怒之铁拳4 STREETS OF RAGE 4 Mac游戏下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款有趣的动作冒险游戏,游戏保持了系列一贯的横板街机玩法,但是在手绘画面上高清度达到了业界的一线水平,而开发团队是《神奇小子:龙之陷阱》和《狂怒街道》的原班人马。喜欢的玩家下载试试吧!
怒之铁拳4 for Mac破解游戏设定
怒之铁拳4 STREETS OF RAGE 4 for Mac破解游戏(又译:格斗五人组/格斗三人组4/格斗四人组4)是经典清版动作游戏《怒之铁拳》系列的最新作,男女主角Axel和Blaze都将回归,保持了原有的视觉风格,现代化的手绘动画。《怒之铁拳》系列是日本世嘉公司上个世纪90年代在该公司的16位家用游戏主机mega drive上发行的横版动作清版游戏,不过自从1994年的《怒之铁拳3》之后就再未推出过续作。该系列作品以不会过时的游戏机制与电子舞曲风的背景音乐而好评连连。4代在经典的游戏方式上,加入了新的游戏机制、精致的手绘特效与大师级音乐团队所创作的背景音乐。
《怒之铁拳4》将会是该系列25年来的第一部核心新作,而备受玩家喜爱的主角们也将会再次出战。阿克塞尔、亚当和布蕾兹将会继续在横版卷轴通关的橡木城中与敌人不懈对战。怒之铁拳4 STREETS OF RAGE 4破解版将会为玩家们带来酣畅亮眼的手绘特效、全新的战斗技能、以及世界级作曲家们倾力创作的全新背景音乐。这款游戏是对《怒之铁拳》经典动作系列的致敬,更会让粉丝们的心头所好焕发生机!
怒之铁拳4 for Mac破解游戏特色
● 《怒之铁拳》系列最新力作!经典重现,热血沸腾!
● 畅快淋漓的全手绘特效,由Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap背后的工作室倾心打造!
● 首次添加线上多人模式!玩家可以单打独斗清理橡木城,更能呼朋唤友,助你一臂之力!
● 线下多人模式最多支持4个玩家。并肩作战,夺回城镇吧!
● 令人怀念的经典玩法与崭新机制的激烈碰撞!
● 动人心弦的背景音乐,世界级全明星谱曲阵容!
● 不用担心,系列粉丝们津津乐道的烤鸡也将盛势回归!
Streets of Rage 4 Crack is a new installment of one of the best beat 'em up games, combining a funky '90s soundtrack with good old-fashioned violence! Our old friends return: Axel, Blaze and Adam team up with their new comrades Floyd Iraia and Cherry Hunter. Our heroes are more than ready to set criminals on the right path to the rhythmic, mesmerizing beat.
It's just some kind of holiday. Not only are there 5 new characters waiting for you, but also the opportunity to unlock pixel versions of the heroes of the previous parts of Streets of Rage (Axel, Adam, Blaze, Skate, Max) - retro effects fit perfectly into the hand-drawn backdrops in HD quality.
Our old friends return: Axel, Blaze and Adam team up with their new comrades Floyd Iraia and Cherry Hunter. Our heroes are more than ready to set criminals on the right path to the rhythmic, mesmerizing beat.
Streets of Rage 4 will be the first part of the series to be released in 25 years. Axel, Adam and Blaze are ready to make side-scrolling beat 'em up popular again. New abilities, tracks from top composers, hand-drawn animations - Streets of Rage 4 will revive the series that fans remember so fondly.
Game Features:
● Hand-rendered graphics and animations from the studio behind Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap.
● Classic gameplay with new mechanics.
● Soundtrack written by world-class composers.
● A chicken in every box.
● A good dozen unlockable pixel versions of characters from previous Streets of Rage installments.
● 12 unique levels.
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