Cornerstone Mac 最好用的SVN管理工具 v4.2(24,887M)

摘 要

Cornerstone 4 for Mac破解版终于上线,这是Mac平台上唯一具有搁架和检查点的SVN客户端。Cornerstone 4 破解版已经从头开始重建和优化,充分利用MacOS High Sierra,与Cornerstone 2和Cornerstone 3相比,最多可将检查和更新速度提高300%,功能也全面提升。需要这款软件的知友,欢迎下载使用!

Cornerstone Mac 最好用的SVN管理工具
所属分类:小于50M  编程开发 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.11及以上 大小:19.07MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2020年10月16日


Cornerstone mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上最佳的SVN管理工具,客户端应用程序是专门为Mac用户设计的Subversion的控制,无论您是那个版本,或者一个Subversion的测试版,Cornerstone将有助于简化工作流程,使版本控制更加透明。
Cornerstone for Mac软件下载功能介绍
Cornerstone 4是唯一具有搁架和检查点的MacOS SVN客户端。Mac的终极Subversion客户端随着Shelving,Checkpointing和超快的性能而变得更好。Cornerstone 4已经从头开始重建和优化,以充分利用MacOS High Sierra。与Cornerstone 2.x和3.x相比,最多可将检查和更新速度提高300%。它使得严格的版本控制变得前所未有的简单。完全支持Subversion的所有丰富功能,它既强大又易于使用。
Cornerstone for Mac软件下载功能特色
Cornerstone 4已经从头开始重建和优化,以充分利用MacOS High Sierra。与Cornerstone 2.x和3.x相比,最多可将检查和更新速度提高300%。
Cornerstone 4是唯一具有搁架和检查点的MacOS SVN客户端
搁置采用工作目录的脏状态 - 即未提交的修改 - 并将其保存为可以随时重新应用的未完成更改的保留。通常,当你一直在处理你的项目的一部分时,事情处于混乱的状态,你想要转换任务以便在其他方面工作。问题是,你不想做半完成的工作只是为了让你以后能够回到这一点。这个问题的答案是shelve命令。



Cornerstone is a robust and user-oriented Mac version control utility built on top of the open source Subversion revision control system that makes working on complex versioning projects as simple as possible.
Moreover, featuring full support for all of Subversion's rich features, Cornerstone is both extraordinarily powerful and super-easy to use at the same time.
Simple and fast software versioning workflow
Whether you are new to versioning or a Subversion pundit, the Cornerstone solution will lend a hand to streamline your workflow and make version control more clear.
Cornerstone isn't just a wrapper for Subversion's command-line tools, but, instead, it has been designed from the ground up as an all-inclusive version of Subversion, with the core Subversion bundled inside it.
Start working on your project right after installing Cornerstone
This means that you can get started working on your projects as soon as you install it on your Mac, because it will allow you to use the latest version of Subversion without you having to bother about upgrading your installation or installing Subversion from scratch and waste time configuring it to work properly on your machine.
As an added advantage, Cornerstone incorporates both Subversion's client functionality and its administrative tools. As a result, while using Cornerstone to manage your workload, you will be able to delete and create repositories on your Mac without the need of launching a Terminal and using the command-line.
Furthermore, the Cornerstone software is a security and privacy oriented solution that makes it effortless and straightforward to incorporate RSA based key pairs in your SSH authentication scheme.
RSA based SSH authentication and zero configuration version control system
What's more, with the help of the built-in logging engine and the simple styled yet useful project timeline, Cornerstone allows you to easily browse your project's history.
Cornerstone's zero configuration requirement is yet another bonus feature designed to make it the go to app for any Subversion fan that wants to work on a revision control project using a Mac.
In conclusion, Cornerstone places Subversion's powerful and intuitive versioning control system within the reach of mere mortals, via a well-designed and exhaustive user interface.


Cornerstone Mac 最好用的SVN管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v4.2(24,887M)</span>的预览图Cornerstone Mac 最好用的SVN管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v4.2(24,887M)</span>的预览图Cornerstone Mac 最好用的SVN管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v4.2(24,887M)</span>的预览图Cornerstone Mac 最好用的SVN管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v4.2(24,887M)</span>的预览图Cornerstone Mac 最好用的SVN管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v4.2(24,887M)</span>的预览图Cornerstone Mac 最好用的SVN管理工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v4.2(24,887M)</span>的预览图

"Cornerstone" Mac历史版本


文件下载 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.11及以上 大小:19.07MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解
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目前评论:2   其中:访客  0   博主  0

    • 星辰大海 星辰大海 1


        • 知您 知您 9

          @星辰大海 您好!感谢友友指出需要更新,已经更新至最新版,欢迎尝鲜:)至于说还有什么好的SVN软件,很是遗憾!~这个我平时没有用过,都是安装和运行没问题就直接发布了,无法给出推荐,实在是抱歉!