IINA Mac免费版 非常强大的视频播放器 v1.3.5 Build 141

摘 要

知您网分享的IINA Mac软件免费版是一款非常不错的开源视频播放器,IINA for Mac免费版的界面优雅精美,功能实用,操作流畅。这里带来IINA for Mac版下载,一起来看看吧!

IINA Mac免费版 非常强大的视频播放器
所属分类:小于50M  视频播放器  精选 适配:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.13或更高 大小:91.1MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] 最后更新:2024年06月03日
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IINA mac免费版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款万能视频播放器,IINA Mac中文版提供了时尚而现代的用户界面,以及有用的功能,例如可自定义的播放设置、字幕支持以及流式传输在线内容的能力。此外,IINA免费版还具有内置的深色模式、对 MacBook Pro的触摸栏支持,以及与macOS功能(如画中画和全屏模式)的集成。对于寻求多功能且用户友好的媒体播放器的Mac用户来说,IINA for Mac免费版是一个不错的选择。
IINA Mac免费版功能介绍
Mac有在线免费视频播放器吗?知您网软件为您推荐IINA for Mac软件免费下载,IINA播放器是Mac平台上的一款开源视频播放器。IINA Mac免费版基于mpv,支持Touch Bar、兼容MPV脚本、几乎支持所有格式、网络播放,是一款拥有优雅外观的视频播放器。喜欢iina中文版吗?
IINA Mac免费版功能特色
IINA免费版以mpv为播放核心,所以享受到了mpv解码和图像方面的所有优点。与MPlayerX使用的slave mode不同,IINA使用了libmpv的C API,来提供更加稳定快速的渲染和控制。此外,它使用原始屏幕分辨率渲染,所以比起其他一些播放器画质有显著提高。
我也尽量满足一些「强迫症」用户的偏好,所以在拖动播放控制时,可以吸附窗口中心;又如在根据视频大小调整窗口大小时,可以选择根据 Retina 屏物理分辨率还是逻辑分辨率。
目前IINA也支持mpv的日志功能(Debug 用),以及使用mpv自己的osd。


IINA is the modern video player for macOS.

  • For and only for modern macOS – IINA is born to be a modern macOS application, from its framework to user interface. It adopts the post-Yosemite design language and keeps up the pace of new technologies like Force Touch and Touch Bar.
  • Revolutionary user experience – IINA simplified a lot of user interactions. In addition of traditional cascaded menus, it prefer using interactive UI components and gestures to give you intuitive, flexible and powerful control of the playback.
  • Powerful functionality – Based on MPV, one of the most powerful media player projects ever, IINA supports almost all common media types (even GIF) and stably output high-quality video that optimized for retina screen. MPV’s config file and script system are also integrated.
  • You are the target user – IINA is made by a user like you, who (may be) also having been expected for a powerful and elegant media player on macOS for years. Whether you just got your first Mac or are already a professional MPV user, IINA will satisfy you for its customizability and expandability.

Version 1.3.5:
Added a single file repeat feature
When downloading subtitles, the FPS for each subtitle is shown #4763. The subtitle result window is now wider
Added a "Load External Audio" menu item
Added a key binding to bind the R key to sub-pos +1 in the default IINA config #4823. Also added key bindings for changing subtitle font size
Bug fixes
Fixed the "seek exact" command sometimes not working correctly
Fixed a crash when clicking on the chapter menu
Fixed the play button state in the mini player not syncing
Fixed advanced settings not being searchable
Fixed the "Open Recent" menu being cleared when opening a non-release version of IINA
Fixed the cursor disappearing after clicking in the main window
Fixed the OSC not being clickable when moved to specific positions #4156. Also fixed OSC responses even when behind another view
Fixed a regression where the "Include Subtitles" setting for screenshots was not respected
Fixed iina-cli not working due to percent-encoding issues after macOS Sonoma
Fixed IINA being unable to pause the video when the system goes to sleep
Fixed the subtitle border size option not accepting decimal numbers
The open/save dialogs now block window input while open
Tweaked the layout of the settings sidebar
Improved the UX of the "Jump to..." command
Avoided excessive playlist refreshes
The audio track picker can now accept video files again
Internationalized the subtitles override levels
Made all volume icons indicate the current volume level

IINA Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 系统 下载 密码
1.3.4 Build 140 macOS 10.13或更高版本 立即下载 ssay
1.3.3 Build 138 macOS 10.13或更高版本 立即下载 ssay
1.3.2 Build 135 macOS 10.13或更高版本 立即下载 ssay
1.3.1 Build 133 macOS 10.11或更高版本 立即下载 ssay
1.3.0 Build 132 macOS 10.11或更高版本 立即下载 ssay
1.3.0 Build 130 macOS 10.11或更高版本 立即下载 ssay
1.1.2 Build 129 macOS 10.11或更高版本 立即下载 ssay
1.1.2 Build 128 macOS 10.11或更高版本 立即下载 ssay
1.1.0 Build 124 macOS 10.11或更高版本 立即下载 ssay
1.1.0 Build 123 macOS 10.11或更高版本 立即下载 ssay
1.1.0-beta2 Build 122 macOS 10.11或更高版本 立即下载 ssay
0.0.11 Build 29 macOS 10.10或更高版本 立即下载 ssay
文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.13或更高 大小:91.1MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

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