Mac虚拟机Parallels Desktop 12 v12.0.1(41296)

2016年9月14日00:50:43 5 10,292

Parallels Desktop mac版是一款运行在MAC OS X平台上功能非常强大的虚拟机软件,通过虚拟机(Parallels Desktop MAC版)你可以Mac OS X 下非常方便运行 Windows、Linux等操作系统及应用,并能轻松在Win与Mac等不同系统之间切换,用户不必繁琐重复地重启电脑即可在Win与Mac之间切换甚至同时使用它们。

Parallels 是全球领先的虚拟化和自动化软件提供商,致力于帮助个人消费者、企业用户及服务提供商在主流硬件、操作系统及虚拟化平台上全面优化其计算能力。Parallels 创立于 1999 年,是一家高速成长的企业,在北美洲、欧洲和亚洲有 800 名员工。
※ 创立于 1999 年末
※ 全球 800 多名员工
※ 支持 1 百多万台服务器和计算机
※ 服务 125 个国家的 1 千万最终用户
※ #1 桌面虚拟化技术领域 (Parallels Desktop for Mac)
※ #1 OS 级虚拟化领域 (Parallels Virtuozzo Containers)
※ #1 服务器控制面板领域 (Parallels Plesk Panel)
※ 在过去 12 个月中获得 27 项知名大奖
※ 55+ 项已获专利和正在申请的专利
※ 500+ 个合作伙伴,包括 Microsoft, Apple, Intel, AMD, Dell, HP 和 IBM 

Parallels Desktop 可以让你以 Mac 的方式来运行 Windows 的程序,它的跨桌面程序应用模式可以将虚拟机里面的 Windows 软件“拖出来”放到 Mac 上使用,变得和原生的 Mac 软件一样好用!也可以以全屏模式来运行 Windows,非常灵活且方便。使用 Parallels,你可以体验到前所未有的神奇的电脑使用体验 —— 同时使用跨越两个不同操作系统的软件,而且还非常流畅!
根据我个人的使用体验,我认为在很多细节的功能上,Parallels 比 VMWare Fusion 要做得好不少,在这里不得不赞一下它。譬如在 Retina 视网膜屏幕的支持上,虽然目前使用视网膜屏的 MacBook Pro 的人还不算多,但如果你确实用上了,那么完美的支持会让你完全感受到厂商的细心。
又如在窗口模式下使用 Windows 8.1 ,我们经常需要将鼠标移动到屏幕角落来激活 Charm 菜单,但会发现需要很小心将指针移动到角落才能激活,否则很容易“出界”了,而 Parallels 会在角落增加一个看不见的减速器,当鼠标划过角落时它会稍微减速然后有点磁性那样将指针黏在窗口边缘,方便你激活菜单,使得你的使用感受特别愉快流畅舒服。如果你再深入使用,你会发现这种体现开发商用心的小地方有很多,这里就不一一举例了,留待大家去发现惊喜吧。 

完美支持 Windows 10 / Win 8.1 / Win7 / Vista / 2000 / XP 等全系列微软操作系统 (32/64位)
支持各种发行版的 Linux 以及 Chrome OS、Android 系统
支持在 Mac、Windows  和部分 Linux 之间拖放文件、复制粘贴文本或文件
可方便地将通过 BootCamp 安装的 Windows 系统转换成虚拟机使用
Mac 和 Windows 之间可共享 OneDrive、Dropbox、Google Drive 等云存储空间
可轻松地将文件、应用程序、浏览器书签等从 PC 移至 Mac;
支持 Windows 使用 Retina 视网膜显示屏
可将任意数量的 USB 设备随意分配至您的 Mac 或 Windows
支持 Windows / Linux 共享文件夹以及打印机
Mac虚拟机Parallels Desktop 12 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v12.0.1(41296)</span>的预览图
Parallels allows you to run Windows and Mac applications side by side. Choose your view to make Windows invisible while still using its applications, or keep the familiar Windows background and controls on your Mac.

Now Supporting Windows 10 and ready for El Capitan
Run Windows 10 and OS X® El Capitan with ease. Use Microsoft Cortana®, your virtual assistant, on your Mac. Switch from your PC to your Mac
We make it easy to get all of your files, applications, browser bookmarks, and more from your PC to your Mac; just follow the setup assistant.

Works with Boot Camp®
Reuse your existing Boot Camp installation. Converting a virtual machine from Boot Camp is now much easier and more intuitive than ever.

Not just for Windows
Run a wide array of operating systems including OS X, Windows 10, 8.1 & 7, Linux, and Google ChromeTM. You can run just about anything on your Mac!

One-click tuning
Select productivity, games, design, or development, and Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac will optimize your virtual machine settings and performance for you.

Robust Performance
Parallels Desktop Pro Edition gives your virtual machines more processing power. Up to 64 GB vrAM and 16 vCPUs per virtual machine lets you run even the most demanding applications with ease.

Business Class Software
Keep IT in control of end user licenses and Windows virtual machines with a Unified Volume License Key, centralized license management, and advanced security features available in Parallels Desktop Business Edition.
Mac虚拟机Parallels Desktop 12 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v12.0.1(41296)</span>的预览图
Version 12.0.1:
Up to 90 percent faster snapshot creation
Up to 60 percent faster suspending of virtual machines
Up to 25 percent faster Shared Folders performance
Up to 10 percent battery life improvement
Improved virtual machine responsiveness when your Mac is low on free memory
For better performance, when Windows is idle but you're working in OS X, Windows will no longer perform resource-intensive maintenance tasks.

Windows 10
Schedule when Windows 10 does maintenance, like downloading and installing updates

New options to Windows apps settings in the Dock: Keep Mac Awake, Always Hide Others, Enable Do Not Disturb, Start in Full Screen
Ability to open Microsoft office online documents from your Mac browser in Windows office apps (Excel, Word, PowerPoint).
Quicker attachments: list of recent files in File Explorer and Outlook 2016 for Windows now shows files which were opened, edited, or downloaded recently on the Mac
New mode that puts virtual machines in the background to make them ready in seconds when needed.

Other New Features
Simplified backup: one year of Acronis True Image 500GB cloud backup storage, which can back up changes to a virtual machine instead of having to resave the entire virtual machine every time changes are made
Ability to run a virtual machine in Coherence without the Parallels Desktop icon in the Dock
Retina display: resizing a Windows 10 virtual machine window preserves proper size of text and icons
Retina display: when using Windows 10 on a Mac laptop with external display(s) connected, you can set an independent screen resolution for each display
An option to store Edge and Internet Explorer passwords in Mac Keychain
Retina resolution support for OS X virtual machines

General Enhancements
New design for virtual machine windows in shutdown, suspended, and paused states, including updated screens when starting or resuming a virtual machine in Coherence and a "Play" control on the virtual machine thumbnail in Control Center.
Native look for .exe files on the Mac desktop and in the Finder
Fully featured toolbar for virtual machines in full screen mode
Parallels Toolbox for Mac - The Parallels Toolbox feature in Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac and the Pro Edition makes it easy to perform 20 common tasks on the Mac with simple single-function tools that don’t require settings customization. With the Pro Edition or a subscription to the stand-alone Parallels Toolbox for Mac, additional tools will be made available every few months to make your life even easier. Initial tools include:
Audio and video management: record audio, mute microphone, video downloader, and video convertor
Screenshots made simple: capture area, window, or screen
Screen recording: record area, window, or screen
Time management: alarm, timer, date countdown, and stopwatch
Peace, productivity and privacy: do not disturb, do not sleep, hide desktop icons, and lock screen
Archiving: archive and un-archive


系统:mac 10.9.4及以上
测试电脑:MacBook Pro(Osx 10.11.6)
开发商:Parallels IP Holdings GmbH.



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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

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        向楼主求一份 感谢!!

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          楼主能发我一份吗?谢谢 :oops:

            • zero zero 9

              @ :)

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                  @zero 版主求链接。。。。