UltraCompare Mac 强大的文本对比工具 v24.0.0.19

摘 要


UltraCompare Mac 强大的文本对比工具
所属分类:小于50M  文件管理 适配:macOS 11.3或更高 大小:37.27MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年06月12日
UltraCompare Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网UltraCompare Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网UltraCompare Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网


UltraCompare mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款强大的文本对比工具。UltraCompare Mac破解版具备强大的2或3路文本比较/合并,也可比较两个文件夹内结构的差异等等。支持快速检查本地文件和文件夹与服务器上已有的文件和文件夹,对Word、Excel、pdf内容进行比较,可用于比较导致其他比较工具崩溃的大文件,并可视化地合并冲突和差异,可以通过单词差异突出显示内容不同之处,并对源代码管理有着出人意料的效果。在知您网软件提供的UltraCompare for Mac破解软件的帮助下,您能迅速定位存在差异的内容位置、快速的删除或合并某个文件。同时,UltraCompare 还拥有众多人性功能:书签、收藏夹、过滤等等,不失为一款办公利器。

UltraCompare for Mac软件下载功能介绍


UltraCompare for Mac软件下载功能特色

使用UltraCompare 比较Mac和Linux上的文件和文件夹
UltraCompare Professional破解版是一个强大的比较/合并应用程序,加载了比较文件或文件夹的功能 - 一次最多三个!以前只能用作Windows应用程序,UltraCompare现在可用作本地Mac OS X和Linux应用程序。借助递归目录比较,远程(FTP / SFTP)文件和文件夹比较,完全合并支持,查找重复项,文件夹同步以及与UltraEdit的集成等功能,UltraCompare Professional可确保提高您的工作效率和工作流程。
UltraCompare for Mac / Linux包含相同的文件和文件夹比较,你爱上了...
将您的制作文件与您的备份目录同步......在两个文件夹之间调整照片并删除重复项...将您的数据文件与您的同事进行协调... UltraCompare强大的文件夹同步模式旨在让您节省时间查看两个文件夹之间的不同文件,然后将基于规则的同步操作应用于它们以同步它们。文件夹同步模式的显示方式与常规文件夹比较会话类似,只是两个文件夹之间仅显示差异。此外,文件夹同步模式还包括一些用于配置和执行同步的额外按钮。
你发现自己经常分辨相同的日志文件或目录吗?如果是这样,UltraCompare for Mac包括一个非常强大的会话管理功能,它允许您保存,命名和分组您的比较会话。
UltraCompare for Mac还支持二进制文件的完整十六进制数据比较,提供快速二进制比较方法和智能二进制比较方法。需要检查一个编译的二进制文件与早期版本?UltraCompare没有问题!


A complement to your file management suite, UltraCompare Crack is loaded with features to enable you to compare text files and folders, as well as zip files and jar archives. Text file compare features include binary and text compare of two or three text files at a time, with the ability to merge text differences between compared files. Folder compare supports comparison of local/network directories (and subdirectories with recursive folder compare) and zip file compare as well, and like text/binary compare, you can merge differences between compared directories.

With UltraCompare's session functionality, you can have multiple comparison and merge sessions open in multiple tabs, each only a click away. Each session is like a new instance of IDM UltraCompare For Mac, letting your run multiple types of operations, each with the appropriate configuration.

Ignore Options
UltraCompare for Mac's Ignore Options options let you fine tune your comparision to ignore line terminators, white space, entire blank lines and more.

Find Duplicates
UltraCompare for Mac's powerful Find Duplicates functionality makes it easy to simply comb through your file system for pesky repeats. Let us do the heavy lifting for you.

Ignore/Compare Columns
Sometimes you only want to compare or exclude a known number of columns. This feature lets you specify which span or spans of columns you'd like to compare or exclude from comparison.

UltraEdit Integration
UltraEdit for Mac makes it easy to load a file straight from the editor and right into UltraCompare for Mac.

Edit large files
UltraCompare is built to edit the large files that cause other comparison tools to crash. People who deal with databases and large log files absolutely love our products for this very reason.

4k UHD support
UltraCompare looks great on Retina and other ultra high-definition displays. If you haven't upgraded yet, no need to worry. We'll be ready for you when you do.

Key features

  • Compare 2 or 3 files at a time
  • Merge differences
  • Filter compare view to show just matches or differences
  • Ignore whitespace, line endings, specific lines, and more
  • Manually set text compare starting point
  • Edit text files as you compare them
  • Paste and compare text snippets
  • Preview HTML files in browser
  • Compare files from the Internet via URL
  • Compare files and folders from FTP/SFTP
  • Scan and navigate differences with mini-map
  • Compare Word Docs (.doc/.docx), PDFs, and RTFs
  • Sync folders quickly and easily
  • Find and resolve duplicate files
  • Save and reuse your most used comparisons with sessions
  • Drag-and-drop folders and files to compare them
  • Integrate with Windows explorer
  • Integrate with Subversion, CVS, Visual SourceSafe, Perforce, and more
  • Change application and compare colors with themes
  • Show compare vertically or horizontally
  • Save difference and result reports


UltraCompare Mac软件下载历史版本

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文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 11.3或更高 大小:37.27MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: