Scrivener Mac版 专业写作软件 v3.3.5(16254)

摘 要

您是一个喜爱写作的人吗?知您网小编推荐您下载Scrivener for Mac破解版写作软件!Scrivener中文破解版是一款功能强大的写作软件,全心全意只为写作者能够以最方便最实用的方法写作,它能更好的帮助用户处理大量的文字,内置多种写作结构,能够满足写作者的写作需求。

Scrivener Mac版 专业写作软件
所属分类:办公软件  大小50M-100M 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:66.09MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年10月14日
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Scrivener mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款专业写作软件。知您网官网分享的Scrivener破解版Mac软件为用户提供标注、概述、收藏保存、全屏幕编辑、快照等各种写作辅助功能。支持用户使用关键词跟踪主题,动态联合多种场景到单个文本,从而辅助作者完成从作品构思、搜集资料、组织结构、增删修改到排版输出的整个写作流程!

Scrivener Mac软件下载功能介绍

知您网软件提供的scrivener for Mac破解版是目前苹果os x平台上最优秀的写作软件,可以对文章进行大致的勾勒或者重组,并且支持用户使用关键词跟踪主题,动态联合多种场景到单个文本,从而辅助作者完成从作品构思、搜集资料、组织结构、增删修改到排版输出的整个写作流程,能够适用于博主、作家、专栏作者使用。

知您网官网分享的scrivener Mac破解版不仅仅是一个写作编辑的软件,也是一个基于写作的项目管理软件,通过知您网分享的Scrivener破解版来组织素材、文档,完成写作的整个过程,创建的每个项目(Project)既包含写作的文稿,相关的资料、Web链接、图片,还包含输出方案中的不同参数,以及为了完成这个写作任务所需要的任务管理。

Scrivener Mac软件下载功能特色

已经有其他应用程序的写作或研究?您可以将各种文件导入到Scrivener for mac破解项目中,包括Word和Open office文档,纯文本文件,Final Draft脚本,图像,PDF文档,电影,声音文件和网页。
无论您正在制作下一部大片,为舞台写作还是写漫画,Scrivener中文版熟悉的脚本编写功能都可以处理格式化,让您可以自由地专注于动作。完成后,您可以直接从Scrivener for Mac破解进行打印,也可以导出到Final Draft等行业标准软件。
知您网软件提供的Scrivener for mac破解版会在您工作时自动保存,这意味着您无需担心上次点击“保存”时的情况。另外,Scrivener中文版可以在打开或关闭时自动备份项目,以确保始终保留最近的备份安全存储。


Scrivener Crack is a word processor and project management tool designed for people who have to work with large amounts of text.
Scrivener combines the power of a text editor with organizer features and project management tools. All your notes in the form of separate text, photos and ideas will be conveniently organized and always at hand. With this application, you can put together your text, images, links, PDF documents and even audio.
The application is designed to give maximum opportunities and can be useful for various groups of people - writers, screenwriters, scientists, technical writers, journalists and just students and schoolchildren.
Scrivener is of interest mainly as a data organizer. You can have as many projects as you like (for example, a project is a book). Within each project, folders are created by which data is grouped. For example, a folder can be a part of a book that already includes individual chapters.
Any work on a book requires research, study of additional material. When you create a new project in Scrivener, you automatically get a Research folder where you can store additional data. It can be not only text notes, but also PDF, audio materials, images.
Scrivener has automatic text saving so that data will not be lost in the event of a power outage. But what is even more important is the presence of a snapshot system. With their help, you can have several versions of a document and, if necessary, “roll back” to an older version. Snapshots can be taken for the entire note or for individual fragments.
Version 3.3.5:
Scrivener 3.3.5 fixes a bug, caused by one of the changes in 3.3.4, whereby lines of text would be cut off when printing or exporting to PDF with end-of-page footnotes or widow and orphan control enabled. It also fixes some minor drawing issues caused by changes in Sonoma.
3.3.4 changes:
• Fixed a bug on Intel machines whereby the effects of the centre and right options in scriptwriting settings were swapped.
• Fixed a crash in page view mode when zoomed on macOS 14.
• Fixed a crash on macOS 14 triggered while typing with auto-completions turned on (especially prevalent in scriptwriting mode). This was caused by a conflict between auto-completions and Sonoma’s new inline predictions. Scrivener’s auto-completion Settings have been updated to accommodate this.
• Fixed a bug that would cause page view to take a long time to lay out, and which could also cause a crash during layout.
• Fixed a crash that could be triggered after closing a project if composition mode had been used.
• Fixed an issue where labels without titles would draw incorrectly in footer bars.
• Adjusted the way line positions are calculated in synopsis areas, which for some users was causing a crash upon entering composition mode.
• Changed the way projects monitor Settings changes to try to work around a rare crash.
• Modernised the way UI translations are stored and handled, which will make improving translations easier in the future.

Scrivener Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 下载 密码
3.3.4(16228) 立即下载 ssay
3.3.3(15931) 立即下载 ssay
3.3.2(15831) 立即下载 ssay
3.3.1(15588) 立即下载 ssay
3.2.2(14632) 立即下载 ssay
3.2.1(14481) 立即下载 ssay
3.2(14272) 立即下载 ssay
3.1.5(12258) 立即下载 ssay


文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:66.09MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: