MacBreakZ Mac 作息时间提醒 v5.46

摘 要

MacBreakZ Mac版专门为不适应长时间电脑工作的人提供帮助,MacBreakZ结合高端的人体助理工程学设计,通过监控鼠标以及键盘的使用频率来帮助用户有效且健康的制定作息时间表,并对用户以特别的红黄绿三个级别的提醒目前的健康状态。保证用户对自己的身体健康的监督。

MacBreakZ Mac 作息时间提醒
所属分类:其它工具  小于50M 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.10或更高版本 大小:36.39MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2022年08月07日


macBreakZ Mac破解软件是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款作息时间提醒,也是休息提醒健康助手,对于长期在电脑前工作的朋友,由于长期坐着,久而久之就会有各种职业病,脖子,腰部等部位都是爱出问题的地方,每间隔一段时间就休息是非常好的选择,MacBreakZ这款软件可以为你制定智能的休息计划,提供了图文说明,教你如何缓解疲劳,非常不错!
MacBreakZ for Mac破解软件功能特色


MacBreakZ is a sophisticated Personal Ergonomic Assistant designed to promote healthy and productive computer use. It offers a unique way of acquiring ergonomic skills that can save you a lot of discomfort, and shield you from serious health and career-threatening disorders.
MacBreakZ features sophisticated keyboard and mouse monitoring (without invading your privacy) that allows it to react to the way you are using your computer. What’s more MacBreakZ provides you with instant feedback on how you are doing and thus lets you find out more about your work practices. Based on your actual keyboard and mouse use and the time you have spent in front of the screen, MacBreakZ suggests rest and microbreaks at appropriate intervals. MacBreakZ includes a set of 30 fully illustrated stretching exercises that are designed to reduce muscular tension, improve posture and strengthen appropriate muscle groups. It also features dozens of great ergonomic tips.
MacBreakZ adapts to how and where you work. A sophisticated setup assistant makes sure that you start off with a configuration that suits you and your workplace. An extensive array of preferences allow you to customize everything from how activity is measured to the way information is presented on the screen. And it isn’t rude, and doesn’t interrupt you in the middle of something important. Through its innovative interface using transparency and sound, it keeps you informed without stealing your focus and gives you plenty of warning before a break is due and even then respectfully waits until you have stopped working.

Version 5.46:

  • This release fixes a number of minor bugs in the previous release.


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文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.10或更高版本 大小:36.39MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1|2芯片、Monterey运行
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