守墓人Graveyard Keeper Mac版 模拟经营类游戏 v1.405.55212

摘 要

画素风格的游戏往往游戏界面很简单,但是却能够带来精美的场景以及多样的玩法,而这款具备同等风格的游戏守墓人(Graveyard Keeper)相信不会让在座的各位失望,玩家们将游戏内将会扮演一名管理坟墓的守墓人,需要想尽一切办法来整个陵园变得更加气派,争取将死者的使用价值提升到最大,过程中还需要注重资源的收集,总之趣味性的玩法肯定会让玩家们爱不释手!

守墓人Graveyard Keeper Mac版 模拟经营类游戏
所属分类:大小100M-500M  策略游戏 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:509.35MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年11月07日
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守墓人Graveyard Keeper Mac破解版知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款经典的像素风模拟经营类游戏,拥有有趣的世界设定,丰富的经营方式,独特的尸体系统,让大家体验新的世界。游戏名字虽然叫做守墓人,但其实游戏除了守墓之外还有非常非常多的系统,内容特别丰富。作为一个穿越者,主角会的东西真的很多,种地,做菜,挖矿,炼金,养蜜蜂,钓鱼,写书可以说是无所不能了。

Graveyard Keeper for Mac游戏下载剧情

知您网软件提供的守墓人Graveyard Keeper Mac破解版是有史以来最不正经的中世纪墓地经营模拟游戏。建造和经营自己的墓地,并扩张到其他风险项目,同时寻找削减成本的捷径。使用你可以找到的所有资源。毕竟,这个的游戏的主题是资本精神,还有竭尽全力地经营蒸蒸日上的业务。这也是个爱情故事。

Graveyard Keeper for Mac游戏下载特色

  • 在道德窘境中艰难抉择。当你周围到处都散放着丰富的资源时,你确定要为了女巫火刑嘉年华把钱花在用来应景的汉堡夹肉上?
  • 收集宝贵的材料,并制作新物品。扩张你的墓地,打造蒸蒸日上的业务。随便拿 — 收集散落在周围的宝贵资源,探索这片土地的财富。
  • 任务和尸体。这些尸体不需要保留所有器官,对吧?何不磨碎这些器官,然后卖给当地屠夫?也可以继续执行合适的任务,由你来扮演角色。
  • 探索神秘的地牢。无地牢,就不算完整的中世纪游戏!踏上未知领地的旅程,发现新的炼金原料 — 这些原料可能会或不会使附近的所有村民中毒。



Graveyard Keeper Crack is the most inaccurate medieval cemetery management sim of all time. Build and manage your own graveyard, and expand into other ventures, while finding shortcuts to cut costs. Use all the resources you can find. After all, this is a game about the spirit of capitalism, and doing whatever it takes to build a thriving business. And it’s also a love story.

  • Face ethical dilemmas. Do you really want to spend money on that proper burger meat for the witch-burning festival, when you have so many resources lying around?
  • Gather valuable materials and craft new items. Expand your Graveyard into a thriving business. Help yourself — gather the valuable resources scattered across the surrounding areas, and explore what this land has to offer.
  • Quests and corpses. These dead bodies don’t need all those organs, do they? Why not grind them up and sell them to the local butcher? Or you can go on proper quests, you roleplayer.
  • Explore mysterious dungeons. No medieval game would be complete without those! Take a trip into the unknown, and find discover new alchemy ingredients — which may or may not poison a whole bunch of nearby villagers.


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: