The Clock Mac 世界时钟工具 v4.6.4

摘 要

知您网分享的The Clock for Mac软件破解版是运行在Mac平台上一款出色的世界时钟工具,为您因工作而出差提供准确的时间,让您清楚的安排洽谈时间,并为您了解他们的业务或可用时间。

The Clock Mac 世界时钟工具
所属分类:其它工具  小于50M 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.12或更高版本 大小:23.03MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2022年03月28日


The Clock mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款经过精心设计的软件,提供您所期望的先进和美丽的世界时钟应用程序。您甚至可以添加 复杂功能,如时区偏移,日出和日落,昨天/今天等等...您可以调整颜色主题。
The Clock for Mac软件下载功能特色
•时区偏移(PDT,CDT,UTC ......)。
•PDT,CDT,MDT,GMT ......以及在夏令时期间更自动适应。
•为周编号选择参考日历。(区域设置,或ISO 8601)。


The Clock is a premium world clock with the following features:

  • Keep track, easily and efficiently of your contacts in different time zones.
  • Have a quick view on a Calendar, which can be integrated with the system
  • Easily setup meetings with the Meeting Planner.
  • Have a highlight on the Business Hours and Holidays of your subcontractors, customers, …
  • Highly customizable.
  • Be reminded when to Take a Break and relax.
  • Full Trackpad integration, swipe to travel trough time. The World Clocks
  • AM/PM or 24Hours.
  • Analog or Digital Clock view.
  • Choose among a wide range of complications
  • Business Hours.
  • Time offset.
  • Sunrise/Sunset.
  • Country.
  • Time Zone offset (PDT, CDT, UTC…).
  • Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.
  • Drag-and-drop the world clocks to order them.
  • Beautiful clock face displaying day and night.
  • Personalize the world clock time format per cities.
  • Change the city name.
  • PDT, CDT, MDT, GMT… and more automatically adapting during daylight saving period. Meeting Planner
  • Meeting Planner Slider to travel through time.
  • Business Hours led to check if your contact is in the working hours time frame.
  • Select a date in the calendar for an accurate Daylight Saving adjustment.
  • With the integration into The Clock have a quick look on your schedule
  • With the Calendar Complication, automatically know if you are busy while planning a meeting.
  • Export easily your schedule information by a simple copy/paste.
  • Slider automatically round the time to 15/30 min. Calendar
  • Navigate the months with buttons, keyboard shortcuts, trackpad.
  • Show/Hide the Calendar.
  • Show/Hide the weeks number.
  • Select your referenced calendar for the week number. (System, or ISO 8601).
  • Select a day in Meeting Planner for an accurate Daylight Saving adjustment.
  • Highlight days off per city.
  • Follow the system setting for Calendar first day of the week…
  • Choose to integrate or not with the system calendar,
  • Have a quick view on your calendar events.
  • Calendar complication to immediately see what is coming next on your schedule. Other
  • Choose between 2 beautiful themes (Light/Dark) with transparency or not.
  • Have the theme follow automatically the color of your menu bar.
  • Rearrange The Clock menu bar items by (shift) drag and drop.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts for most common actions.
  • Display the moon phase, and get all the moon phase informations.
  • Backup/Restore your settings easily (Local, Dropbox).
  • Keep or not The Clock window floating above your desktop.
  • Choose to access The Clock from the menu bar or from the Dock.
  • Enjoy the Take a Break feature, and relax.
  • Amazing Take a Break screen saver, displaying quotes among ~100 quotes in 8 genres.
  • Or the Take a Break screen saver, with your own text.
  • And more …
  • And with a real user manual to go deeper in the discovery of all the features.


Version 4.6.4:

  • Ready for macOS 12 Monterey.
  • [New] macOS 12 Monterey Shortcuts.
  • [New Calendar] Video Meeting Events are now highlighted in Calendar events.
  • [New Calendar] Simply join video call and open an event link by clicking on the video service or link icons.
  • [New Calendar] Events Notes, Location, URL are now displayed in tooltip for more detailed information.
  • [New Calendar] Click on an event will be now opened automatically in Fantastical if you are using it instead of the macOS Calendar.
  • [Improvement] Extra Widgets themes.
  • [Other] Bugs fixed and Improvements.


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"The Clock" Mac历史版本


文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.12或更高版本 大小:23.03MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1芯片、Monterey运行
  • 知您微信公众号
  • 扫一扫,即刻“关注”
  • weinxin
  • 天天领红包
  • 小编得恩惠,麻烦友友了
  • weinxin


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: