Date Format Creator Mac 日期格式创建工具 v1.3(9)

摘 要

Date Format Creator for Mac是一款运行在Mac平台上的日期格式创建工具,Date Format Creator mac版主要用来创建当前或者指定时间格式,支持自定义时区、日期的数据格式等,感兴趣的知友可以试试哦!

Date Format Creator Mac 日期格式创建工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.3(9)</span>
所属分类:其它工具 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.11及以上 大小:10.24MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2018年04月22日


Date Format Creator破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款日期格式创建工具,能够为您快速地创建当前或者指定时间格式,十分适合用来在编写程序时使用。您可以自定义日期的数据格式,包括时区的选择都是可以自定义的,并且可以选择一个通用的使用格式。
Date Format Creator功能介绍
不要浪费时间想知道为什么你的日期不被解析并开始使用Date Format Creator。
Date Format Creator功能特色
Date Format Creator旨在通过给日期格式化程序进行测试和实验,使日期工作更轻松一点。输入您的UTS日期格式,选择一个日期并查看NSDateFormatter如何将其转换为字符串。输入一个字符串的日期,看看它是否有效,并成为您期待的日期。一旦您满意您的格式是正确的,您可以导出Objective-C或Swift代码来初始化一个NSDateFormatter到你的规范。


If you’re a developer you’ll know that working with dates can be difficult. Try to do anything reasonably complex with dates and before long you’ll be imagining a perfect world where countries stop shifting their hours backwards and forwards in a quest for more daylight, every month has the same number of days, timezones are abolished, and there are 10 hours in a day and so on and so on.
Date Format Creator aims to make working with dates a little bit easier by giving you a date formatter to test and experiment with. Enter your UTS date format, pick a date and see how an NSDateFormatter would convert it into a string. Enter a date as a string and see if it’s valid and becomes the date you’re expecting. Once you’re happy your format is correct you can export the Objective-C or Swift code to initialise a NSDateFormatter to your specifications.
Stop wasting time wondering why your dates aren’t being parsed and start using Date Format Creator.

Version 1.3:

  • Replaced the numerous small prompts to view my other apps with one big prompt to view my other apps.
  • Other minor bug fixes and enhancements.


Date Format Creator Mac 日期格式创建工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.3(9)</span>的预览图Date Format Creator Mac 日期格式创建工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.3(9)</span>的预览图Date Format Creator Mac 日期格式创建工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.3(9)</span>的预览图


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