火星地平线Mars Horizon Mac版 探索策略游戏 v1.4.2.1

摘 要


火星地平线Mars Horizon Mac版 探索策略游戏
所属分类:策略游戏  大小1G-3G 适配:macOS 10.15或更高 大小:1.08GB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年11月07日
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Mars Horizon mac游戏下载镜像包下载完后,首先请将游戏 Mars Horizon 拖至 Mac应用程序中完成安装 和 运行;


xcode-select –install


xattr -cr /Applications/Mars Horizon.app && codesign –force –deep –sign – /Applications/Mars Horizon.app

打开 Mars Horizon Mac游戏下载并提示【“XXX”已损坏,无法打开。您应该将它移到废纸篓。】 ,那就请按下面的操作设置:

sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Mars\ Horizon.app



火星地平线Mars Horizon Mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款模拟火星探索策略游戏。在游戏中,你将掌管一个大型航天局,从太空时代初期一路发展,直到运送宇航员登陆火星。你需要管理航天局征服外太空的每个要素,包括建造发射台、研发实验室、宇航员训练设施等,制造定制载具发射卫星和载人航天器来探索太阳系。游戏提供了丰富的任务和挑战,包括资源管理、科技研发、火星环境适应等问题。你需要通过策略制定和合理规划,逐步扩大殖民地规模,探索火星的奥秘。游戏画面精美,音效逼真,同时支持多人在线合作模式,让你可以与好友共同征服火星。Mars Horizon for Mac破解游戏适合喜欢策略游戏和太空探索的玩家体验。

Mars Horizon Mac游戏下载设定

在知您网游戏分享的Mars Horizon破解版游戏中,你将控制一个主要的航天机构,领导它从太空计划的启动到将宇航员登陆火星。带领你的机构参加太空竞赛,书写你自己的太空旅行历史——如果你做出正确的选择,任何机构都可能成为第一个登陆月球的人。您对太空之旅的每一步负责 - 成功取决于您的决定!

Mars Horizon Mac游戏下载特色

- 创建你自己的航天局,并建造一个拥有发射台、研究实验室、宇航员训练设施等的基地。
- 使用数百种可用组合,用各种零件生产您自己的设备。-发射卫星和载人航天器探索太阳系。
- 通过各种回合制任务管理任务控制,以推动科学进步并获得公众支持。
- 重现由 NASA、ESA 和 CNSA 等机构领导的著名任务,包括毅力号火星车、独创号直升机、祝融号火星车和罗塞塔太空探测器项目。
- 探索广泛的技术树,与其他机构竞争或合作,制定飞往火星的计划。
- 从五个独特的太空机构中进行选择 - 每个机构都有自己的特点、基地、车辆和宇宙飞船。
- 在沙盒模式中享受完全的创作自由。您会努力领先于其他机构,还是会专注于测试和研究?有几种方法可以确保火星上的第一个人是你的下属之一。你做出的每一个决定都很重要:你会投资最先进的技术,还是冒险成为第一个到达这颗红色星球的人?在基于真实事件和任务的任务中挑战自己,并尝试克服现有航天机构面临的挑战。控制是火星地平线的一个关键方面。您需要设计和建造合适的航天器,雇用和培训机组人员,并制定战略任务管理决策,以成功完成火星之旅。与其它机构建立外交伙伴关系,分享太空探索的回报,或者冒险单打独斗,夺取所有荣耀。用经过时间考验的零件制造完美的火箭。雇用承包商建造船舶并利用其独特的功能来获得超越竞争对手的关键优势。将有效载荷发射到太空只是第一步。担任任务控制总监的角色,您将管理飞船的资源并解决回合制任务中的战略问题以取得成功。但要小心:空间不会原谅错误。通常,任务的结果取决于您的临时决定:是否值得立即修复有故障的天线或在氧气泄漏的情况下节省资源?或者也许值得多花三个月的时间来准备并完全避免此类问题?


In Mars Horizon Crack, you take control of a major space agency, leading it from the start of the space program to landing astronauts on Mars. Lead your agency through the space race and write your own alternate history of space travel - any agency could be the first to land on the moon if you make the right choices. You are responsible for every step of your journey into space - success depends on your decisions!
Get ready to perform a variety of tasks and overcome a variety of difficulties that will stand in your way:
- Create your own space agency and build a base with launch pads, research laboratories, astronaut training facilities and much more.
- Produce your own equipment from various parts using hundreds of available combinations.
- Launch satellites and manned spacecraft to explore the solar system.
- Manage mission control through a variety of turn-based missions to advance scientific progress and gain public support.
- Recreate famous missions led by agencies such as NASA, ESA and CNSA, including the Perseverance Rover, Ingenuity Helicopter, Zhurong Rover and Rosetta space probe projects.
- Explore an extensive technology tree, compete or collaborate with other agencies to create your plan to fly to Mars.
- Choose from five unique space agencies - each with their own characteristics, base, vehicles and spaceships.
- Enjoy complete creative freedom in sandbox mode.
Will you strive to get ahead of other agencies or will you focus on testing and research? There are several ways to ensure that the first person on Mars will be one of your subordinates. Every decision you make matters: will you invest in the most advanced technology or take a risk in your quest to be the first to the red planet?
Challenge yourself in missions based on real events and missions and try to overcome the challenges faced by existing space agencies.
Control is a key aspect of Mars Horizon. You'll need to design and build a suitable spacecraft, hire and train a crew, and make strategic mission management decisions to successfully complete the journey to Mars.
Form diplomatic partnerships with other agencies to share the rewards of space exploration, or risk going it alone and take all the glory. Create the perfect rocket from time-tested parts. Hire contractors to build ships and use their unique features to gain a key advantage over your competitors.
Launching a payload into space is only the first step. Assuming the role of Mission Control Director, you will manage your spaceship's resources and solve strategic problems in turn-based missions to achieve success. But be careful: space does not forgive mistakes.
Often the outcome of a mission will depend on your momentary decisions: is it worth fixing a faulty antenna right away or saving resources in case of an oxygen leak? Or maybe it’s worth spending three extra months on preparation and avoiding such problems altogether?

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2 适配:macOS 10.15或更高 大小:1.08GB | 语言: 多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: