Watts mac – 电量校准辅助工具 v2.0.3(120)

2017年1月5日16:36:03 发表评论 4,094

Watts mac版是Mac osx平台上的一款专业的系统优化软件。Watts是一款很不错的电池管理软件,它可对MacBook上的电池重新校准,保持显示屏幕上的电池使用时间和百分百的准确性,并保持电池在最高效率下工作。

Watts能帮助你更好的了解你的笔记本电池使用状况和电池信息。简单易用。 Watts可以替代默认的菜单栏中的电池图标,保持显示屏幕上的电池使用时间和百分比准确,并保持电池工作的最高效率。
Watts mac – 电量校准辅助工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.0.3(120)</span>的预览图
它能实时记录Mac电池的健康状况,并定时提醒你校准电池。 软件操作很简单,在Menubar上会自动显示电池运行状态和剩余电量,点击菜单里的“Calibration & More”进入校准操作窗口,你可以看到下次需要校准的时间或者选择“Postpone”来推迟这次“保养”。
Watts mac – 电量校准辅助工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.0.3(120)</span>的预览图
在最底部一共有5个Step需要你逐步完成 1. 将Mac插上充电器,直到电量显示满格 2. 在插上充电器的状态下,使用Mac两个小时,Watts会自动为你倒计时 3. 拔掉充电器,使用Mac 4. 继续保持不插充电器的状态,直到电脑提示电量不足 5. 还是不插电,让Mac自动睡眠,不要唤醒它,持续5个小时以上 6. 插上充电器,直到电量重新满格,即可完成校准Add support for Growl 1.3.3。


Watts is a MacBook® battery management and calibration assistant tool. It’s a menu bar app that, apart from the usual battery information (power source used, current battery charge and remaining time), provides advanced data to obtain the maximum performance of your MacBook® battery.

Your battery needs to be calibrated from time to time to keep the onscreen battery time and percent display accurate, and to keep the battery operating at maximum efficiency. Watts features an intuitive calibration assistant that will guide you through the process of calibrating your battery. The calibration scheduling can be adjusted for your needs, and even postponed if you want. Calibration data is automatically logged, so you can see the history of your battery status.

Watts looks similar to the Mac OS® battery icon menu, and provides some extra options like vertical battery icon and more. Watts monitors you battery status constantly and provides you with information and notifications to help you using your MacBook® battery properly. Watts provides detailed information on the battery capacity, charge cycles and health. It also stores your battery data regularly, so you can check its evolution during time.
// Features:
- Watts provides detailed in-app help, everything is clearly explained!
- Works on any MacBook® model (MacBook®, MacBook Air®, MacBook Pro®)
- Supports Retina® display
- Only for Mac OS® 10.11 “El Capitan” or later
Watts mac – 电量校准辅助工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.0.3(120)</span>的预览图
Version 2.0.3:
- Minor version fixing two problems.
- The algorithm was not behaving when we were switching on and off the computer in the last steps. Not anymore. Also when we setting it to sleep and awake in the very last step without plugging it was jumping to the first step. That should not happen anymore.


系统:mac 10.11及以上
测试电脑:MacBook Pro(Osx 10.12.1)
开发商:Binary Tricks


1、城通网盘 | 2、百度网盘 | 3、微云下载
1、城通网盘 | 2、百度网盘 | 3、微云下载

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