猫城迷案Nine Noir Lives Mac版 冒险解谜游戏 v1.0.3.1 英文原生版

摘 要

《猫城迷案Nine Noir Lives Mac版》是一款引人入胜的冒险解谜游戏,玩家将扮演私家侦探猫Cuddles Nutterbutter,在充满手绘艺术风格的妙喵城中,解开一起可能引发家族战争的复杂谋杀案。通过与各种猫咪角色互动、探索城市并巧妙利用“舔舐”机制发现线索,玩家将沉浸在充满幽默与悬疑的侦探世界中。

猫城迷案Nine Noir Lives Mac版 冒险解谜游戏
所属分类:大小3G-6G  动作冒险 适配:macOS 10.11或更高 大小:3.62GB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年08月12日
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猫城迷案Nine Noir Lives mac游戏是知您网搜集到的一款由 Silvernode Games 开发和发行的独立点击式冒险游戏。作为一款融合了喜剧和侦探故事元素的游戏,玩家将扮演私家侦探Cuddles Nutterbutter,解开一个可能引发两个犯罪家族战争的谋杀案。游戏的背景设定在一个充满魅力的城市——Meow Meow Furrington,玩家可以在80个手绘场景中探索、与其他猫咪角色互动并解决一系列谜题。
踏入Meow Meow Furrington这座猫咪乌托邦,您将置身于一个由80个精美手绘场景构成的奇幻世界。这里不仅是可爱猫咪与豪门望族的乐园,也潜藏着犯罪分子的阴影。作为私家侦探Cuddles Nutterbutter,您将面对一起可能引爆两大犯罪家族——蒙塔梅约与卡图莱特之间战争的复杂谋杀案,揭开隐藏在笑容背后的真相。
在zhiniw.com,您可以轻松找到《猫城迷案Nine Noir Lives Mac游戏》的免费下载链接,以及更多Steam精品游戏和破解版游戏的资源。我们致力于为您提供全平台免付费的游戏体验,让每一位玩家都能享受到游戏的乐趣。立即访问zhiniw.com,开启您的侦探之旅吧!
Nine Noir Lives Mac破解游戏特色亮点


Nine Noir Lives Crack is a charming point-and-click adventure game developed by Silvernode Games. Set in the whimsical city of Meow Meow Furrington, you'll play as the suave private detective Cuddles Nutterbutter, tasked with unraveling a complex murder mystery that could ignite a war between two powerful crime families.
Game Background: The Mystery of Meow Meow Furrington
Welcome to Meow Meow Furrington, a city where the streets are lined with 80 beautifully hand-drawn scenes. This is not just a place of elegance and charm; it's also a hotbed of criminal activity lurking beneath the surface. As Cuddles Nutterbutter, you must navigate through this feline utopia to solve a murder that threatens to tear apart the Montameows and the Catulets, two rival crime families.
At zhiniw.com, we're dedicated to bringing you the best in gaming entertainment. Discover Nine Noir Lives, an engaging point-and-click adventure game for Mac. Embark on a captivating journey as private detective Cuddles Nutterbutter, unraveling a complex murder mystery in the charming city of Meow Meow Furrington.
Explore & Interact: The Wonders of Meow Meow Furrington
Embark on a journey through the various districts of Meow Meow Furrington, interacting with a colorful cast of characters. Each has their own story and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Use your wit and the game's unique "licking" mechanic to interact with the environment and find hidden clues.
Game Highlights
• Classic Point-and-Click Gameplay: Revisit the glory days of classic adventure games with a modern twist.
• Feline Sleuthing: Team up with your feline companions to solve the case.
• Vibrant Cast of Characters: Meet a variety of quirky and memorable cats, each with their own personalities and stories.
• Stunning Hand-Drawn Art: Explore beautifully crafted environments that bring the world of Meow Meow Furrington to life.
• Puzzling Challenges: Solve intricate puzzles that will test your detective skills.
• Innovative Licking Mechanic: Use this unique feature to interact with objects and discover hidden secrets.

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.11或更高 大小:3.62GB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: