卫星统治(Satellite Reign) Mac 即时战略游戏 v1.13.06

摘 要


卫星统治(Satellite Reign) Mac 即时战略游戏
所属分类:大小500M-1G  策略游戏 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.12或更高版本 大小:668.89MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2021年11月23日


卫星统治(Satellite Reign) mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款科幻风格的拥有不同职业角色的即时战略游戏,游戏背景设定在一个赛博朋克风格的城市中,你需要控制一支由四名特工组成的小队不停作战,以取得这座城市的控制权,他们四人每个都拥有独特的直觉和技能。
卫星统治(Satellite Reign) for Mac游戏下载剧情
卫星统治(Satellite Reign) for Mac游戏下载特色
在多人合作游戏中与您的朋友一起玩整个 Satellite Reign。最多四名玩家可以各自控制自己的代理人,开启全新的战略和协调游戏水平。
借助全面的插入/退出支持、LAN 和 Internet 播放以及可自定义的代理分配,准备好以前所未有的方式体验 Satellite Reign。
Satellite Reign是一款基于职业的实时战略游戏,背景设定在一个开放世界的赛博朋克城市。你指挥4名特工穿过雨淋淋、霓虹闪烁的街道,那里的法律是大型企业的意志。使用你的特工潜行、射击、偷窃和破坏你的公司阶梯,并控制有史以来最强大的垄断企业。
Satellite Reign市是一个大型开放式游乐场。没有个人级别可供选择,可以无缝探索整个世界。在您探索的同时发现新任务,并挑选您想要解决的目标。


Satellite Reign is a real-time, class-based strategy game, set in an open-world cyberpunk city. You command a group of 4 agents through rain-soaked, neon-lit streets, where the law is the will of mega-corporations. Use your agents to sneak, shoot, steal, and sabotage your way up the corporate ladder, and take control of the most powerful monopoly of all time.
Each of your agents can be tailored toward your favoured play-style, while still maintaining their own unique specialisations. Shape your team into an offensive war machine, or an elite covert spec-ops outfit, and take the open-world city as your own.
Deluxe Edition
Contains the game, original soundtrack, 'Satellite Reign: Reboot' e-book and 'The Art of Satellite Reign' e-book.
Co-Op Multiplayer
Play the entirety of Satellite Reign with your friends in co-op multiplayer. Up to four players can each control their own agent, opening up a whole new level of strategic and co-ordinated play.
With full drop-in/drop-out support, LAN and Internet play, and customisable agent assignment, get ready to experience Satellite Reign like never before.
Strategic Cyberpunk Action
Satellite Reign is a real-time, class-based strategy game, set in an open-world cyberpunk city. You command a group of 4 agents through rain-soaked, neon-lit streets, where the law is the will of mega-corporations. Use your agents to sneak, shoot, steal, and sabotage your way up the corporate ladder, and take control of the most powerful monopoly of all time.

Each of your agents can be tailored toward your favoured play-style, while still maintaining their own unique specialisations. Shape your team into an offensive war machine, or an elite covert spec-ops outfit, and take the open-world city as your own.
Open World
The city of Satellite Reign is one big, open playground. No individual levels to pick between, the whole world can be explored seamlessly. Uncover new missions while you explore, and pick and choose which objectives you want to tackle.
Customise your Team
Each of your four agents can be tailored to suit your play style. Choose their skills, weapons, gear, augmentations, and even their genetic base by cloning exceptional individuals from the general population.
Multiple Strategies
There's no 'right-way' to complete your objectives. The world has been designed to facilitate emergent gameplay, allowing you to choose from and combine a wide range of strategic options. Sneak in through ventilation shafts, hack doors, take out power generators, hijack the minds of guards, or just blow the front door down. Countless opportunities await.


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文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.12或更高版本 大小:668.89MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1芯片运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: