LiveQuartz mac v2.5.13(464)

2016年12月8日16:02:25 发表评论 2,491

LiveQuartz For mac是一款Mac OS平台上的专业照片编辑软件。体积相对小巧,它是基于非破坏性层和过滤器。该层的左侧和筛选是在合适的窗口。要编辑照片,只需拖动到窗口(或层“列表),它会被添加一个新层。 LiveQuartz支持手势(多点触摸),并完全支持Retina显示屏。
LiveQuartz mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.5.13(464)</span>的预览图
LiveQuartz for Mac:软件有很多工具,比如图层移动工具、画笔、复制工具、绘图工具(线,矩形,圆角矩形,椭圆)、渐、变工具、富文本工具、橡皮擦工具、后台擦除工具、过滤器效果工具、拾色器工具、矩形选择工具、椭圆选择工具、套索/多边形套索工具、放大镜等。
LiveQuartz mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.5.13(464)</span>的预览图

LiveQuartz is a simple and powerful photo editor for the Mac. It is based on non-destructive layers and filters. The layers are at the left and the filters are at the right of the window.

To edit a photo, just drag it into the window (or layers list) and it will be added as a new layer. LiveQuartz handles multi-touch trackpads.

The software is localized in 11 languages : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplifed Chinese, Danish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Russian, and Spanish.
LiveQuartz mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.5.13(464)</span>的预览图
Version 2.5.13:
- Sierra: Fixing issues when importing from scanners
- Sierra: Disabling re-open workaround on Save-As
- Fixing not visible tool settings on initial tool selection


系统:mac 10.10.5及以上
语言:多国语言[中文] 分类:图像处理
测试电脑:MacBook Pro(Osx 10.12.1)
开发商:Romain Piveteau


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