SimLab Composer Mac 3D场景制作渲染软件 v10.17

摘 要

专业强大的3D场景渲染工具就为您推荐使用这款SimLab Composer Mac完美版。它能够帮助您进行3D场景的构建和渲染一集共享和动画应用软件。并且SimLab Composer Mac完美版可以让用户整合不同平台和不同格式的集合无敌等3D图像。SimLab Composer Mac破解版快速创建各种场景,让您工作起来更快速和方便!

SimLab Composer Mac 3D场景制作渲染软件
所属分类:大小100M-500M  平面设计 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.8或更高版本 大小:376.47MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2020年12月16日


SimLab Composer mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款强大的3D场景制作工具。SimLab Composer提供了一种简单易学直观的工作流程,实体的导入/导出和操作能力,允许用户整合来自不同平台/格式的几何物体,以方便快速地创建各种场景。允许的平台/格式包括:Rhino、IGES、STEP、Solidwords、SketchUp、3DXML、FBX、3DS、OBJ、U3D3D pdf,非常的强大!
SimLab Composer for Mac软件下载功能介绍
SimLab composer是一个3D场景构建,渲染,共享和动画应用程序,可让您从各种3D CAD格式创建3D场景。SimLab composer支持SketchUp,Solidworks,Rhino,Collada,STEP,FBX,IGES,3DS,OBJ等。SimLab Composer为您提供了一个易于使用的工具来创建专业的3D场景,逼真的渲染图像,创建的3D场景和现实生活的动画。它提供从现有型号构建3D场景所需的一切。手中的所有控制,您可以自定义颜色,照明效果,相机角度等。它可以灵活地选择输出格式,可以将3D场景和模型保存为图像或动画(3D PDF,WebGL和Android/iPad格式)。
SimLab Composer for Mac软件下载功能特色
SimLab Composer为用户提供了所有需要的工具,可以轻松快速地从现有模型构建3D感官。
- SimLab Composer为用户提供了不同的选项来共享3D场景和模型。
- 3D PDF,WebGL,Android / iPad。
SimLab Composer自动化工作台允许用户使用Java脚本来自动化SimLab Composer中的流程。


SimLab Composer is a complete, easy, affordable and feature rich solution enabling you to communicate your 3D ideas with ease. Start with any 3D model, and bring it to life with SimLab Composer to utilize it in marketing, manuals, training, user feedback, education and much more.
Features in SimLab Composer 10:
A brief summary with regards to the new updates that have been made in SimLab Composer 10 :
Scene Building:
• Search by name
• Animation Auto Ease options (Auto Ease Out, Auto Ease In, and Auto Ease).
• New Animation Time-line tools: Capture keyframe for object, Go to previous/next keyframe, and Select all keyframes on Animation Time-line.
• (Enhancement) Better layout for Animation Time-line tools.
• Added support for SimLab 360s Grid Technology.
• Added support for Light Baking (Light Baking is similar to Texture Baking but it gives the user the ability to change material of objects).
• Added support for sun light
• Added support for shadow from sun, which can be enabled or disabled by the user.
• Added support for Visualized Scene Options (lists)
• (Enhancement) Better appearance for materials
• (Enhancement) Better navigation: Smoother camera navigation with mouse movement in spin mode.
• (Enhancement) Better looking message boxes.
• (Enhancement) Camera transition among Scene States
• Added support for Visualized Scene Options (lists).
• SimLab 360s Grid Technology for SimLab FREE VR Viewer, SimLab FREE AR/VR Mobile Viewer, and HTML/WebGL: load and move among 360 degree images.
• Make Video: View video clips in SimLab FREE VR Viewer and SimLab FREE AR/VR Mobile Viewer.
• Event-Response System: SimLabs Event-Response System used for endless possibilities in your VR experiences, which also includes location-based triggers.
• VR Training: A state-machine-based system used for endless possibilities in your VR experiences, which also includes location-based triggers.
• Render Animation using SimLab FREE VR Viewer: New rendering mode using the VR Viewer.
Simlab Free VR Viewer
• Added support for SimLab 360s Grid Technology.
• Scene Building Mode: Dedicated mode where you can move, rotate, scale, copy, delete, and hide/show objects.
• (Enhancement) Improved two hands interaction with VR scene elements in VR mode.
• (Enhancement) Improved grabbing (grabbing with two hands) in VR mode.
• (Enhancement) Improved VR navigation (fixed old issues and added rotation) in VR mode.
• (Enhancement) Improved Scene Modes activation for Large Navigation, Lists, and Scene Building.
• Circular menu for switching among modes.
• Activation of List mode shows all list pins existing in scene.
• Users can now have two FREE private catalogs (up to 60 package)
• Users have the ability to edit or delete their own packages..

Version 10.16:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


Simlab Composer Mac软件下载免费尽在知您网


首先下载完软件“SimLab Composer”,点击“SimLab_Composer.pkg”,按其提示正常安装;
现在开始SimLab Composer 10 for Mac软件的破解步骤,请先不要打开软件!
回到软件包“SimLab Composer”,打开“SimLab Composer破解补丁”;
把“SimLab Composer”破解补丁拖动到右边相对应的macos文件夹中替换原文件,如图(两个macos路径不同,不能乱拖

应用程序/SimLab Composer

SimLab Composer Mac破解版知您网详细操作解析1
SimLab Composer 10补丁安装需要“认证”(鉴定),请点击“认证”(鉴定),如图
SimLab Composer Mac破解版知您网详细操作解析2
至此,“SimLab Composer”已经成功破解,现在您可以开启“SimLab Composer”激活版使用它的全部功能啦!

打开软件“SimLab Composer”,找到文件设置,如图
SimLab Composer Mac软件破解版语言设置详细操作解析1
SimLab Composer Mac软件破解版语言设置详细操作解析2

"SimLab Composer" Mac历史版本


文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.8或更高版本 大小:376.47MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

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    • hanoo hanoo 4


        • zero zero 9

          @hanoo 您好!能发布上来与之分享,也是多亏朋友热情提供线索,我才能做到“有求必应” :mrgreen: