Wondershare PDFelement mac v5.5.0

2016年7月2日21:04:28 发表评论 3,427

pdfelement for mac能为你提供强大的编辑功能,PDFelement for mac支持OCR光学识别引擎,有效的提升文字的识别效率,另外PDFelement支持pdf转换等功能,在保证原有完整文档的基础上,提供了多样的风格和样式。
Wondershare PDFelement mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v5.5.0</span>的预览图
Wondershare PDFelement mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v5.5.0</span>的预览图
支持强大的OCR光学识别引擎,可以极大的提升 文字的识别率,完整的保持文字的样式!另外还支持PDF文档转换功能,可以轻松的将PDF文档转换为Word、Excel、powerpoint、Image图像、EPUB电子书、Html网页、TXT文本或者RTF等格式!而且因为OCR技术的支持,可以让转换后的文档完整的保持原有的风格和样式。
Wondershare PDFelement mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v5.5.0</span>的预览图
Wondershare PDFelement can help you convert any PDF (even one created from a scan) to any format, as well as allow you to edit, annotate, or sign it. It is an excellent partner for business or study, or for editing forms for a trip. It’s an excellent alternative to Adobe Acrobat.
Wondershare PDFelement mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v5.5.0</span>的预览图
Version 5.5.0:
Auto-adapt inserted forms with the zoomed PDF; 2. Improved PDF printing quality;
Fixed the issue of can't edit comment properties on unlocked PDF;
Fixed the issue of can't delete pages from unlocked PDF;
Fixed the issue of can't open PDF hyperlinks;
Fixed the issue of stamps missing under the Retina screen;
Fixed the issue of prints come out as blank;
Fixed the issue of PDF forms missing in Adobe;
Fixed the reversed words in comments;
Fixed the orientation issue with comment texts;
Fixed the incorrect page order after inserting or replacing pages;
Fixed the issue of can’t save custom toolbar;
Fixed the issue of read-only PDF forms can't be highlighted in Adobe;
Fixed the issue of failed setting for tab order;
Fixed the calculation issue of PDF forms' default value;
Fixed the issue of failed Webarchive to PDF conversion


系统:mac 10.7及以上
测试电脑:MacBook Pro(Osx 10.11.5)



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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: