Desktop Tidy mac v2.1(472)

2016年12月9日14:26:33 发表评论 2,846

Desktop tidy for mac是Mac os平台上的一款帮助用户快速的整理桌面的Mac桌面美化软件。Desktop tidy for mac每隔几秒就会自动清理桌面上的各种图标及文件,设计相当人性化,假如你觉得间隔时间过短还可以选择延长清理时间,最长可以设置为7天。
Desktop Tidy mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.1(472)</span>的预览图
1、Desktop Tidy在清理过程中并不会将你的文件直接删除,而是统一转移到Library文件夹中隐藏起来。如果想找回已经清理掉的文件,通过账户将该文件重新设置为“可见”即可。对于那些呈阴影状的“不可见”文件,可将它们移至任何地方,也可将其直接还原至桌面。
2、此外,Desktop Tidy还为用户提供了图像、种子和其他文件类型的清理过滤,就算文件被转移了,之后还是能找到。
3、位于菜单栏里的Desktop Tidy能很方便地被找到。
Desktop Tidy mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.1(472)</span>的预览图
2、但有一个问题必须注意:如果你正在下载一个很大的文件,而且在下载过程中文件被转移了,那下载就会终止,因为Desktop Tidy并不能搜索到“你正在下载”这一信息,这也是该款应用目前存在的一个比较大的问题。
Desktop Tidy mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.1(472)</span>的预览图

Desktop Tidy automatically keeps the files on your desktop out of sight but close to hand with a convenient menu bar user interface. Your desktop is a convenient and easy place to dump all your commonly used files but it doesn’t take long to turn into an unsightly and disorganized mess. Rediscover your wallpaper with Desktop Tidy.
Desktop Tidy mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.1(472)</span>的预览图
// Out of Sight. Still at Hand.
- Periodically tidy any files on the Desktop into the Shadow Desktop folder and your desktop will always be clear of clutter. Direct access to your files via the menu icon – open files, delete, reveal in Finder or restore them back to the Desktop for simple and convenient access to the files that have been tidied.

// Live Previews
- Direct access to your files via the menu icon – open files, delete, reveal in Finder or restore them back to the Desktop for simple and convenient access to the files that have been tidied.

// Filtered Views
- Files can be filtered to make everything easy to find; hide older files, group them by type, by folder or sort them alphabetically. An empty desktop with everything perfectly organised and just a few clicks away.

// Fully Configurable
- Everything is fully configurable so Desktop Tidy works just how you want it to. Tidying frequency can be configured, from every minute up to once a week.

// More Features
- Ignore List allows specific files or folders to remain on the Desktop
- Shows you how much disk space the files in your Shadow Desktop occupy at a glance
- One click restore moves files back to the Desktop and adds them to the Ignore List
- One click function to reveal any file or folder from the Shadow Desktop in Finder
- One click function to move any file or folder from the Shadow Desktop to the Trash
- Desktop Tidy can be configured to ignore aliases, folders or hidden files automatically
Desktop Tidy mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.1(472)</span>的预览图
Version 2.1 (472):
- Window Tidy now available for distribution outside of the Mac App Store
- Trial version now available
- Removed Growl notifications and integrated with Notification Centre
- Minor bug fixes


系统:mac 10.9及以上
测试电脑:MacBook Pro(Osx 10.12.1)
开发商:Light Pillar Software Ltd.


1、城通网盘 | 2、百度网盘 | 3、微云下载

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