钢铁战队(Iron Marines) Mac 策略类塔防游戏 v1.6.10

摘 要

钢铁陆战队(Iron Marines)是一款有着即时策略玩法的全新科幻主题塔防手游,官方译名《钢铁战队》,由《皇家守卫军》制作团队Ironhide Game Studio打造的全新作品。玩家将成为英勇善战的战队一员,与外星球的敌人战斗,守护家园的安全。

钢铁战队(Iron Marines) Mac 策略类塔防游戏
所属分类:大小1G-3G  策略游戏 系统:macOS 10.9或更高版本 大小:1.13GB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2022年10月10日


钢铁战队(Iron Marines) mac破解游戏是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款策略类塔防游戏,又一超凡太空奇幻历险之作。即时、动态以及深度策略的游戏模式将带你穿越到不可思议的未知星球。沉浸式拟真游戏场景、过瘾的游戏玩法、以及超凡绝佳的艺术感和一丝诙谐幽默感带你进入激烈的战争世界。
钢铁战队(Iron Marines) for Mac破解游戏设定
《钢铁陆战队》(Iron Marines)是开发商Ironhide Game Studio打造的塔防新作。钢铁陆战队是一款采用了机甲科幻风格的画风的战斗类塔防手游。也是游戏创作者继获奖作品Kingdom Rush(《王国保卫战》)三部曲之后的又一超凡太空奇幻历险之作。即时、动态以及深度策略的游戏模式将带你穿越到不可思议的未知星球。沉浸式拟真游戏场景、过瘾的游戏玩法、以及超凡绝佳的艺术感和一丝诙谐幽默感带你进入激烈的战争世界。勇猛的士兵、威猛的机甲人和强大的外星人通通等你来统率,并肩迎接最强挑战。



钢铁战队(Iron Marines) for Mac破解游戏特色

  • 指导你的部队参加3个不同世界的21次任务。准备好发动英勇的攻击,坚守阵地,拯救平民,潜入超级计算机和各种英雄的物品。每个任务需要新的战术和行动才能取得胜利。
  • 通过21次终结式特别行动的战术规则测试你的机智。每个关卡通过伤痕铭记挑战。谅你也不敢。
  • 解锁不可能模式。仅对大无畏敢死队开放。谅你绝对不敢。
  • 在史诗战斗中击败巨大而非凡的头目。这些头目卑鄙而异常地巨大,他们决心要将你碾碎。钢铁战队,整装待发!
  • 40+升级以提升你的战略,同时授予你的部队防御无人机、凝固汽油弹火箭、反弹爆炸和更多的器械可使用。
  • 14位具有出色能力的英雄听从你的调遣。将他们训练到极致出色,否则惹恼他们后果自负。
  • 8种可向敌人发动进攻的特种武器,让你的战术更加具有深度。还有什么比得上一个瞄准了的导弹?对50枚高爆炸炸弹的轨道炮袭击!
  • 完成70+成就中的任何成就,赢得你应得的奖励
  • 选择你的游戏困难模式,找到属于你的公平挑战:休闲、普通或老兵别太狂妄了!要么狂妄一点!你自己决定!
  • 想了解更多?几十个复活节彩蛋等你慧眼识金,有没怎么变种的乌龟,也有一些大名鼎鼎的星际飞船船长



The creators of the famous Kingdom Rush trilogy are releasing an extremely unusual space odyssey. A dynamic and thoughtful real-time strategy will take you to stunning unexplored planets. Addictive gameplay, beautiful graphics and light humor. Brave soldiers, mighty mechanoids and aliens are ready to go into battle under your command!
Recruit and train the galaxy's greatest heroes, send them on dangerous and challenging missions - unleash their potential, strength and abilities. Change your battle strategy in the midst of the battle: order the rangers to take sniper rifles, and the flamethrowers to take control of rocket launchers. Turn the tide of battle by accurately throwing bombs, laying mines, strategically placing turrets... and firing all sorts of weapons!
Robot armies, crashed spaceships, huge monsters, unknown races, daring assaults and sabotage... the galaxy needs you, captain.
Thousands of players have already joined the forces in these distant galaxies. We've also recently added new features to the PC version, including new teams, fully unlocked heroes, a new targeting system, and more.
The galaxy needs an Iron Marine
Game Features:
- Lead your troops to victory in 21 campaigns across three different worlds. Repel attacks, defend territories, rescue civilians, hack systems and do other heroic deeds. Use different tactics and maneuvers.
- Complete 21 Special Assignments: the rules will change every time, and the opponents will become more cunning. A new stage is a new test, and scars are proof of that. We believe in you!
- Unlock the Unthinkable difficulty level. For the most reckless and fearless. We believe in you twice!
- Defeat huge and unusual Bosses. They are very angry, very very big and really want to kill you. Combat readiness, landing!
- More than 40 upgrades: think over tactics, supply fighters with defensive drones, arm with napalm grenades and much more
- Under your command 14 Heroes with incredible abilities. Train your fighters - to turn them into killing machines - or mock them... at your own risk!
- 8 Special Weapons - to send enemies to the next world! What could be better than a precisely directed missile? Orbital strike from fifty powerful missiles!
- More than 70 Achievements and tons of rewards!
- Select the difficulty to your teeth: Beginner, Fighter or Veteran. Just don't be arrogant! Or be arrogant ... As you wish!
- You know what else? A bunch of surprises for everyone: both for beginners and experienced captains.


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文件下载 系统:macOS 10.9或更高版本 大小:1.13GB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1|2芯片、Monterey运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: