Totalfinder Mac版 Finder增强工具 v1.15.1

摘 要

TotalFinder是Mac上最好用的Finder增强工具,TotalFinder 提供了多标签式浏览、拷贝路径、剪切文件、显示隐藏文件、双栏窗口模式、彩色标签等功能,是必备的 Finder 增强工具,有需要的用户赶紧下载哦!!

Totalfinder Mac版 Finder增强工具
所属分类:系统增强  小于50M 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.15或更高版本 大小:10.89MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年04月11日


Totalfinder mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款Finder增强工具,可以实现Mac系统里多个Finder窗口,知您网官网分享的Totalfinder破解版,不仅具备Finder所有功能的同时,还提供了多标签式浏览、拷贝路径、剪切文件、显示隐藏文件、双栏窗口模式、彩色标签等功能,是必备的Finder增强工具。
Totalfinder for Mac软件下载功能介绍
基于标签的界面 - 告别散乱的Finder窗口。TotalFinder将所有内容合并到一个工作流程友好的,基于标签的布局中。
系统访问 - 使用知您网软件提供的TotalFinder Mac破解版,便利是关键:随着热键的冲击,它可以在系统范围内立即使用。
有用的调整 - TotalFinder的顶部文件夹功能将文件组织提高到一个新的水平。只需单击“首选项”菜单中的选项,即可在每个窗口中自动优先考虑急需的文件夹。
减少混乱 - OS X的Finder有一个坏习惯混淆你的系统与隐藏的属性文件。TotalFinder强调清洁,消除多余的文件和释放宝贵的存储空间。
Totalfinder for Mac软件下载功能特色
将彩色带回El Capitan。
苹果终于在小牛引入了标签。TotalFinder在Snow Leopard中添加了Chrome标签。


TotalFinder is a universally acclaimed navigational companion for your Mac. Enhance your Mac’s Finder with features so smart and convenient, you won’t believe you ever lived without them.

  • Tab-based interface – Say goodbye to scattered, disorganized Finder windows. TotalFinder merges everything into a workflow-friendly, tab-based layout.
  • System-wide access – With TotalFinder, convenience is key: With the stroke of a hot-key, it’s available instantly, system-wide.
  • Helpful tweaks – TotalFinder’s Folders on Top feature takes file organization to a new level. Just click the option in the Preferences menu and your much-needed folders will automatically be prioritized in every window.
  • Reduce clutter – OS X’s Finder has a bad habit of cluttering your system with hidden attribute files. TotalFinder emphasizes cleanliness, eliminating superfluous files and freeing up valuable storage space.


Version 1.15.1:
Fixed a code injection issue where TotalFinder would fail to successfully inject on certain legacy / unsupported systems that were patched using OpenCore Legacy Patcher / OCLP. (※ Please note that this issue has nothing to do with the UEFI bootloader named OpenCore — TotalFinder has never had any known compatibility issues with the OpenCore UEFI bootloader.) Ventura Monterey Big Sur Catalina
Fixed an issue where the new Coloured Labels logic would be unable to obtain the label colour of certain items that have coloured label information stored in a slightly different way than what was thought to be possible during testing. Ventura
Fixed an issue where the new Coloured Labels logic would use the oldest label colour found on an item with multiple labels, instead of the newest. Ventura
Fixed a rendering issue where the TotalFinder icon in the Finder preferences on macOS 11 Big Sur and newer would render with aliasing artifacts, especially on non-Retina/HiDPI displays where the issue was very severe. Ventura Monterey Big Sur
Fixed a rendering issue where the TotalFinder icon in the Finder preferences on macOS 11 Big Sur and newer was unable to be tinted by the user’s macOS UI tint colour when selected. Ventura Monterey Big Sur
Major internal refactors were made to the Coloured Labels feature, resulting in better optimisation of label colour lookup operations. Ventura Monterey Big Sur Catalina
Certain behaviour flags that were used during the testing of the new Coloured Labels logic are now controllable via TotalFinder’s power-user-oriented “Tweakables” feature, which you can use by creating specific files in your home directory (~, or ${HOME}) using the command-line utility touch. See below for more details. Ventura Monterey Big Sur Catalina
The newly-added Tweakable flag ~/.totalfinder-alwaysenablenewlabellookupmethods enables the new Coloured Labels lookup logic on macOS 12 Monterey and below, which normally use a different label colour lookup method that no longer works as of macOS 13 Ventura. Monterey Big Sur Catalina
The newly-added Tweakable flag ~/.totalfinder-disablelabelcolourlookupoptimisation disables all Coloured Labels lookup optimisations, which may be useful as a troubleshooting or debugging step. Ventura Monterey Big Sur Catalina
Made many improvements to the TotalFinder diagnostics utility ( that improve the usefulness of its output. Ventura Monterey Big Sur Catalina
Added an experimental feature that allows users to make the Visor show above other apps, but not the Dock whenever the Visor is in a pinned state. This experimental feature is currently only accessible by running defaults write com.binaryage.totalfinder TotalFinderVisorDrawAboveOtherAppsWhenPinned 1 in a Terminal session. (※ Replace the 1 with a 0 to disable the feature.) Ventura Monterey Big Sur Catalina
A new Visor-related Tweakable flag was added: ~/.totalfinder-useaggressivevisordrawpriority will set the Visor window to a much higher draw priority when the “Show on top of the Dock” feature is enabled. This can be useful if you encounter an app that is still able to draw above the Visor even with “Show on top of the Dock” enabled. Ventura Monterey Big Sur Catalina
Various other internal refactors and improvements were made to TotalFinder as a whole. Ventura Monterey Big Sur Catalina


TotalFinder Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网TotalFinder Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网TotalFinder Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网


1.14.x 适用于 macOS 10.15.x - 12.x
1.13.x 适用于 macOS 10.15.x - 11.x (Catalina/Big Sur)
1.12.3 适用于 macOS 10.11.x - 10.15.x (历史版本中下载)

TotalFinder 使用必须关闭SIP关闭方法,点我直达。

如果提示 Trouble Launching TotalFinder,Apple Events cannot be delivered. 请参考这篇教程解决:点我查看

“TotalFinder” Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 下载 密码
1.15.0 立即下载 agtm
1.14.2 立即下载 agtm
1.14.1 立即下载 agtm
1.14.0 立即下载 agtm


注意:网盘访问密码是 agtm

TotalFinder for Mac版 1.14.0 Beta 免费版


Totalfinder Mac版 Finder增强工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.15.1</span>的预览图
4、如果提示无法安装,需要关闭Sip,方法如下:关机然后重启你的Mac电脑,开机时一直按住Command+R迸入Recovery模式。打开终揣输入命令 csrutil disable 回车,然后重启电脑。
5、重启电脑后,打开安装好的TotalFinder。然后点击“Install the component”;
Totalfinder Mac版 Finder增强工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.15.1</span>的预览图
6、再点击”not now“;
Totalfinder Mac版 Finder增强工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.15.1</span>的预览图
7、然后我们点击“TotalFinder 试用剩余14天”,随后弹出“TotalFinder”注册界面
8、回到“TotalFinder软件包”,打开“TotalFinder 注册码”,将“TotalFinder注册码”中的注册信息复制到注册界面,然后点击“注册”。

文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.15或更高版本 大小:10.89MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura运行、Intel芯片【需关闭SIP
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  • weinxin
  • 天天领红包
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  • weinxin


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

目前评论:5   其中:访客  0   博主  0

    • AA AA 1


      • 默安安 默安安 0


          • zero zero 9

            @默安安 您好!感谢友友的热心反馈,我凌晨更新该软件后,就一直使用,若观察出问题,一定及时告知大家。

          • LongerONE LongerONE 0


            • lujinxin lujinxin 4

              1.7.14版 360链接失效了