Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 v7.2.7.0

摘 要

Wing mac 破解版是mac上一个基于Python编程语言开发的集成开发环境,为软件开发者提供了一个集成的工程管理器、图形界面的调试器、源代码浏览器,并预设了一个高级的源代码编辑器。

Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具
所属分类:编程开发  大小50M-100M 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.14或更高版本 大小:73.84MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2020年11月18日


Wing Pro 7 mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上非常火爆的一款Python开发工具。其不仅可以帮助用户进行有效的自动化编辑和调用协助,还支持代码折叠、重构以及多选等特色化操作,既增加交互式python的开发速度,同时在原有的开发环境下更能体现出软件内置编辑器的强大功能,在良好适应远程开发的基础上也能更加展现出软件简易的操作形式和编码风格。
Wing Pro 7 for Mac软件下载功能介绍
Wing Python IDE专为Python而设计,为您带来更高效的开发体验。
Wingware的跨平台Python IDE 系列通过强大的集成编辑,调试,单元测试和项目管理功能,使Python开发变得更加容易。Wing可在Windows,Linux和OS X上运行,可用于开发用于Web,桌面,科学,数据分析,嵌入式脚本和其他应用程序的任何类型的Python代码。
版本7引入了许多新的功能,包括改进的多选择,更容易远程开发,从Python壳牌调试, 递归调试, PEP 484和526类型提示, PEP 8重新格式化,用于Python 3.6和3.7的支持,以创建能力新 来自New Project对话框的virtualenv,改进的VI模式,支持 Vagrant,Jupyter,Django 1.10+和2.0,以及适用于Linux的Windows子系统,改进了对matplotlib的支持,更轻松的Raspberry Pi开发,优化调试器,OS X全屏模式,One Dark调色板,俄语本地化(感谢Alexandr Dragukin),扩展免费产品线等等。
Wing 7适用于Python版本2.5到2.7和3.2到3.7,包括Anaconda,ActivePython,EPD,Stackless和其他源自CPython实现的版本。
Wing Pro 7 for Mac软件下载功能特色
Wing IDE Pro for Mac破解版的调试器可以轻松修复错误并以交互方式编写新代码。使用条件断点来隔离问题,然后逐步执行代码,检查数据,观察值,从Debug Probe的命令行进行交互,以及递归调试。您可以调试从IDE启动的多进程和多线程代码,托管在Web框架中,从嵌入式Python实例调用或在远程系统上调用。

WingIDE Pro for Mac破解版的编辑器通过适合上下文的自动完成和文档,调用辅助,自动编辑,重构,代码折叠,多选,可自定义的内联代码片段,书签等来加速交互式Python开发。Wing可以模拟vi,emacs,Eclipse,Visual Studio和XCode。
WingIDE Pro for Mac破解版通过goto-definition,查找用途,在项目中查找符号,编辑器符号索引,源浏览器以及强大的多文件搜索,可以轻松绕过代码。
WingIDE Pro for Mac破解版支持使用unittest,doctest,nose,pytest和Django测试框架进行测试驱动的开发。使用Wing强大的调试器可以轻松修复失败的测试。
WingIDE Pro for Mac破解版的快速配置远程开发支持使您可以使用在远程主机,VM或容器上运行的Python代码无缝,安全地使用Wing的所有功能。
Wing通过Git,Mercurial,Perforce,Bazaar,Subversion和CVS支持项目管理和版本控制。其他功能包括Pylint集成,执行OS命令行和缩进样式转换。Wing可在Windows,OS X和Linux上运行,还支持对Raspberry Pi和其他ARM Linux设备的远程开发。


Wing IDE Professional is a Python IDE with all the features designed for professional programmers. It includes powerful features editor, code intelligence, refactoring, debugging, search, unit testing, project management and revision control.
Wing IDE design is simple with the editor window as its central accessory. Panels support, the source browser, the output of runtime and debugging panels, etc., are arranged on the periphery. In the lower right corner is the Wizard panel eminently useful sources, Wing IDE response to suggestions call. Start typing, for example, a function call, and prototyping information and documents for the corresponding functions are shown in the Wizard of origin. Continue writing and probable matches are appropriately reduced. In addition, when you click a function name anywhere in the editor (either a set point or reference point), the function information is displayed in the Wizard of origin.
Wingware Debugger is highly configurable. For example, you can configure the debugger to stop when an exception occurs, but before the exception clauses or end have been executed; or you can configure the debugger to allow such clauses run and then stop running. In addition, you can configure the monitoring system debugger to display the contents of an object only when the object is in context, or hold a reference to the object and display its content regardless of the current context.
The debugger can handle multithreaded applications, when debugging the target application is stopped, for example, at a breakpoint, the debugger default stops all threads and thread indicates which caused the suspension. However, this is configurable so that if a thread reaches a breakpoint, the others can continue to run.

  • Debugging GUI, Web and script
  • Tracking Report exceptions
  • See stack, locals / globals and return value
  • Accepts input () and raw_input ()
  • E / S of the debugging process integrated with coding configurable text
  • console I / S native
  • Debugging multi-threaded
  • remote debugging
  • Tooltips debug value
  • Detect exceptions controlled not
  • powered by Django, web2py, Flask, Google App Engine, Plone, Turbogears, Zope and Plone
  • Altering data values debug
  • multiple points named entry and startup configurations debug
  • probe debugging interactive with autocomplete, syntax highlighting, goto-definition, suggestions call and documentation links
  • Practice reset tool reset
  • Tracking values by reference
  • Evaluate expressions
  • conditional breakpoints
  • breakpoints ignored
  • Enable / disable breakpoints
  • Move the counter debug program
  • Multithreaded debugging automatic process and secondary
  • unit tests Debugs
  • Manager breakpoint
  • process of attaching / separating
  • sys.modules Inspecting
  • Debugging Django template files
  • matplotlib mainloop support
  • Dial a range of code in the editor for a quick reassessment in Python Shell or Debug Probe



  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图



1、软件“Wing Pro”下载完了后,首先将软件“Wing Pro”拖至电脑“应用程序”中;
2、“应用程序”中打开软件“Wing Pro”,点击“Accept”
3、选择“Activate a purchased license”,先晾一边待用;
Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图
Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图
5、回到软件“Wing Pro”镜像包,我们将“Wing Pro”破解工具“kg.pyc”拖至电脑桌面
Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图
6、随后从桌面,将“Wing Pro”破解工具拖进终端;
7、“Wing Pro”破解工具拖进终端后,敲回车
Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图
8、此时终端会生成一串“Wing Pro”注册码。
Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图
9、将所得“Wing Pro”的注册码复制到刚才待用的软件注册页面。(如若不行,重新启动终端重试!)
Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图
10、“Wing Pro”注册码输入之后点击“Continue”
Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图
11、把“Wing Pro”软件中生成的request code复制到终端中
Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图
12、request code输入之后在终端敲回车
Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图
Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图
14、选择第二个选项“or:activate manually...”,把WingIDE密钥复制到软件注册页面的正确位置中,再点击“Continue”
Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图
Wing Pro 7 Mac版 Python开发工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v7.2.7.0</span>的预览图

文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.14或更高版本 大小:73.84MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: