Firetask Mac GTD任务管理器 v4.8.1(169)

摘 要

知您网为您带来的是Firetask Mac破解版是一款很不错的TD任务管理工具,Firetask for Mac破解软件通过将David Allen强大的Getting Things Done方法与传统的任务管理功能相结合,Firetask Mac破解版创造了独特的任务管理体验,有兴趣的朋友可以来试试哦!

Firetask Mac GTD任务管理器
所属分类:任务/日历  小于50M 适配:macOS 10.15或更高 大小:12.29MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年11月26日
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Firetask Mac破解版知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款创新的集成GTD的任务管理器,Firetask破解版能够根据日期和内容来对任务进行特殊管理,可以选择与提醒事项、日历事件、联系人集成,支持跨平台同步,功能全面!

Firetask Mac软件下载功能介绍

知您网软件提供的Firetask for Mac破解软件使有项目意识的人能够有效地完成工作。
从捕捉您的想法和管理您的待办事项到组织和专注于您最重要的任务,Firetask破解版以一种独特的方式将 David Allen 的完成工作 (GTD®) 方法与看板任务管理相结合。
如果你不知道 GTD 是如何工作的,这里有一些基本概念:
(1) 进行“头脑风暴”——将所有未解决的问题和任务收集到“收件箱”中
(2) 确定任务是否可操作,即您想要并且可以自己完成它们,是否要委派它们(Firetask 提供“等待”列表),或者它们是否更像是“某天/也许”的事情
(3) 将可操作的任务组织成所谓的“下一步行动”列表(Firetask破解版为此提供了“项目”)
(4) 分配上下文以指示,例如,一项任务是否只能在特定环境中完成(例如,你必须是“家”才能清理你的房子;我们称之为“类别”)
(5) 执行每周 GTD 审查,定期重复步骤 2-4,以使您信任的 GTD 任务管理系统保持最新
知您网官网分享的Firetask Mac软件下载提供了一种非常合乎逻辑的 GTD 实现方式,将“收件箱”或“某天”等概念实现为任务状态;这样,类别(上下文)和项目分配可以选择在收件箱中关联,因此,使任务可操作仅意味着将其状态更改为“可操作”。
虽然任务不一定是项目的一部分,但项目是Firetask for Mac破解软件中的第一类业务对象:它们有自己的状态,您可以通过“组合”(项目文件夹)组织它们,并且您可以完全控制任务的顺序一个专案。成功的以项目为导向的任务管理从未如此简单。
Firetask破解版带有出色的可视化工具,可帮助您进行每周 GTD 审查,例如“看板”和“日期”视图。只需使用拖放功能即可在状态、类别、优先级、到期日或开始日期之间移动任务。
Firetask破解版还与Apple生态系统深度集成,可选择与提醒、日历事件、联系人和通过 iCloud 同步的集成。
Firetask破解版可在iPhone、iPad、macOS和Apple Watch上使用,为您提供跨平台的无缝用户体验。

Firetask Mac软件下载功能特色

* GTD 的可靠和合乎逻辑的实现,包括专用的“收件箱”、“某天”、“即将到来”和“等待”列表
* 独特的“今日”视图显示“焦点”(您想尽快做的事情)以及过期任务
* 实用的“即将到来”视图,一目了然地显示即将到来的到期和下一个任务
* 通过项目任务列表、用于组织项目的投资组合以及将复杂任务分解为单个步骤的操作,完全支持简单的项目管理
* 支持链接附件
* 任务和项目类别的独特颜色和基于图标的方法
* 干净,同时视觉上丰富的用户体验
* 通过 iCloud 无缝同步
* 与内置提醒、日历和联系人应用程序的可选集成
* 今天小部件和高度集中的 Apple Watch 应用程序提供对收件箱、今天、即将到来和等待列表的快速访问


Get done more with Kanban & GTD®. Firetask Crack supports you continuously from capturing your thoughts and managing your personal to-dos, to organizing your projects and focusing on your most important tasks., Firetask Crack uniquely combines Kanban & GTD to boost your productivity to a whole new level.
# Capture: Getting It All Out Of Your Head
Free your mind for the important things in life and work by easily capturing everything in a single, trusted system.
Inbox. Quickly capture everything in your Firetask Inbox. You can easily enrich your task with notes, links and more if needed. A badge count reminds you if your Inbox is not empty.
# Clarify: Always Staying in Control
Get into the driver's seat and always work on getting your Inbox to zero by deciding what is actionable and what is not.
In Focus. If something is actionable simply put it into the "In Focus" list. In Focus lets you keep track of things you want to do today or as soon as possible. Want to do it on a specific date? Set a Start or Due date instead
# Organize: Bringing Order into Chaos
Turn chaos into order by putting your tasks into context, breaking them down if needed and neatly organizing them in projects and portfolios.
Projects & portfolios. By grouping tasks into projects you can put your tasks in a defined order and provide them with additional context. You can also organize related projects into portfolios and define checklists as reusable task list templates
# Reflect: Keeping Your System Up-to-Date
Weekly reviews ensure that your system stays up-to-date empowering you to achieve more by making informed decisions and focusing on the right things.
Kanban. Firetask combines GTD with Kanban in a unique way providing you with unparalleled, clear overviews for reflecting on your tasks. Supported boards are organized by Status, by Categories, by Due and by Start date and by Priorities -- with drag & drop support for fast changes
# Engage: Achieving More By Improving Focus
Having a clear picture on what is important here and now allows you to achieve more by helping you both focus faster and to stay in the "zone".
Today. By showing you all tasks that are "In Focus" as well as tasks that are scheduled for or due today in a single view, Firetask provides you with the big picture on what to focus on today. If you are using the Pomodoro Technique you can even enable a Pomodoro timer for helping you staying focused
# Key Features
- Intuitive GTD Workflow. Easy, logical navigation based on the major GTD phases: Collect (Capture), Focus, Manage, and Review
- Clear Today View. One overview across all your due, scheduled and in focus tasks (in-progress and completed today optional)
- Pomodoro® Technique. Configurable support for Pomodoro task estimation with in focus Pomodoros count and Pomodoro timer
- Waiting For List. A GTD list for managing all your delegated tasks in one place - practically grouped by assignee
- Multiple Kanban Views. Drag & drop Kanban views by status, due and start dates, priorities, and categories
- Calendar visualization. Practical Dates view shows monthly calendar overview of your tasks (with due and scheduled modes)
- Projects & Portfolios. Comprehensive support for project task lists - complete with progress visualization and optional portfolios
- Categories for Context. Unique color and icon-based approach to task and project categories for providing visually rich GTD context
- Actions and Checklists. Split complex tasks into smaller actions and save repeatedly used tasks as reusable checklists
- Quick Create. Configurable global keyboard shortcut for quickly creating tasks from other apps
- Integrations & API. Integrated with built-in Calendar and Reminder apps - simple URL scheme-based API
- Syncing via iCloud. Transparent syncing via Apple's iCloud - no separate account needed
- Privacy by Design. Your tasks stay on your devices and on your iCloud account only
Version 4.8:
Firetask 4.8.1 fixes a small UI glitch on macOS Sonoma and of course comes with all the practical improvements from version 4.8:
- New interactive Focus widget: You can now tick off tasks directly from your home screen (requires macOS 14 Sonoma)
- Improved Status Kanban board: We dropped the Someday column and instead introduced a new column for "On Hold"
- Notes field for Quick-Entry: Enter notes directly when quick-entering a task via the global hotkey
- Confirmation for stopping the Pomodoro timer: No more accidentally stopping a Pomodoro
- Optional deletion of imported Reminders: Configure this now easily in the Firetask Settings
- Improved sharing messages and links: Improved text structure as well as share link now include also actions
In addition, we solved a number of usability issues and minor bugs that have been brought to our attention by our valued users. As always, thank you for your feedback!

Firetask Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 下载 密码
4.8(168) 立即下载 ssay
4.7(143) 立即下载 ssay
4.6.9(129) 立即下载 ssay
4.6.8(126) 立即下载 ssay
文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3【需关闭SIP 适配:macOS 10.15或更高 大小:12.29MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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