Mocks Mac – IOS用户界面和控件UI设计软件 v2.7(2700)

摘 要

对于软件开发和设计师来说Mocks for Mac是一款非常不错的软件,能够快速地设计出iOS UI模型的布局线框或可视化模型关系。小编为大家带来了Mocks Mac破解版软件下载,欢迎广大友友前来下载!

Mocks Mac – IOS用户界面和控件UI设计软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.7(2700)</span>
所属分类:平面设计 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.8及以上 大小:11.77MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2018年02月08日


Mocks破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款优秀的移动UI原型设计工具,可用于设计iOS移动应用原型,包括iPhone、iPad应用,内置大量控件,简单易用,可以尝试一下!
Mocks for Mac配有内置的图形集,可描绘iOS UI控件和小部件(如按钮,工具栏和文本字段)。将这些控件从左侧的“库”调色板拖动到组合您的模型的Canvas区域中央。对齐指南(自动和用户创建)可帮助您保持设计一致。
Mocks Mac版还包括许多从图表或矢量图形应用程序中预期的基本功能。包括一个强大的贝塞尔钢笔工具加上大量的形状,箭头,图像和磁力线,自动调整大小并与其连接的形状一起移动。
对于程序员和设计师来说,模拟器非常适合寻找一个简单的工具,用于快速设计iOS UI模型,布局线框或可视化模型关系。

Version 2.7:

  • 新:导出选择 – 主菜单>文件>导出选择“
  • 新增:库中的状态栏和主页指示器对象,以匹配最新设备的样式。
  • 新:10%缩放比例选项。
  • FIX:按住Control键单击画布上用于激活上下文菜单的对象现在可以再次正常工作。
  • FIX:改进的画布渲染性能。


Mocks allows you to rapidly create beautiful, high-fidelity mockups of iOS, iPad, and iPhone applications. It is a modern, native app for OS X that gives you special tools to design mockups of iOS applications and screens. Mocks comes with a built-in collection of graphics depicting iOS icons, UI controls, and widgets (like buttons, toolbars, and text fields). Drag these controls from the Library palette on the left to the central Canvas area where you compose your mockups. Alignment guides (both automatic, and user-created) help you keep your designs in line.
Every Mocks composition is a multi-page document supporting modern features like Autosave, Version Browsing, Full-Screen Mode, QuickLook and iCloud Document Storage. Page thumbnails appear in a vertical palette on the far left of every window, giving you an overview of the contents of all pages simultaneously. Mocks also includes many of the essential features you expect from a Diagramming or vector graphics application. Including a powerful Bézier Path pen tool plus a large collection of shapes, arrows, images, and magnetic lines which automatically resize and move along with the shapes to which they are connected. Mocks is great for Programmers and Designers looking for a simple tool for quickly designing iOS UI mockups, laying out wireframes, or visualizing model relationships.

Version 2.7:

  • New: Export Selection – Main Menu > File > Export Selection…
  • New: Status Bar and Home Indicator objects in the Library to match the style of the latest devices.
  • New: 10% Zoom Scale option.
  • Fix: Control-clicking objects on the Canvas for activating the context menu now works properly again.
  • Fix: Improved canvas rendering performance.


Mocks Mac – IOS用户界面和控件UI设计软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.7(2700)</span>的预览图Mocks Mac – IOS用户界面和控件UI设计软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.7(2700)</span>的预览图Mocks Mac – IOS用户界面和控件UI设计软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.7(2700)</span>的预览图Mocks Mac – IOS用户界面和控件UI设计软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.7(2700)</span>的预览图Mocks Mac – IOS用户界面和控件UI设计软件 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.7(2700)</span>的预览图


Mocks” Mac历史版本


Mocks for Mac 2.6.8(2680) 破解版
1、城通网盘 | 2、百度网盘
1、城通网盘 | 2、百度网盘

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