Espresso Mac破解版 轻量级网页代码编辑器 v5.9.1(52210251)

摘 要

Espresso Mac破解软件是一款Mac上强大的网页开发工具,支持最新的HTML 5/CSS 3、实时预览、项目文件管理、CSS编辑器、代码提示等等功能,界面漂亮、简洁,非常的好用!

Espresso Mac破解版 轻量级网页代码编辑器
所属分类:编程开发  小于50M 系统:macOS 10.13或更高版本 大小:26.59MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2022年10月25日


Espresso mac破解软件是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款轻量级网页代码编辑器,也是强大的WEB开发工具,对于网络上其它的编程开发软件而言,该软件能够给编程者提供更好的开发环境。大大简化编程者步骤,提高编程效率。不过其实知您网也搜集了很多这样的开发工具,比如phpstorm IDE等都可以很好的完成,关键是自己习惯用什么工具。
Espresso for Mac破解软件功能介绍
Espresso Mac版可以帮助您编写,设计,构建和发布都具有出色的效率。复杂的文字功能,惊人的实时预览与浏览器Xray,CSSEdit工具,导航器,自动构建和服务器同步。无论你是从头开始还是调整一个完整页面,Espresso for Mac功能都已经覆盖了。
Espresso for Mac破解软件功能特色
浏览器预览和Xray - 本地项目?在业务中享受最佳的自动刷新。Xray您的页面布局快速编辑相关的样式。最好的部分?它适用于Chrome,Firefox和Safari(包括技术预览版)。
使用实时样式和Xray覆盖 - 更改实时站点的CSS并实时查看您的设计更新。无需发布,重新加载甚至保存。只有意式浓缩咖啡可以让现场项目玩起来有趣,简单,无损。
增强样式表的CSSEdit工具 - 新的Espresso可以让您创建一流的标准CSS,而且还可以构建模块化的SCSS和LESS。造型是美丽的导航,由迪纳摩自动建设和令人难以置信的实时预览和覆盖整合的喜悦。我们屡获殊荣的CSSEdit视觉工具和代码格式生活在Espresso内部,用于颜色,渐变,阴影,布局等的无摩擦编辑器 - 可用于标准和动态CSS。一切正常。
Zen Snippets - Zen快捷键让您可以根据标签和自定义片段合并和扩展缩写。
工具栏收藏夹 - 使用上下文操作,片段和菜单自定义您的工具栏,以便快速访问。
重新缩进 - 再见,乱码。通过示例应用自定义间距。适用于HTMLCSSJavaScript
模板 - 用于文件,文件夹或项目。使用一个内置的,或保存您的可重用的位。一个真正的节省时间。
工作区 - 现在有了标签的灵活性,同时更加顺畅地与您的项目文件进行整合。
快速打开 - 在文档之间切换,而不会将手指从键盘上移开。这是去的时间。
固体基础 - Zippy编辑。CodeSense。折叠。缩进指南。托架平衡。在那里,安静地帮忙。
多编辑 - 同时进行多项更改,而不是多次更改。多重选择使重命名的事情轻而易举。
导航器 - 没有单纯的功能菜单。使用组,样式预览和快速过滤器轻松导航您的代码结构。
语言支持 - 开箱即用:HTML,(S)CSS,LESS,JS,CoffeeScript,PHP,Ruby,Python,Apache和XML。可扩展的语法插件。
神奇的发现 - 针和干草堆没有更多。项目查找和替换,快速过滤器和彩色正则表达式使文件或文本轻松搜索。
插件电源 - Espresso附带一个用于操作,语法,格式等的广泛的插件API。看看加电部分。
静态动态 - 我们挖掘静态网站固有的安全速度,以及动态内容系统的便利性,可重用性和灵活性。所以,我们启动了Dynamo:Espresso内置的构建基础架构。它提高了你所知道和喜爱的语言,在没有服务器要求的情况下生成内容。选择并发现自动建设与无与伦比的实时预览集成,你最需要的。
超棒的CSS - SCSS和LESS因其嵌套的规则,变量和功能而广受欢迎。意式浓缩咖啡具有出色的支持,即使在使用“预览覆盖”时也是如此。
Markdown和HTML - 使用导入和智能路径重新使用页面组件。使用模板mixins(我们的博客!)生成整个文件夹。
应用程序内测试版 - 先进的CSS支持是坚实的,绝对炸药,但我们仍然评估一些功能,如文件夹模板mixin。他们以后可能会有很大的变化
向Clodette问好 - 借助快速发布,服务器同步和快速浏览,您拥有适合您所有发布需求的正确工具。准备好在新的Clodette概览菜单中进行操作。
服务器同步 - 保持整个项目与他们的服务器同步。还推送一个特定的文件夹到CDN?没问题!Cloud Attack具有超快速变化检测和并行传输功能。
应用程序范围的收藏夹 - 服务器凭证现在全局保存 - 根本不存在,非常适合一次性传输。一台服务器上有很多网站?一个最喜欢的可以驱动多个Project Server,每个连接到它自己的文件夹。
保存时快速发布 - 介绍的方式,自动上传保存仍然是一个好东西。使用操作菜单进行更多手动控制。全部与您的项目服务器无缝集成 - 项目范围或文件夹特定。


Espresso is back. For people who make delightful, innovative, and fast websites — in an app to match. Espresso helps you write, code, design, build, and publish with flair and efficiency. Sophisticated text features, amazing Live Preview with Browser Xray, CSSEdit tools, the Navigator, Dynamo auto-building, and Server Sync. Whether you’re starting from scratch or tweaking a live site, Espresso has you covered.

  • Browser Preview and Xray – Local project? Enjoy the best auto-refresh in the business. Xray your page layout to quickly edit relevant styles. The best part? It works in Chrome, Firefox and Safari (including Technology Preview).
  • Overrides with Live Styling and Xray – Change CSS for live sites and see your design update in real-time. No need to publish, reload or even save. Only Espresso makes playing with live projects this fun, easy and non-destructive.
  • CSSEdit Tools for Supercharged Style Sheets – The new Espresso lets you build first-class standard CSS, but also modular SCSS and LESS. Styling is a joy with the beautiful Navigator, auto-building by Dynamo and incredible integration with Live Preview and Overrides. Our award-winning CSSEdit visual tools and code formatting live on inside Espresso, with frictionless editors for colors, gradients, shadows, layouts and more – available for standard and dynamic CSS. Everything just works.
  • Zen Snippets – Zen shortcuts let you combine and expand abbreviations based on tags and custom snippets.
  • Toolbar Favorites – Customize your toolbar with contextual actions, snippets and menus for quick access.
  • Re-Indent – Bye-bye, messy code. Apply custom spacing by example. Works for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Templates – For files, folders or projects. Use a built-in one, or save your reusable bits. A real time-saver.
  • Workspace – Now with the flexibility of tabs while integrating even more smoothly with your project files.
  • Open Quickly – Switch between documents without taking your fingers off the keyboard. It’s Go time.
  • Solid Basics – Zippy editing. CodeSense. Folding. Indentation guides. Bracket balancing. All there, quietly helping.
  • Multi-Edit – Make many changes at once, not one change many times. Multiple selections make renaming things a breeze.
  • Navigator – No mere function menu. Effortlessly navigate your code structure with groups, style previews and Quick Filter.
  • Language Support – Out of the box: HTML, (S)CSS, LESS, JS, CoffeeScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Apache and XML. Extensible with syntax plug-ins.
  • Fantastic Find – Needle and haystack no more. Project Find and Replace, Quick Filter and colorized regex make searching through files or text a breeze.
  • Plug-In Power – Espresso comes with an extensive plug-in API for actions, syntaxes, formatting, and more. Check out the Power Up section.
  • The Dynamics of Static – We dig the inherently secure speed of static websites, and the convenience, reusability and flexibility in dynamic content systems. So, we started Dynamo: Espresso’s built-in build infrastructure. It elevates the languages you know and love, producing content without server requirements. Opt in and discover auto-building with unrivaled Live Preview integration where you need it most.
  • Superb CSS – SCSS and LESS are popular for their nested rules, variables and functions. Espresso has fantastic support, even when using them with Preview Overrides.
  • Markdown and HTML – Reuse page components with imports and smart paths. Generate entire folders with template mixins (our blog!).
  • In-App Beta – Advanced CSS support is solid and absolutely dynamite, but we’re still evaluating some features like folder template mixins. They may change significantly later.
  • Say Hello to Clodette – With Quick Publish, Server Sync and Quick Browse, you have the right tools for all your publishing needs. Ready for action in the new Clodette overview menu.
  • Server Sync – Keep entire projects in sync with their server. Also pushing a specific folder to a CDN? No problem! Cloud Attack powers super-fast change detection and parallel transfers.
  • App-Wide Favorites – Server credentials are now saved globally – or not at all, ideal for one-off transfers. Many sites on one server? One favorite can power multiple Project Servers, each connecting to its own folder.
  • Quick Publish on Save – Introduced way back, auto-upload-on-save is still a goodie. Use the action menu for more manual control. All seamlessly integrated with your Project Servers – project-wide or folder specific.


What’s New
Version 5.9.1:

  • macOS 13 Ventura support


  • Corrects a mistake with the code-signing of Espresso 5.9.


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“Espresso” Mac软件历史版本


文件下载 系统:macOS 10.13或更高版本 大小:26.59MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1|2芯片、Monterey运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: