TokenLock mac – 蓝牙/USB/热键锁定解锁器 v4.69.9119

2016年12月21日22:53:54 发表评论 2,814

TokenLock for mac是Mac os平台上的一款拥有超级多选项功能的专业级蓝牙/ USB /热键锁定和解锁工具,目前市面上还没有哪款同类APP拥有它的竞争优势,TokenLock Mac版使用起来非常的方便,这款软件能控制用户所有的蓝牙设备。

TokenLock监视你的电话,任何蓝牙设备,任何USB设备或你的苹果遥控。当它们断开或超出范围锁定你的MAC。它也可以解锁你的MAC时,重新连接或范围回来。不同于竞争对手,tokenlock也可以解锁你的屏幕保护程序或自动输入您的密码,当你从睡眠中唤醒MAC -只要你的设备连接或范围。
TokenLock mac – 蓝牙/USB/热键锁定解锁器 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v4.69.9119</span>的预览图
TokenLock mac – 蓝牙/USB/热键锁定解锁器 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v4.69.9119</span>的预览图


TokenLock allows you to use a Bluetooth device (with optional proximity), a USB device, a hotkey, or your Apple Remote to lock (and optionally also unlock) your Mac.

// Features:
- Lock on USB device removal.
- Lock on Bluetooth device disconnect.
- Lock on Bluetooth device minimum signal strength (OS X 10.7 Lion)
- Lock with a hotkey.
- Lock with your Apple IR Remote.
- Lock by clicking the TokenLock dock icon.
- Lock by selecting Lock from status bar menu.
- Unlock screen saver on return of USB device.
- Unlock screen saver on return of BlueTooth device.
- Unlock with your Apple IR Remote.
- Designate ‘safe’ WiFi networks.
- Disable locking for a predefined amount of time.
- Growl support for status messages.
- Sleep Aware: When the computer sleeps, this causes USB disconnections. TokenLock is smart enough to realize this and avoids “Double locking” your computer - when the USB device you choose has not re-initialized yet after sleep mode.
- Security information area to help you understand security risks and options as you configure them.
TokenLock mac – 蓝牙/USB/热键锁定解锁器 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v4.69.9119</span>的预览图
Version 4.69:
- Fixed a bug where someone could bypass the built in lock by unplugging or plugging a monitor while also performing some other functions at the same time.


系统:mac 10.6及以上
测试电脑:MacBook Pro(Osx 10.12.1)
开发商:Map-Pin Software


1、城通网盘 | 2、百度网盘 | 3、微云下载

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