伊拉图斯:死之主(Iratus: Lord of the Dead) Mac 暗黑类RPG冒险游戏 v176.16.01(40763)

摘 要

Iratus: Lord of the Dead游戏讲述了玩家控制的巫师伊拉特斯,可以控制怪物的尸体,玩家需要利用这些尸体大军组成的军队与敌人展开斗争,也可以利用和回收敌人的尸体,来在自己的地下巢穴中创造出更多的怪物。游戏很不错哦!

伊拉图斯:死之主(Iratus: Lord of the Dead) Mac 暗黑类RPG冒险游戏
所属分类:大小1G-3G  动作冒险 平台:Mac Os | 系统:(需64位CPU) OS X 10.11及以上 大小:1.36GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2020年11月03日


伊拉图斯:死之主(Iratus: Lord of the Dead) mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款暗黑类RPG冒险游戏,在玩法上引进了回合制战斗和队伍养成系统,有点像《暗黑地牢》。游戏中您将扮演最近才从长达数千年的监禁中解脱出来的名义死灵法师——伊拉图,并为黑暗势力而战。你掌控着一支唯命是从的活死人大军,其中包括骷髅、僵尸、女妖以及许多其他亡灵战士。
伊拉图斯:死之主 for Mac游戏下载剧情
伊拉图斯:死之主 for Mac游戏下载特色

  • 化身为死灵法师伊拉图,扮演邪恶势力!
  • 扩张并改进你的地下巢穴。
  • 18种唯命是从的仆从:僵尸、吸血鬼、骷髅、木乃伊、女妖等!
  • 借用被征服的敌人的身体部位来打造仆从。
  • 先进的战斗系统:要赢得胜利,你就需要知道你方军队和敌军的优缺点。
  • 伊拉图不仅可以使用魔法或利爪杀死他的敌人,还可以通过消耗敌人的理智来杀死敌人!
  • 每个仆从都有六种独特技能,总共有近百种技能可供你指挥。
  • 四种改变游戏玩法的天赋树:炼金术、魔法、愤怒和破坏。
  • 类Rogue元素:死亡的仆从会永远消失,游戏也会自动保存,因此每个选择都不可逆转。
  • 精细的2D画面和营造出黑暗幻想世界的阴暗气氛。
  • 各种难度级别,可满足从新手到硬核的各类玩家。
  • 伊拉图本人由传奇配音大师Stefan Weyte配音,他因在邪教游戏系列Blood中饰演Caleb而出名!



In Iratus you find yourself fighting for the forces of darkness in the role of the titular necromancer—Iratus, recently freed from his millennia-long imprisonment.
You control an obedient army of the living dead, with skeletons, zombies, banshees and many other unliving warriors. Create your soldiers the only way a necromancer knows how: from the body parts of your slain enemies!
Expand and improve your underground lair. Strengthen your servants by researching secret rituals. Explore the twisted corridors and underground catacombs, and battle against lobotomized miners, greedy dwarves and corrupt mercenaries. Aid Iratus in his quest to recapture and eclipse his former power. Lead him to conquer the forces of good and unleash an eternal kingdom of death upon the world!
The sheer variety of tactical and strategic options makes Iratus a true treat for any ardent fans of the roguelike genre.

  • Play on the side of evil, embodied by the necromancer Iratus!
  • Expand and improve your underground lair.
  • 18 types of obedient servants: zombies, vampires, skeletons, mummies, banshees and many more!
  • Craft minions from the body parts of your conquered enemies.
  • Advanced combat system: to win you need to know both the strengths and weaknesses of your troops and enemies.
  • Iratus can kill his enemies not only by magic or claw but also by draining their sanity!
  • Each minion has six unique abilities for a total of nearly one-hundred abilities for you to command.
  • Four talent trees that alter the way you play: Alchemy, Magic, Ire and Destruction.
  • Roguelike elements: minions that die are gone for good and the game saves automatically, making each choice irreversible.
  • Detailed 2D graphics and a gloomy atmosphere of dark fantasy.
  • Various difficulty levels, satisfying every type of player from novice to hardcore.
  • Iratus himself is voiced by the voice-acting legend Stefan Weyte, famous for his performance as Caleb in the cult game series “Blood”!


Version 176.16.01:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


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游戏“伊拉图斯:死之主(Iratus: Lord of the Dead)”,如何设置“中文语言”?
打开游戏依次设置:“OPTIONS”后,INTERFACE LANGUAGE - “简体中文” ,选择“是”,熟悉的“中文”界面就出现在我们眼前。

文件下载 平台:Mac Os | 系统:(需64位CPU) OS X 10.11及以上 大小:1.36GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解
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