Canvas Draw Mac – 优秀的设计绘图工具 v3.0.5(Build 274)

摘 要

Canvas Draw是一款Mac平台的设计绘图工具,软件提供了大量模板和素材,简单易用,是ACDSee公司出口的一款矢量绘图工具。

Canvas Draw Mac – 优秀的设计绘图工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v3.0.5(Build 274)</span>
所属分类:应用工具 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.10及以上 大小:190.07MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2017年11月05日

Canvas Draw是mac Os平台上一款优秀的设计绘图工具软件提供了大量模板和素材,简单易用,是ACDSee公司出口的一款矢量绘图工具。
Canvas Draw Mac – 优秀的设计绘图工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v3.0.5(Build 274)</span>的预览图

Canvas Draw is a powerful software specifically designed to make it possible for small business owners, designers, illustrators, and professionals to advertise and communicate with confidence.

Canvas Draw comes loaded with tools and techniques that allow you to easily create marketing or business materials, as well as creative content, printable drawings, and shareable pdfs. Put Canvas Draw to work designing brochures, collages, business cards, school projects, cover pages, handouts, printable advertisments, reports, graphs, metrics, web content, mock-ups, layouts, logos, scale drawings, floor plants, architectural designs, and other drawings best served with measured precision, placement, and the ability to combine text, images, and objects.
Canvas Draw Mac – 优秀的设计绘图工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v3.0.5(Build 274)</span>的预览图
// Features
- Off to the Races
From the moment you open Canvas Draw, the new dialog provides instant, one-click access to working document templates, sample document to play with, as well as blank illustration and publication documents with fully customizable options.
Canvas Draw Mac – 优秀的设计绘图工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v3.0.5(Build 274)</span>的预览图
- Perceptibility in a Palette
The Document Layout palette hierarchically lists and provides easy navigation to” all the various objects, layers, and pages that are within each project. By using th list, you can easily slect any text, illustration, or image objects. The ability to add new pages and layers to your project and other content management options can easily be accessed at any time.

- A Helping Hand
Never lose your way with context-sensitive help built right into the application. When you select a tool or function, the help immediately responds to you. The Canvas Assistant will guide you through a project as you work, offering information when a tool or feature is being used, as well as describing the current working environment.
Canvas Draw Mac – 优秀的设计绘图工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v3.0.5(Build 274)</span>的预览图
Version 3.0.5:
. Fixed bug with some CVD files with images failing to reopen.
. Fixed bugs with horizontal or vertical scales not correctly applying to vertical text objects.
. Fixed unwanted zooming factor change when showing the Properties bar after re-launching.


3.0.4(Build 268)版:
1、城通网盘 | 2、百度网盘 | 3、微云下载
1、微云下载 | 2、百度云下载
1、微云下载 | 2、百度云下载

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