Framer Mac 移动应用原型设计工具 v124

摘 要

Framer for Mac是一个设计工具,使用代码做任何可能的事情。Framer允许您从简单的代码开始,使您的设计更具生命力。在任何设备上测试,随时随地重复,轻松共享反馈。

Framer Mac 移动应用原型设计工具
所属分类:编程开发 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.11及以上 大小:63.38MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2019年05月07日


Framer mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款强大的移动原型设计工具,基于Framer.js快速原型框架,可以快速的创建可交互的原型,支持移动应用的原型设计,集成了Photoshop & Sketch等软件,可以快速的将这些软件的源文件导入到原型中,受到了Google、Dropbox等公司的推荐。
Framer.js的创始人Koen Bok和Jorn van Dijk分别是之前Mac平台著名的软件开发公司Sofa的创始人和设计总监,随着Sofa几年前被Facebook收购,他们也都加入到Facebook做起了产品设计,但最近两人离职后创立了Podium,专注于打造小而美的生产力工具。
Framer for Mac功能介绍
其实Framer.js很早就推出并且开源了,随着最近3.0的发布,底层代码已经重新全写了,功能和动画效果也更加完善了,官网上的教程和例子也很丰富,可以看到利用它可以创造出和Carousel,Google Now这些app一样的复杂交互。另外它还提供了一个The Framer Generator,可以方便的让设计师把Photoshop或Sketch里的设计图导入到Framer.js里面,而这次Framer Studio的发布,让这一创作过程更加简便了,极大了方便了设计师,并且之前内测时也得到了包括Facebook、Dropbox等公司的顶级设计师们的一致好评。


Framer lets you start with simple code to bring your design to life. Test it on any device, iterate as you go and share easily for feedback. Pioneer new interaction patterns or create groundbreaking animation. No limits, no constraints.

  • Code has never been this easy. Auto-Code makes starting a project as easy as inserting a layer. Define an interaction or manipulate its properties directly in the panel and watch as your code writes itself. Simple syntax, preloaded actions, and auto-complete commands take you from basic designs to advanced prototypes in no time.
  • Live editing in every device. Drag icons, resize images, or move layers directly in the visual canvas. No matter what you do, Auto-Code keeps up with you. Need to see your prototype in its native environment? Framer supports multiple platforms – iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows or Web.
  • Unleash your creativity. Go beyond existing transitions and quick animations. Incorporate real world data and build next level interfaces using custom components. It’s the perfect environment for inventing the impossible.

    • Motion – Fine tune animation to make layers move in perfect harmony.
    • Touch – Choose preloaded native interaction patters or customize your own.
    • Depth – Respond to orientation changes and tilt layers in 3D space.
    • Input – Capture real user in put to test and work with actual user data.
    • Data – Pull in profile photos, user names, or anything with an API.
    • Adaptive – Make responsive prototypes that adapt to user interaction.
  • Boost your design workflow. Import graphics directly from Sketch or Photoshop. Changes to your mockups are easily synced to Framer. Ready for feedback? Present in fullscreen, view on a mobile device or share with the world.
  • Get started today. Jump into Framer however makes sense to you. Start with a step-by-step guide, take a Skillshare class or watch a video tutorial on Youtube. Or join our community and get real-time responses to your design questions.

    • Resources – Beginner articles, in-depth tutorials, and modules.
    • Sketch Import – Step-by-step guide to organize and import.
    • Device Preview – Get the iOS and Android companion apps.
    • Community – Join th emain Framer group or RSVP to a meetup.


Version 124:

  • Incremental zooming to 75% and 150%.
  • Custom overlay transition backdrops.
  • Better output for Copy CSS.
  • Nested master Design Components.
  • Handling of missing fonts.


  • Copy and pasting from Sketch v52.
  • Importing from Framer Classic.
  • Color picker showing HSV instead of HSL.
  • Unremovable filters on text elements.


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Framer” Mac历史版本


文件下载 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.11及以上 大小:63.38MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

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    • Tristan Tristan 0


        • zero zero 9

          @Tristan 您好!今看到友友的消息,我又重新下载,打开后很正常啊,实在是没遇到过友友所说的情况,很是遗憾,没法帮到友友!无法给您解答疑惑。

            • letty5 letty5 0

              @zero 真的连不上网。。。。。