iReal Pro Mac版 模拟真实乐队音乐陪练工具 v2024.6

摘 要

iReal Pro for Mac软件下载提供了易于使用的工具,可以帮助所有级别的音乐家掌握他们的艺术。iReal Pro for Mac破解软件这个完全重新设计的应用模拟一支音色逼真的乐队,在您练习的时候为您伴奏。而且用户可以根据乐谱弹奏出超过30中不同风格的伴奏,无论是爵士、拉丁还是乡村风格都可以轻松制作,是音乐爱好者的必备乐谱工具!

iReal Pro Mac版 模拟真实乐队音乐陪练工具
所属分类:办公软件  大小50M-100M 适配:macOS 11.5或更高 大小:73.42MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年06月07日
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iReal Pro Mac破解版知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款由TNT破解非常好用的模拟真实乐队音乐陪练工具Crack,可以帮助知您网的朋友们通过软件快速去学习乐谱的各种知识,简单的使用方法让您快速上手开始制作专属于自己的乐谱!而且海量乐谱和喜欢的歌曲炫图表为你提供,还可以在您的音乐练习时候用为您准备伴奏呢!

iReal Pro Mac软件下载功能介绍

熟能生巧。知您网官网分享的iReal Pro破解版提供了易于使用的工具,帮助所有级别的音乐家掌握他们的艺术。它模拟一支音色逼真的乐队,在您练习的时候为您伴奏。这个应用也让您创建和收集您喜爱的歌曲的弦图表以作为参考。
“对于一个在练习当中的音乐家来说,它是一项完美的科技:优质的数字音像、可混音、可变调至任何音调并且是完全流动性的。现在每位有抱负的音乐家都有一支备用乐队在他们的口袋里”。– Tim Westergren, Pandora创始人
• 它是一本乐谱:
• 它是一支乐队:

iReal Pro Mac软件下载功能特色

• 从应用中51种不同风格的伴奏中选择 (摇摆, 民谣, 吉普赛爵士, 兰草, 乡村, 摇滚, 时髦音乐, 雷鬼, 波萨诺沃, 拉丁)
• 以各种声音个人化每个风格,包括钢琴,电子琴,民谣和电吉他,原声吉他和电贝司,鼓,电颤琴,风琴及更多
• 自己录制或跟着音律唱歌
• 只需几个简单的步骤就可从论坛下载超过千首歌曲
• 编辑现有的歌曲集或使用编辑器创建您自己的歌曲集
• 播放器将播出您所编辑或创建的任何歌曲
• 创建多个可编辑的播放列表
• 包括50套练习曲,用于练习一般和弦进阶
• 移置任何图表至任何音调或者数字符号
• 循环和弦图内的一组小节以便集中练习
• 高级练习设置(自动节奏增加,自动音调变调)
• 为喇叭播放器作全球Eb、Bb、F和G变调
分享、打印和导出 - 无论何处,让您的音乐在您需要它的时候跟随您!
• 轻松地通过电子邮件和论坛与其他iReal Pro用户共享单个图表或整个播放列表
• 把您的歌曲和播放列表上传到iCloud,以保护您的资料,并且保持各种iCloud启用的设备(如iPhone、iPad和Mac)之间的同步


iReal Pro Crack offers an easy-to-use tool to help musicians of all levels master their art. It also simulates a real-sounding band that can accompany you as you practice. The app also lets you create and collect chord charts of your favorite songs for reference.
It’s a book — Create, edit, print, share and collect chord charts of your favorite songs for reference while practicing or performing.
It’s a band — Practice with a realistic sounding piano (or guitar), bass and drum accompaniments for any downloaded or user-created chord chart.
Have a virtual band accompany you as you practice

  • Choose from the included 50 different accompaniment styles (Swing, Ballad, Gypsy Jazz, Bluegrass, Country, Rock, Funk, Reggae, Bossa Nova, Latin,…) and 12 blues styles available as a one-time In-App purchase
  • Personalize each style with a variety of sounds including piano, Fender Rhodes, acoustic and electric guitars, acoustic and electric basses, drums, vibraphone, organ, and more
  • Record yourself playing or singing along with the accompaniment

Play, edit, and download any songs you want

  • 1000s of songs can be downloaded from the forums in a few simple steps
  • Edit existing songs or create your own with the Editor
  • The Player will play any song that you edit or create
  • Create multiple editable playlists

Improve your skills with the included chord diagrams

  • Display guitar, ukulele tabs and piano fingerings for any of your chord charts
  • Look up piano, guitar and ukulele fingerings for any chord
  • Display scale recommendations for each chord of a song to help with improvisations

Practice in the way, and at the level, that you choose

  • Includes 50 exercises for practicing common chord progressions
  • Transpose any chart to any key or to number notation
  • Loop a selection of measures of a chart for focused practicing
  • Advanced practice settings (automatic tempo increase, automatic key transposition)
  • Global Eb, Bb, F and G transposition for horn players
  • Share, print, and export – so your music follows you wherever you need it!

Share individual charts or whole playlists with other iReal Pro users via email and the forums

  • Export charts as PDF and MusicXML
  • Export audio as WAV, AAC and MIDI
  • Upload your songs and playlists to iCloud for safekeeping and for synchronization across any of your iCloud enabled devices such as iPhone, iPad or Mac

Version 2024.4:
- New Feature: customize common odd time signatures. Choose if 5/8, 5/4 should be played as 3+2 or 2+3 and if 7/8, 7/4 should be played as 4+3 or 3+4, by adding the text 2+3, 3+4... in the desired measure in the song.
- Improved song search by ignoring apostrophes: search for Im, Its, well... instead of I'm, It's, We'll...
- Editor: Fixed bug when selecting cells using shift+arrows that could result in a single selected cell
- Editor: Single bar repeat symbol adheres to the S ‘small’ command to fit in a single space
- Fixed issue with exported Midi file containing volume data

iReal Pro Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 下载 密码
2024.4 立即下载 ssay
2024.1 立即下载 ssay
2023.11.12 立即下载 ssay
2023.11.1 立即下载 ssay
2023.11.1 立即下载 ssay
2023.7 立即下载 ssay
2023.6 立即下载 ssay
2023.5 立即下载 ssay
2022.11 立即下载 ssay
2022.10 立即下载 ssay
2022.9(20220915) 立即下载 ssay
10.0.0(100006) 立即下载 ssay
文件下载 芯片: ✅ 持Intel/M1/M2/M3【需关闭SIP 适配:macOS 11.5或更高 大小:73.42MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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  • weinxin
  • 天天领红包
  • 小编得恩惠,麻烦友友了
  • weinxin


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

目前评论:2   其中:访客  0   博主  0

    • yq3163 yq3163 6


        • zero zero 9

          @yq3163 喜欢就好:)这样我分享才有意义