Claris FileMaker Pro Mac破解版 APP定制开发 v19.6.3.302

摘 要


Claris FileMaker Pro Mac破解版 APP定制开发
所属分类:编程开发  大小100M-500M 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.14或更高版本 大小:162.76MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年03月05日


Claris FileMaker Pro mac破解版是知您网搜集到Mac os系统上一款APP定制开发软件,可用来打造符合你工作方式的App 开发。它可以管理联系人、库存、项目等,还包含一整套高级开发与诊断工具,帮助你轻松设计和维护您的APP。
Claris FileMaker Pro Mac破解版功能介绍
FileMaker Pro 19 for Mac是一款高定制的APP开发神器。知您网分享的FileMaker Pro 19破解软件是由多个产品组成的以数据库为核心的软件平台,可以帮助用户快捷、方便地创建数据库应用程序。和SQL Server,MySQL或者Oracle这些数据库管理软件有点儿区别的地方是,在Filemaker环境下开发出来的数据库虽然也使用了 Relational Database Model,但是对于数据库的管理,维护和应用却不依赖于SQL。FileMaker是Apple的全资子公司,提供为移动设备、云端和本地环境构建与部署定制化App的统一平台。任何人都可以使用 FileMaker 构建定制化App,FileMaker 平台将数据、业务逻辑和用户界面层整合在一起,不再需要多种复杂的技术即可为移动、云和本地部署交付App。
Claris FileMaker Pro Mac破解版功能特色
为您的业务构建定制化 App
FileMaker Pro Advanced是用于创建自定义应用程序的工具。您还可以使用FileMaker Pro Advanced在Windows或Mac计算机上访问您的应用程序。首先从电子表格导入数据或使用内置的Starter应用程序来管理联系人,广告资源,会议等。甚至可以从一开始就快速构建一个新的应用程序。
FileMaker Pro Advanced包含一组高级工具,可帮助您更快,更轻松地设计和开发自定义应用程序。此外,您还将获得强大的分析功能,强大的诊断工具等等。
将现有数据导入FileMaker应用程序。导入数据类型,如.CSV,Tab,XML,ODBC和Microsoft Excel文件。
使用经过验证的加密标准集中您的信息并安全地访问数据。管理组或个人用户权限 - 即使对于单个字段也是如此。
创建可在iPad,iPhone,Windows,Mac和Web上无缝协作的自定义应用程序。使用FileMaker Cloud或FileMaker Server与他人安全地共享您的应用。
通过强大的REST API与其他流行的应用程序和Web服务连接。并使用Microsoft SQL Server,Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL和IBM DB2数据源创建实时双向连接。


Build apps like a boss. Take on digital transformation with Claris FileMaker. Quickly build custom apps that solve your business problems today — and tomorrow. Accelerate your business, unlock your team’s creative potential, and drive to better outcomes.
Tackle any task.
Need an app to solve a really sticky business problem? Build it with FileMaker. It’s got all the tools you need to roll up your sleeves and DIY — or team up with pro developers for next-level expertise.
Start today.
And by today, we mean today. With built-in templates, drag-and-drop design, and an intuitive graphical UI, you’ll be app-building in no time. And your work goes live the second you’re ready, across every device — that’s the power of FileMaker.
Get inspired by a world of FileMaker apps.
Need an app now but crunched for time? Odds are you’re not alone. Explore Marketplace to find the perfect jumping off point for your own custom app — from templates and components to fully-completed vertical market apps.

  • CRM
  • Project Management
  • Content Library
  • Asset Manager
  • Invoicing Details
  • Contract Management
  • Event Planning
  • Field Research
  • Supply Management
  • Tour Dashboard

All devices, all the time.
Secure, real-time sharing on any device. That means your app works on mobile or desktop, on the web, on premise and in the cloud. Because apps this important should be accessible anytime, anywhere.
Power for problem solvers.
Plug and play power.
Drag and drop prebuilt add-ons for instant app development. Add charts, calendars, kanban boards, activity timelines, and more. (Coming soon.)
NEW Mobile AI.
Use smart tech such as Core ML for things like image and sentiment recognition, Siri Shortcuts for voice-enabled interactions, and NFC reading — all on mobile.
NEW Zero to cloud.
Create apps directly in the cloud with zero configuration and deployment. Add fully-integrated jаvascript to your custom apps.
Complete tooling.
Use scripts, triggers, calculation functions, graphical design tools, and relational data modeling to build robust apps that scale with your business.
Total security.
Built on Claris Core, FileMaker includes industry-standard protections to keep your data secure — both in the cloud and on premise.
Integrate. Automate. Innovate.
Connect to all kinds of web services and apps in minutes using Claris Connect. It’s the best way to automate your workflows.

Version 19:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


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"Claris FileMaker Pro" Mac软件历史版本


文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.14或更高版本 大小:162.76MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Intel/M1/M2芯片、Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura运行
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