太空避难所Space Haven Mac版 经营养成游戏 v0.19.0 gog build 16中文版

摘 要

太空避难所Space Haven这款游戏中,地球被污染严重,人类们不得不远走他乡寻找新的家园,您将模拟经营一片空间避难所,在太空中有各种逃难的人类,您可以选择接纳他们,更具每个人类的不同特长给他们安排工作,您必须保证太空避难所的正常运转,自给自足抵御外星物种的攻击!

太空避难所Space Haven Mac版 经营养成游戏
所属分类:策略游戏  大小100M-500M 适配:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.11或更高 大小:384.18MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年07月06日
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太空避难所Space Haven mac中文破解版游戏 —— 知您网(zhiniw.com)为您呈现的Mac OS系统上的太空经营养成佳作。在这款游戏中,玩家将扮演一名勇敢的太空探险家,驾驶飞船穿越浩瀚星海,探索未知星球,收集稀缺资源,甚至亲手创造属于自己的行星。游戏节奏紧凑,充满挑战的任务将考验您的生存技能,激发无尽的乐趣。更有独特的背景制作器,让您可以自由设计个性化星球,探索无限空间元素,展开一场前所未有的星际冒险。
Space Haven Mac破解游戏剧情:星际移民,征服宇宙
在Space Haven中,您将率领一群身份复杂的下层社会平民乘坐飞船踏上太空之旅,共同寻找新的家园。作为一款太空船殖民地模拟经营类游戏,您可以一砖一瓦地建造太空船、创造最佳的气体条件、管理船员的各种需求和情绪,并与其他宇宙飞行团体遭遇,尽情探索广袤无垠的宇宙。
Space Haven Mac破解游戏特色

  • 自定义 - 完全自由地建造自己想要的太空飞船或太空站。你可将每块船体、墙壁、舱门和设施放在你希望的任何地方。
  • 功能性 - 所有设施各有其用。船员可以睡在床上,也可以使用卫生间,他们会因嘈杂的房间而感到不愉快,也会因为一台游戏机而把你夸上天。


  • 氧气和二氧化碳 - 通过为全体船员构建生命支持模块,来保持最佳的氧气和二氧化碳浓度。
  • 有害气体 - 某些设施和爆炸可能会释放出有害气体。建造洗涤器,以净化空气。
  • 温度和电源 - 构建温度调节器,以便为所有船员保持理想的温度。构建电源节点,并设置整艘太空船的配电。
  • 舒适度 - 将床构建在飞船核心旁边会影响睡眠。设计你的飞船,以确保船员感到舒适。


  • 技能和特质 - 每位船员都有自己的技能组合和特质。懦夫可能连开枪都会害怕,消化能力强的人吃什么东西都不受影响。
  • 情绪 - 快乐的船员需要食物、睡眠、舒适度、安全感和朋友。少了任何一样,他们的情绪都会受到影响。
  • 状况 - 船员可能会感到冒险,忍受饥饿,感到不卫生,或者只是吃得太多。各种状况都会影响他们的感受。
  • 精神崩溃 - 如果船员的压力过大,他们可能会精神崩溃。有些人会走出气闸舱发泄不满,而有些人则可能开始打架。

在知您网分享的Space Haven Mac破解游戏中,角色并非简单的机器人。这款游戏模拟了船员的需求、情绪、健康状况和技能,而且他们彼此会建立关系。以往的职业和爱好会影响他们的技能和诀窍,而且他们还具有积极和消极的性格特质。你将在寻找新家园的持续旅程中,见证不同船员的欢乐时刻、沮丧情绪和戏剧性事件。

  • 远征任务 - 装备新船员,并组织远征队,以探索废弃飞船,或造访其他派系的太空站或太空船。
  • 征募 - 征募和派遣船员,以攻击敌人并解救好友。
  • 物品栏 - 每位船员都有自己独特的物品栏。请为其装备手枪、步枪、手榴弹等武器。


  • 船员战斗 - 与敌方派系或外星人物种交战。
  • 外星人 - 你将目睹外星人击倒并活捉你的船员,看到船员在外星人巢穴中受苦,并决定是否解救他们。


  • 战斗就位 - 与敌人进行飞船对战时,你将看到船员进入作战位置,还将看到他们在战斗中将炮弹装入炮塔,扑灭爆炸引发的火灾,修补船体缺口,修复重要设施。
  • 战术 - 瞄准敌军飞船发动机,阻止其逃离。你会看到他们对你采用同样的战术。直接向其炮塔射击,或尽力专注于敌军飞船核心,看着他们的飞船变成漆黑一片。构建护盾以保护自身飞船最重要的部分。


  • 冷冻舱 - 保护船员免受星际旅行副作用的影响。使船员处于停滞状态,以冻结疾病的发展或等待救援。
  • 医疗 - 为船员治疗伤痛、伤口和疾病。医疗状况会以多种方式给船员带来影响。


  • 生成的星系 - 每次通关均会探索一个按程序生成的新星系,其中包括行星、小行星以及其他派系的太空站和太空船。
  • 派系 - 与按照自己的方式努力生存和建立统治地位的各个派系进行互动。结识海盗、商人、奴隶贩子、邪教徒等各类派系,并与他们分别建立关系。
  • 资源 - 挖掘原始资源,并将其精炼成建筑材料。与你遇到的其他团体交易资源。

Space Haven Mac破解游戏特征
《Space Haven》中可能发生的酷炫事件:

  • 通过登上废弃飞船并找到已激活的冷冻舱,获得一位新船员。
  • 为阵亡船员举办太空葬礼,让其他船员与其告别。
  • 用从卫生间回收的生物质和水种植植物。
  • 如果极度绝望,可能会吃掉阵亡船员或入侵者的肉。
  • 目睹外星人抓走船员带回巢穴,并将他们裹得像蚕茧一样靠在墙上。你会解救他们,还是放任不管?


太空避难所(Space Haven) for Mac破解游戏视频赏析



Approved by staff as early access

Embark on a space voyage with your ragtag crew of civilians in search of a new home. Build spaceships tile by tile, create optimal gas conditions, manage the needs and moods of their crew, encounter other space-faring groups, and explore the universe in this spaceship colony sim.Design & Build:

  • Customize – Complete freedom to build a spaceship or station of your own desire. Place every piece of ship hull, wall, door and facility wherever you want.
  • Functional – All facilities serve a purpose. Crew members will sleep in beds, use toilets, be disturbed by a noisy room and praise you for an arcade machine.

A functional spaceship can be built tile-by tile, giving you the opportunity to shape a spaceship of your own desire. It can be symmetric and streamlined, or an asymmetrical whimsical looking thing. It does not have to look like a conventional spaceship depicted in sci-fi literature, you are free to design your own, the choice is yours!
Simulated Gas System:

  • Oxygen and CO2 – Keep optimal Oxygen and CO2 levels by building life support modules for your crew members.
  • Hazardous gases – Certain facilities and explosions can release hazardous gases. Build scrubbers to purify the air.
  • Temperature and power – Build thermal regulators to maintain an ideal temperature for your crew. Build power nodes and set up power distribution throughout the ship.
  • Comfort – Building a bed right next to the ship core will disturb sleep. Design your ship for crew comfort.

The isometric tile-based gas system simulates various gases, temperature and crew comfort on your spaceship. Humans, plants and facilities react to the conditions surrounding them, giving meaning to how you design your ship and the living conditions you create. Secure facilities, optimize crew survival and well-being, but also think of possible future accidents and chaos generated from crew combat or environmental hazards.
Deep Characterization:

  • Skills and traits – Every crew member has their own set of skills and traits. A wimp might get scared shooting a gun, while an iron-stomach can eat anything unaffected.
  • Mood – A happy crew member needs food, sleep, comfort, safety and friends. Take something away and their mood will be affected.
  • Conditions – Crew members might feel adventurous, suffer from starvation, feel unhygienic, or they simply ate too much. Various conditions affect how they feel.
  • Mental breaks – When the stress is too much for a crew member they may suffer a mental break. Some will vent themselves out of the air lock, while others might start a fight.

In Space Haven Crack characters aren’t mere robots. The game simulates needs, moods, health and skills of your crew members and they develop relationships with each other. Their past life occupation and hobbies will affect their skills and know-how, and they have both positive and negative traits. Witness joyful moments, depression, and drama surrounding different crew members as you journey onward seeking a new home.


  • Away missions – Equip your crew members and organize away teams to explore derelict ships or visit stations or spaceships of other factions.
  • Draft – Draft and move your crew members to attack enemies and save their friends.
  • Inventory – Each crew member has their own unique inventory. Equip them with pistols, rifles, grenades and more.

Equip your crew with space suits and weapons and organize away teams to explore derelict ships and stations. Explore and salvage resources and items; find activated cryopods with someone frozen inside. Visit spaceships or stations of other factions and find data logs telling stories of past spacefarers searching for a new home.
Crew Combat and Aliens:

  • Crew combat – Engage in combat with enemy factions or an alien species.
  • Aliens – Watch aliens incapacitate your crew members and capture them alive. See them suffer in the alien lair and decide if you want to try to save them or not.

Aliens capture your crew members and cocoon them against walls in their base. See them suffer in the alien lair and decide if you want to save them or not. Explore derelict ships and discover someone from the original crew of the ship captured by the aliens. Events like these create interesting back stories to new arrivals to your crew.

Ship-to-Ship Combat:

  • Battlestations – Watch your crew take battlestations as you engage the enemy in ship-to-ship battle. See your crew load turrets with projectiles, put out fires from explosions, patch hull breaches and repair vital facilities in the midst of battle.
  • Tactical – Target the enemy ship engine and stop them from fleeing. See them do the same to you. Engage their turrets directly or try to focus on the enemy ship core and see their ship go pitch black. Build shields to protect your most vital segments of your ships.Build turrets and engage in tactical ship-to-ship combat, where a hit and explosion could cause a snowball effect of fire, smoke, hazardous gases and even hull breaches for either party. All crew members need to work together to win the battle.

Health Modeling:

  • Cryopods – Protect your crew from side-effects of Inter-stellar travel. Place crew members into stasis to freeze the progression of a disease or to await rescue.
  • Medical – Treat crew members for injuries, wounds and diseases. Medical conditions affect crew members in various ways.

Your crew members will become wounded in battles and might catch a serious disease. Set up a medical room, scan for diseases and foreign masses and have your best doctor tend to illnesses and perform surgeries. Hope that your doctor is not absent minded and leaves a surgical tool inside.
The Galaxy and Factions:

  • Generated galaxy – Explore a new procedurally generated galaxy each playthrough, with planets, asteroids, stations and spaceships of other factions.
  • Factions – Interact with various factions all trying to survive and establish dominance their own way. Meet pirates, merchants, slave traders, cultists and more and develop relationships with each.
  • Resources – Mine for raw resources and refine them to building materials. Trade resources with other groups you meet.

Explore a new procedurally generated galaxy each new playthrough, with various factions all trying to survive and establish dominance their own way. You’ll meet pirates, slavers, merchants, cults, androids and more. Jump into hyperspace, seek out resources and meet various groups and develop your relationship with them.
Cool things that can happen in Space Haven:

  • Gain a new crew member by finding a activated cryo chamber aboard a derelict ship.
  • Have a space burial for your fallen crew member to let other crew members say good bye.
  • Grow plants with bio mass and water recycled from toilets.
  • Eat the meat from a fallen crew member or an invader if desperation is high.
  • Watch aliens capture your crew member and cocoon them to a wall in their lair. Will you go save them or leave them there?


Space Haven Mac游戏下载历史版本

版本 下载 备用 密码
0.19.0 gog build 15 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
0.19.0 steam build 3 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
0.18.1 gog build 1 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
0.18.0 gog build 24 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
0.17.5 build 2 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
0.10.2 立即下载 ssay
0.10.1 立即下载 ssay
0.10.0 立即下载 ssay
文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.11或更高 大小:384.18MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: