Zombotron(丧尸洞穴) Mac 2D平台射击游戏 v1.0.5

摘 要

Zombotron for Mac破解版是由Ant.Karlov制作,Armor Games Studios发行,在游戏中,玩家将只身潜入地下世界中粉碎外星人的秘密基地,游戏拥有大量的道具供玩家选择,玩家可以选择重火器,也可以选择冷兵器进行战斗,有兴趣的知友不妨来下载体验吧。

Zombotron(丧尸洞穴) Mac 2D平台射击游戏
所属分类:单机游戏 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.8及以上 大小:244.70MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2019年05月10日


Zombotron(丧尸洞穴) mac游戏破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款简易手绘风格的2D平台射击游戏,在游戏中玩家将要深入到一个满是鬼怪的危险星球,在这里先要保住自己的性命,然后再想怎么回家。游戏的画面相当流畅,操作起来十分的舒服。游戏中有着多达十几种武器供玩家选择,另外还有各种危险的机关,小心不要触发它们,不过你可以用它们来对付僵尸
Zombotron(丧尸洞穴) for 游戏剧情
Blaze Rush是一个渴望工作的雇佣兵。为了寻找一个轻松的营生,他沿着一个危险的灯塔走到了一个危险的星球表面和一个古老的坠机现场的废墟上。在那里,他发现了一个神秘的东西,它将测试他的力量,他的决心,以及他的武器库中的每一把枪。Zombotron拥有武器和装甲库,敌人彼此讨厌,就像他们讨厌你一样,并且对于这个世界以外的生物相当不友好。
Zombotron(丧尸洞穴) for 游戏特色


A brand new entry to the Zombotron series! 
Blaze Rush is a mercenary desperate for a job. In search of an easy payday he follows a distress beacon to the surface of a dangerous planet and the remains of an ancient crash site. There he finds a mystery that will test his strength, his resolve, and every gun in his arsenal. Zombotron features an arsenal of weapons and armor, enemies that hate each other as much as they hate you, and really nice explosions for an experience that’s out of this world.
Why go for headshots when you can drop a zombie down an elevator shaft? Or crush them beneath a pile of rubble. Or set of an elaborate daisy-chain of dynamite around them. Or run them over in an ATV. Or... you get the idea.
Crush foes with elevators, send them flying with explosives, run them down in vehicles, and much, much more.
Lock and load with a variety of weapons to become a consummate badass.
Discover the secrets of the planet Zombotron in an engaging, camp-tastic storyline.
Customize Blaze's armor to be the space-faring badass you've always wanted to be.
Ant.Karlov has been a game developer for 14 years. You might be familiar with some of his web-games on sites like Armor Games, Newgrounds, and Kongregate, including games like Fire Catcher, Alien Transporter, Mining Truck, Knighttron and Mushroomer. Zombotron is Ant.Karlov's first premium title and builds upon over a decade of gameplay and design experience.


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文件下载 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.8及以上 大小:244.70MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: