纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符(The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos) Mac回合制角色扮演类游戏 v1.0.225(41985)

摘 要

喜欢玩冒险游戏吗?那就来试试纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符 mac中文版!踏入纳赫鲁博王国地下城那荒诞有趣的英雄幻想宇宙;在经典、极具挑战的战略RPG中带领一堆最不像英雄笨拙的英雄角色;体验一幕幕幽默、惊喜又冒着傻气的冒险。躲避陷阱、解决致命的谜题,解锁令人无可抗拒的宝藏。

纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符(The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos) Mac回合制角色扮演类游戏
所属分类:大小6G-10G  角色扮演 平台:Mac Os | 系统:(需64位CPU) OS X 10.14.6及以上 大小:6.55GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2020年10月19日


《纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符(The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos)》 mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上由Artefacts Studio制作,Dear Villagers发行的一款角色扮演游戏,指引一个小队伍在这个地下城中进行探索,搜寻宝物,帮助他们完成这个惊心动魄的冒险
《纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符》 for Mac游戏下载剧情
纳赫鲁博宇宙是法国作者John Lang的原创作品。最初的作品源自备受法国听众喜爱的广播喜剧的同款RPG游戏和幻想桥段。而本作是这部作品首次以英文形式发布游戏!
《纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符》 for Mac游戏下载特色

  • 不尽如人意……的英雄队伍
  • 7个可升级的经典RPG游戏角色/职业:游侠、精灵、矮人、魔法师、食人魔和盗贼!
  • 每个队伍成员拥有各自独有的技能树,可升级能力和装备。
  • 可在其他三位同伴中选择一位加入冒险队伍
  • 史诗级的战斗
  • 惊险的回合制战斗,队友之间可提供脑洞大开的辅助
  • 自适应的难度系统:从入门级的趣味故事模式到最微小的战术失误都将导致失败的“噩梦”模式,不一而足
  • 可拓展的野兽图鉴(超过100种敌人!),让你不得不思考每场战斗的策略
  • 史诗级的Boss战,绞尽脑汁、集聚力量,取得胜利!
  • 隐蔽、可破坏的物品(包括啤酒桶)带来令人大吃一惊的状态效果,或可让战斗翻盘、或继续陷入深渊
  • 令人心惊胆颤的地下城 
  • 探索巨大、出人意料的地下城,包括地穴和邪恶领主赞达尔的豪华住处,再到地精的溜冰场,甚至还有人声鼎沸的酒馆
  • 躲避陷阱、解决致命的谜题,解锁令人无可抗拒的宝藏!
  • 古怪的对话、荒诞的情境,还有非比寻常的遭遇战!
  • 体验激动人心的主线剧情和众多英雄专属的支线任务。



Are you ready to dive into a tactical RPG chock-full of charm, humor and crazy characters?
They are clumsy, inexperienced and feisty but…they’ll have to endure each other’s company to get the dungeon’s treasure.
However, a feeling of déjà-vu quickly arises…
Guide this team of unlikely heroes in an adventure full of humor and chaos!
The Naheulbeuk universe is an original creation by French author John Lang. It started as a very popular audio comedy series parodying role-playing games and heroic fantasy tropes. Now the story is available in English and as a video game for the first time!

  • Play with seven classic role-playing game characters complementing each other’s skills as you level them up: the Ranger, the Elf, the Dwarf, the Magician, the Ogre and the Thief!
  • Every member of the team has their own skill tree to upgrade their abilities and equipment.
  • Choose one of three additional companions to join the team on their adventure!
  • Exciting turn-based battles, with creative support mechanics between team members.
  • An adaptive difficulty system: from an accessible and fun story mode with simplified combat to the “nightmare mode” where the smallest tactical errors will doom you!
  • An expansive bestiary (more than 100 enemies!) pushing you to think more tactically with every fight.
  • Epic boss battles where you’ll have to muster both strength and smarts to emerge victorious!
  • Hidden and destructive objects (including beer kegs) with surprising status effects will turn the tide of battle for the better…or worse!
  • Explore a huge and surprising dungeon from the cave up to the luxury quarters of the evil lord Zangdar, passing through the goblin iceskating park and even an extremely lively tavern!
  • Escape traps and solve deadly puzzles to unlock the most impressive treasures!
  • Bizarre conversations, absurd situations and unusual encounters await!
  • Experience an exciting main storyline and many side quests for your heroes


Version 1.0.225:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符(The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos)Mac游戏破解版知您网免费下载纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符(The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos)Mac游戏破解版知您网免费下载纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符(The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos)Mac游戏破解版知您网免费下载纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符(The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos)Mac游戏破解版知您网免费下载纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符(The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos)Mac游戏破解版知您网免费下载纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符(The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos)Mac游戏破解版知您网免费下载


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"纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护身符(The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos)" Mac历史版本


文件下载 平台:Mac Os | 系统:(需64位CPU) OS X 10.14.6及以上 大小:6.55GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解
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