and hopefully tell your story.
• An unfolding horror story! - Experience a Lovecraftian horror story as you find yourself trapped on an abandoned spaceship and try to find a way to get back home.
• Survive! - Manage the ship's systems and your health in search of salvation.
• Mine! - Mine space debris and salvage abandoned ships in every location in space to collect resources for your drones, which will repair various ship systems and provide you with the care you need.
• Drones! - Control a fleet of drones that will help you survive and find salvation. Your drone fleet is your lifeline.
• efend yourself! - Protect your ship from the WOOGSHEROG cult that is hunting you with the help of turret systems and a quantum pulse that can destroy any enemy ship.
• Dynamic space horror! - The creatures know about you. They are watching you. They want to destroy you. Run, fight, survive!
• Craft! - Create new drones to replenish your inventory and charge dead batteries.
• Unlock new abilities! - As resources appear on the ship's computer, create and update software for your drones to give them new abilities that will help you survive!

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 11.0或更高 大小:1.21GB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: