A Better Finder Attributes Mac版 批量重命名工具 v7.35 注册版

摘 要

A Better Finder Attributes Mac破解版是知您网提供的运行在Mac平台上一款便捷、实用的图像批量信息修改软件,能轻松帮助用户更改JPEG和RAW拍摄日期,JPEG EXIF 元数据标签,文件创建和修改日期,文件标记以及处理不可见文件。

A Better Finder Attributes Mac版 批量重命名工具
所属分类:小于50M  文件管理 适配:macOS 10.15或更高 大小:15.83MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年10月01日
A Better Finder Attributes Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网zhiniw.comA Better Finder Attributes Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网zhiniw.comA Better Finder Attributes Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网zhiniw.com


知您网精心呈献的A Better Finder Attributes mac破解版下载,是专为Mac OS系统设计的强大工具,专注于批量文件管理与重命名,特别擅长快速修改图片文件的元数据与访问权限。它不仅能够批量更改图片的创建和修改日期,还能为图片添加锁,有效防止未授权的修改、重命名、移动或复制行为。软件支持对单个图片及整个文件夹(含子文件夹)的操作,简化了大量图片处理流程,且操作便捷,支持拖放功能。
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac软件功能亮点
• 一键批量重命名:简化文件管理流程,轻松实现大量文件的快速重命名。
• 精准日期操控:无论是单独图片还是整个文件夹(包括子文件夹),都能灵活调整创建和修改日期,拖放操作更便捷。
• EXIF信息修正:针对JPEG, CR2, NEF等格式,精确校正拍摄时间戳,解决时区差异问题。
• Finder排序优化:确保数码照片按拍摄日期准确排序,提升文件管理系统体验。
• 深度EXIF元数据编辑:全面掌控版权、相机参数等元数据,支持标签增删及信息剥离。
• 全方位日期管理:自由设定或调整文件的创建及修改日期,管理权限一手掌握。
• Mac文件属性定制:灵活设置文件显示、锁定状态及Finder标签,轻松管理隐藏文件与系统标志。
• 自动化液滴工具:保存常用设置为快捷“液滴”应用,拖拽文件即可自动应用预设修改,提高工作效率
• 直观操作界面:结合拖放功能、上下文菜单集成及详尽文件预览,打造流畅操作体验。
• 深度元数据预览:内置预览窗格,深入解析文件元数据,确保精准编辑每一处细节。
• 高度自定义:根据个人需求保存并应用个性化设置,通过液滴自动化进一步提升工作流效率。
A Better Finder Attributes Mac破解版以其强大的功能集合,成为专业摄影师、设计师及日常Mac用户的必备工具,极大地提升了文件管理和组织的效率。立即体验,让您的文件管理变得更加得心应手。


A Better Finder Attributes Crack allows you to change JPEG & RAW shooting dates, JPEG EXIF meta-data tags, file creation & modification dates, file flags and deal with invisible files.
Correct EXIF Digital Photo Shooting Timestamps
A Better Finder Attributes 7 allows you to manipulate JPEG, CR2, NEF, ARF, RAF, SR2, CRW & CIFF EXIF timestamps at will by setting them to specific times or batch adjusting them by adding and removing time (useful for correcting the timestamps of images taken with a digital camera with a incorrectly set clock and to compensate for timezone changes).
Correct Finder Sorting for Digital Photos
A Better Finder Attributes 7 also allows you to synchronize the file creation and modification dates with the shooting dates of JPEG EXIF as well as a wide variety of RAW formats, so that files sort properly in the Finder and other systems.
Change, Add & Remove JPEG EXIF Meta-Data
A Better Finder Attributes 7 allows the most commonly used JPEG EXIF meta-data tags, such as copyright & owner information, camera & lens specifactions, some exposure information and much else besides to be directly manipulated.
You can strip JPEG EXIF information from a file altogether, strip GPS and IPTC location data or edit individual tags.
Total File Creation & Modification Date Control
A Better Finder Attributes 7 gives you total control over file creation and modification dates, setting them to specific times and dates, adding or removing time or simply removing them altogether.
Setting Mac版 File Flags
A Better Finder Attributes 7 supports setting all common Mac版 file system flags. You can set whether or not file extensions appear in the Finder, batch lock or unlock files, set or remove legacy creation & type codes, remove invisible files, restart the Finder in a special mode that shows invisible files, batch set Finder labels and force Finder updates.
Showing & Deleting Invisible Files
A Better Finder Attributes 7 can delete invisible files, such as .DS_Store, that can lead to problems when delivering files to non-Mac systems and play havoc with Unix tools such as version control and archiving tools.
On top of this A Better Finder Attributes has a special “Show Invisible Files” feature hidden in the “Tools” menu that switches the Finder to a special mode in which invisible files become visible.
Other Noteworthy Features

  • Batch operation
  • Drag-and-drop into the file list or onto the application icon
  • Select files in the Finder and activate A Better Finder Attributes 5 via the Finder context menu or via a hot key
  • Automatically deals with file date consistency rules
  • Separate processing for files and folders, batch processing of sub-folders
  • Additionally, A Better Finder Attributes 5 gives you control over:
  • Whether or not file extensions appear in the Finder
  • Batch locking or unlocking of files
  • Setting or removing legacy creator and type codes
  • Removing invisible files
  • Seeing invisible files in the Finder
  • Batch setting of Finder labels
  • Forcing the Finder to update its information about files and folders

Version 7.35:

  • The new version adds a new droplet setup help message for Sequoia.


A Better Finder Attributes Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 下载 密码
7.33 立即下载 ssay
7.31 立即下载 ssay
7.26 立即下载 ssay
7.25 立即下载 ssay
7.23 立即下载 ssay
7.22 立即下载 ssay
7.21 立即下载 ssay


注意:网盘访问密码是 ssay

A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.20 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.18 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.17 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.17b01 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.14 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.13 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.12 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.11 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.10b04 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.06 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.02b01 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.01 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.00b06 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 7.00b05 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.23 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.22 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.20 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.18 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.17 中文破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.17 English Crack
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.16 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.14 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.12 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.10 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.09 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.08 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.07 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.06 破解版
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac版 6.05 破解版

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.15或更高 大小:15.83MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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