Unite Mac版 将网站转化成应用程序 v5.1

摘 要

Unite for Mac破解版将会把网站转化为应用程序,让Unite Mac破解软件制作的应用程序还具有独特的自定义功能,包括能够使浏览器窗口浮动,将网站变成实时桌面壁纸,更改窗口不透明度等等,这些功能能够帮助大家合理的将网站进行编辑转换,使之更加容易分享。

Unite Mac版 将网站转化成应用程序
所属分类:小于50M  其它工具 适配:macOS 12.0或更高 大小:19.92MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年11月21日
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Unite mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款可以将网站转化成应用程序的工具,只需要一键就可以将你的网站变身成app文件了,这样就可以在手机上浏览使用了,支持自定义APP名称、自定义文件图标,免去了开发人员进行手工开发带来的各种复杂步骤。

Unite for Mac软件下载功能介绍

知您网软件提供的Unite Mac破解软件允许您快速轻松地将网站转换为macOS上全功能的本地应用程序。使用革命性的Unite浏览器作为后端,每个Unite应用程序都具有自己的浏览器,同时保持令人难以置信的小而全功能。而且,Unite破解版转化成应用程序都是独一无二的浏览器,因此它们具有单独的Cookie和设置,以及对用户脚本和用户样式的支持。除了现代的网页浏览功能之外,Unite for Mac破解版还包括特定于macOS的功能,包括通知,TouchBar支持,将应用程序固定到状态栏的功能等等。

Unite for Mac软件下载功能特色

这一切都始于使您的Unite for Mac破解版应用程序。为您的应用命名,输入网址,然后选择一个图标。Unite破解版可以从网站上拉取Favicon,也可以从您的机器上选择一个自定义图标。
每个Unite Mac破解版将网站转化成应用程序是一个功能齐全,基于网络工具包的浏览器。他们支持现代网络技术,并具有完全独立的设置,历史和饼干。
深度  定制
除了完整的网页浏览功能外,Unite Mac破解版版应用程序还具有独特的自定义功能,包括能够使浏览器窗口浮动,将网站变成实时桌面壁纸,更改窗口不透明度等等。
知您网官网分享的Unite  Mac破解版版可以创建状态栏应用程序,从您的菜单栏而不是码头运行。创建一个快速的方式来检查你的电子邮件,发送一个WhatsApp的,甚至看电影。这些应用程序支持常规Unite应用程序的所有功能,包括不透明度,浮动和通知。


Unite Crack makes it quick and easy to turn websites into fully functional native macOS apps. Using the revolutionary Unite Browser as a backend, each Unite app has its own browser while remaining incredibly small and feature-rich. And because
Each Unite application is a unique browser, they have separate cookies and settings, and support for custom scenarios and user styles. In addition to modern web browsing features, Unite apps include features native to macOS, including notifications, touchpad support, the ability to pin apps to the status bar, and more.
Version 5.0:

  • macOS 14 Sonoma Improvements: Various improvements and fixes for macOS 14 Sonoma.
  • Enhanced Link Forwarding: Support for wildcard rules, subdomains, and subdirectories in Link Forwarding.
  • Global Shortcut Revival: The global shortcut to bring an app back to the front has been restored.
  • URL Bar Animations: Improvements to animations in the URL bar.
  • Close Rightmost Window: You can now close the rightmost window when the titlebar is hidden. 
  • Delete Key Fix: Resolved an issue where the delete key wasn't working on some sites.
  • Command-W Fix: Fixed an issue where command-w was not working in Unite apps.
  • License Verification Fix: Resolved a crash issue after license verification that made Unite 5.0.1 unusable for some users.
  • Icon Fetching Improvements: Improved the process of fetching icons, and added a new default icon.
  • Microsoft Support: Enhanced support for Microsoft services, though Teams is still not supported. We continue to investigate fixes for Teams support.
  • URL Management: New shortcuts for copying the current URL (command-shift-c) and editing the URL (command-l).
  • Unite 4 App Upgrades: Upgraded Unite 4 apps will now include user scripts, styles, andtab positions.
  • Additional Bug Fixes: Various other improvements and bug fixes have been made.


文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 12.0或更高 大小:19.92MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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