ProPresenter Mac破解版 现场分屏演示工具 v7.16.1(118489346)

摘 要

对于需要用到分屏演示工具的用户来说,这款ProPresenter 7破解版真的可以帮助你很多,它具有高质量视频输出,可以动态地在软件内动态设置和输出点,实现颜色,亮度和音量,以及裁剪/缩放视频,功能非常强大!

ProPresenter Mac破解版 现场分屏演示工具
所属分类:办公软件  大小50M-100M 适配:macOS 12.0或更高 大小:197.95MB | 语言:中文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年03月04日
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mac应用程序中若不能打开“ProPresenter Mac破解版” ,并提示【“XXX”已损坏,无法打开。您应该将它移到废纸篓。】 ,那就请按下面的操作设置:

sudo xattr -r -d /Applications/



ProPresenter Mac破解版知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款非常专业的现场分屏演示工具,适用于教堂、会议和演讲等多种场合。它可以帮助用户制作高品质的演示文稿,包括文字、图片、音频视频等多种媒体元素,让演示内容更加丰富、生动。
该软件还提供了丰富的特效和过渡效果,可以让演示文稿更加吸引人。例如,用户可以在演示文稿中加入淡入淡出、溶解、擦除等过渡效果,让内容切换更加流畅、自然。此外,ProPresenter Mac破解版还支持多屏幕输出,可以在多个显示器上同时播放不同的内容,适合大型活动和演出使用。
总得来说,知您网软件的ProPresenter for Mac破解软件是一款非常实用的演示工具,可以让用户制作出生动、高品质的演示文稿,并在各种场合中表现出色。如果您需要一款专业的演示工具,不妨考虑一下这款软件。

ProPresenter Mac破解版功能介绍

知您网官网分享的ProPresenter for  Mac破解软件专门用于制作高质量的现场作品 - 包括崇拜聚会,体育赛事,会议或演播室广播。 通过使用ProPresenter破解版操作员可在一个屏幕上控制演示文稿,同时动态地向观众展示一个或多个附加输出。这意味着没有单独的“编辑模式”或“演示模式”,输出始终处于活动状态,并且可以在观看另一个演示文稿时编辑一个演示文稿。知您网分享的ProPresenter破解版最初设计用于礼拜场所,现在是世界各地的贸易展览,企业活动,体育场馆和部门媒体展示的选择。

在第7版中,ProPresenter Mac破解版获得了更多不同制作工具,专注于无与伦比的视频演示质量,更紧密的社交媒体集成以及增强的编辑工具

ProPresenter Mac破解版功能特色

字幕滚动:这个功能无论是演出还是工程固定安装都是最实用的功能,字幕实时循环滚动,并且ProPresenter Mac破解版还可以直接选择一个文档并播放里面的文本字幕。
单对象过渡:在ProPresenter 5之前的版本里,添加多个图标或字幕都是同时弹出的,现在ProPresenter6支持多对象过渡可以设置每个对象的过渡时间,让你做出很眩的如电视广告般的动画功能。


ProPresenter Crack is a presentation system that utilizes two screens, allowing users to quickly and easily present slides on one screen while controlling the presentation with another screen.
Our program allows an operator to click on a slide in our “Control Panel”, at which point the projector screen immediately transitions to the new slide.
What’s more, the program supports QuickTime, and can synch slides with an audio track for canned music presentations. ProPresenter also allows you to change your backgrounds dynamically and, of course, you can integrate ProPresenter with your video production system to key the words over live or recorded video.
Version 7.1:

  • Fixes an issue that would cause slides and media to not trigger.
  • Fixes an issue where importing media does not successfully complete.
  • Stability improvements.


  • Fixes the audio crackling issue experienced with some audio outputs while ProPresenter was open on macOS 14 Sonoma.
  • Fixes an issue where data would be deleted when syncing with the Replace Files option enabled without first giving users a warning.
  • Fixes an issue in which printing a Playlist to a pdf would display the slides in the incorrect order.
  • Fixes an issue where the name for a presentation could appear incorrectly when printing a presentation.
  • Fixes an issue where linked text for a Playlist Current and Next Item would not appear if slides in the presentations were triggered via a Go-to-Next Timer.
  • Fixes an issue where a Stop Capture Calendar Event Action would not function as expected until after the application had been restarted.
  • Fixes an issue where the Save Local Copy option being enabled would not be retained for a RTMP Capture Preset.
  • Fixes an issue where object shadows were not rendering when using the Lines Only text option.
  • Fixes an issue where new presentations created from the Library Outline View were not added to the playlist selected in the New Presentation dialog.
  • Fixes an issue where scripture was added to a playlist above the previous selection instead of below.
  • Fixes an issue where changes made to the Live Look in the Audience Look window would not instantly render to the output.
  • Fixes an issue where some text on screens with an alt-theme applied would render incorrectly when the screens were different resolutions.
  • Fixes an issue where exporting a playlist that contains missing media in a presentation would produce an error.
  • Fixes an issue where hot keys were not working in Planning Center Playlists.
  • Fixes an issue where slides by group would not show correctly for Planning Center Playlists.
  • Fixes an issue where labels created in the Slide Navigator of the Editor would not save.
  • Fixes an issue where the Show button in the Editor would not render the Presentation Background Color to the output.
  • Fixes an issue where triggering slides via a slideshow or Go-To-Next Timer would not render the Presentation Background Color to the output.
  • Fixes an issue where Undo would not undo the formatting from pasted text.
  • Fixes an issue where audio channels for a video on a timeline were not being muted.
  • Fixes an issue where multiple lines of text were able to be pasted into a Slide Label field.
  • Fixes an issue where an action on a Calendar event was removed when updating the time of the event.
  • Fixes an issue where newly created slides do not remain visible in the Slide Navigator of the Editor using Option + Return to create new slides.
  • Fixes an issue where the Inspector for an object in the Editor disappears after creating a new slide using Option+Enter.
  • Fixes an issue where only the first line of text in a text object would be visible in Overlay Mode in the Editor.
  • Fixes an issue where media was not copied with a theme slide when copying and pasting a theme slide from one theme to another.
  • Fixes an issue where replaced media actions and replaced media on props were not retained after relaunching the application.
  • Fixes an issue where the build transition preview would not play after deselecting the slide object.
  • Fixes an issue where the Alpha Type option for a screen would not appear in Screen Configuration after relaunching the application.
  • Fixes an issue where the AM/PM format of a timer action was not retained after copy/pasting the slide or macro.
  • Fixes an issue where timers were not being updated from ProRemote or an API request.
  • Fixes an issue where the API request for GET v1/presentation/active would show that all slides were enabled in the response, even if there were disabled slides.
  • Fixes an issue where the API request for Find My Mouse would sometimes move the mouse to the top left corner of the screen instead of the center of the screen.
  • Fixes a crash caused by switching between Alpha Types in Screen Configuration.
  • Fixes a crash caused by spell checking Thai language fonts.
  • Also fixes various other crashes and includes many stability improvements.


  • ProPresenter 7.15 requires macOS 12 Monterey or newer.


ProPresenter Mac破解软件历史版本

版本 系统 下载 密码
7.15(118423570) macOS 12.0或更高 立即下载 ssay
7.14.1(118358275) macOS 12.0或更高 立即下载 ssay
7.14(118358032) macOS 11.0或更高 立即下载 ssay
7.13.2(118292999) macOS 10.15或更高 立即下载 ssay
7.13.1(118292750) macOS 10.15或更高 立即下载 ssay
7.4.2(117703186) 完美修复 立即下载 ssay
7.4.2(117703186) 立即下载 ssay
7.4.1(117702927) 立即下载 ssay
7.4(117702670) 立即下载 ssay
6.5.3(100991749) 立即下载 ssay
6.5(100990994) 立即下载 ssay


文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 12.0或更高 大小:197.95MB | 语言:中文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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