PlainPad Mac 纯文本编辑器 v1.3.1(836)

摘 要

知您网分享的PlainPad Mac软件破解版具有干净的界面。凭借其广泛的默认设置,PlainPad提供了无数的选项来根据您自己的需要和偏好定制书写环境。如果您需要一款纯文本编辑器,那么PlainPad Mac破解版是您不错选择!

PlainPad Mac 纯文本编辑器
所属分类:小于50M  编程开发 系统:macOS 10.10或更高版本 大小:7.05MB | 语言:中文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2022年09月14日


PlainPad mac破解软件是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款非常不错的纯文本编辑器,凭借其广泛的默认设置,PlainPad提供了众多选项,可根据您自己的需要和喜好自定义书写环境。无论是快速笔记,想法,任务还是大量的文章,PlainPad均可为所有类型的写作提供一个环境,使您的想法转化为文字,非常好用!
PlainPad for Mac破解软件功能介绍
PlainPad for Mac破解软件功能特色
PlainPad 具有多种各式各样的文本编辑和界面自定义选项,用户可以调整文字的大小、字体、字号、颜色以及背景颜色。当然该程序也有一些设置可用于更调整线条和边距,因此,任何用户都可以在 PlainPad 舒适的编辑。
PlainPad 还支持在 MacOS 环境下的全屏功能,当然用户也可以调整自己喜好的长宽比,调整整个工作界面的尺寸,创建属于自己舒适的编辑环境。
PlainPad 也是一个很好的代码编辑器,可以处理和保存多种格式的编码。提供了强大而有用的编辑和替换功能,并支持正则表达式搜索。同时,大纲菜单可帮助使用预定义的语法提取指定的行并跳转到相应的行。
PlainPad 可以将各种格式的文档文件轻松导入,导入后所有文件格式都将被删除,只保存纯文本文件格式,该程序可以导入多种格式,比如 txt、rtf、rtfd、html、doc、docx、odt、wordml、webarchive 等。
PlainPad 可以轻松无压力的打开各种简单的文本文件,不论拓展名如何,例如扩展名为 css、csv、h、html、m、md、markdown、php、txt、swift、xml 等的文件。


# Plain Text
PlainPad is an editor for plain text files with a clean interface. With its extensive default settings, PlainPad offers a myriad of options to customize the writing environment to your own needs and preferences. Whether quick notes, ideas, tasks or extensive texts, PlainPad offers an environment for all types of writing to put your thoughts into words.
## Customizable editor
PlainPad offers extensive preference options for the editor. In addition to the font type, size, color and background color, the font color and background color for selected text can also be set. In addition, there are settings available to change the spacing between lines and edges as well as a special area to adjust the cursor.
## Opening files
PlainPad can open all simple text files without question, e.g. files with the extension css, csv, h, html, m, md, markdown, php, txt, swift, xml and many more.
## Renove Text-Formattings
With PlainPad it is possible to remove styles and formatting from texts without much effort.
* Copy Paste
Add the desired text to the pasteboard and paste it into PlainPad and the inserted text is freed from any formatting automatically.
* Import of text documents.
Existing text documents with formatting can be easily imported into PlainPad. All formatting is removed so that only the plain text remains. PlainPad supports the import of the following known formats: txt, rtf, rtfd, html, doc, docx, odt, wordml, webarchive.
## Other special functions
* Write without saving
Just write something down and close the window again, but the save Dialogue disturbs? The save dialog can be switched off via the preferences of PlainPad.
* Always in the foreground
Does the document always disappear behind other windows when working in other programs? With the activated "Always on top"-feature, the document is always at reach.
* Counter
PlainPad counts characters, words and lines automatically.
* Text encoding
PlainPad can handle a variety of text encodings and can be set specifically which encoding should be used when opening, saving and creating files.
* Open documents using the Dock
PlainPad supports the quick opening of files via the Dock. Simply drag the desired file onto the Dock icon of PlainPad and the corresponding file is opened.
* Print
PlainPad can also print texts and offers for printing a separate set of preference options. The font type and size well as the margins to the edges and spacing between the lines can be adjusted for printing.
## Support for various macOS technologies
* Dark Mode
For macOS 10.14 or newer the appearance is specified by the operating system itself. Older versions of macOS can change to the dark appearance, if desired, via the main menu action View > Toggle Light/Dark User Interface.
* Versions? You decide!
PlainPad supports the versions function of macOS, with which an earlier save point can be restored. However, this can also be deactivated via the preferences of PlainPad and the saving behavior of previous macOS versions can be provided.
* Tabs
The tab function for PlainPad can be activated via the main menu under the item Window (macOS 10.12 or newer).
* Fullscreen Mode
PlainPad supports the fullscreen mode. In order not to have to edit the text across the entire width and height of the screen, the working area can be adjusted via the preferences in order to create a comfortable writing environment.

Version 1.3.1:
– new option in the Preferences for the Fullscreen settings, with which scroll-actions can also be triggered outside the actual text field
**Bug fixes**
– fixes various display errors related to the footer


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文件下载 系统:macOS 10.10或更高版本 大小:7.05MB | 语言:中文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1|2芯片、Monterey运行
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