战斧battle axe Mac 复古街机游戏 v1.0.4

摘 要

Battle Axe for Mac破解版是一款由上而下的街机游戏,采用由资深像素艺术家Henk Nieborg创建的高品质视觉效果,真实的游戏机制以及传奇VGM作曲家Manami Matsumae的音乐-复古游戏玩家欢欣鼓舞!

战斧battle axe Mac 复古街机游戏
所属分类:动作冒险  大小100M-500M 系统:macOS 10.10或更高版本 大小:129.79MB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年02月27日


战斧battle axe mac破解游戏是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款街机像素风格动作冒险类游戏,玩家所在的世界被邪恶的女巫所统治,你需要在三位英雄中选择一位开始冒险和战斗,踏上解救家园的冒险之旅,用你的力量挫败女巫,解放北奴隶的人们,将邪恶从这篇大陆里驱散。
battle axe for Mac破解游戏设定
战斧battle axe for Mac是重量级动作游戏。在知您网分享的battle axe破解游戏中您可以由男战士,女战士及矮人战士三位中选择一位,每个角色都有不同的能力。你也可以双人合作,前往拯救被恶魔大军占领的大陆。除了挥舞手中的武器外,还可以收集魔法瓶施放法术或是骑乘魔兽攻击敌人。敌人也非常多样化,士兵,骷髅人,女战士,巨人...等应有尽有,一款非玩不可的经典游戏。
只要您和您的人民都记得,您的Mercia家园就一直被困在“ Etheldred”的专横统治中; Etheldred是北方遥远的冰冷荒地中的专制女巫。



• 像素艺术乐趣–像素艺术爱好者的冒险,拥有设计精美的角色和环境,每一帧都可以享受


• 享受永恒的旋律–传奇作曲家松前真奈美(Manami Matsumae)的绝妙配乐

• 单人或合作社-从三个高度详细的英雄中进行选择,独自或与本地合作社的朋友一起玩游戏


From time immemorial, the lands of Mercia have been in the tyrannical clutches of the sorceress Etheldreda from the dank wastelands to the north.

Every seven years, she sends her army south to take some of the townspeople into slavery. All over Mercia, there is a call for glorious warriors to put an end to Etheldreda's tyranny.

An elf, a wizard and a robber answer the call. Join the campaign of a group of heroes with the goal of erasing evil from the face of the earth once and for all!

• Fun pixel art game is an adventure for pixel art lovers, with well-drawn characters and locations that allow you to enjoy every scene

• A hack-and-slash adventure that's familiar yet re-imagined with new gameplay elements, improved controls, and pixel-perfect animation

• Enjoy the timeless melody - great soundtrack created by legendary composer Manami Matsumae

• Solo or co-op mode - choose one of three highly detailed heroes to go with him on your quest, playing alone or with friends in local co-op


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文件下载 系统:macOS 10.10或更高版本 大小:129.79MB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Intel/M1/M2芯片、Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: